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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Enough. Nobody cares what Clay is doing, everyone is just picking on him at this point. WiP feedback or shut up. (also neblix, the guy is trying to make it sound as close to the originals as possible, intentionally using good samples to get an aged, rigid sound. it threw me off. it's already been covered in the thread.)
  2. Not a bot, but apparently a spammer: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=38025
  3. You now have access to our private boards. Things are moving slow there, but things _are_ moving. Welcome in.
  4. Posting your stuff here isn't submitting, but that doesn't mean you can't post it here to get some feedback on it from the ppl who visit this subforum.
  5. We have a forum, see first post. Do you have access to our secret part, do you have an account on kngi? Or you can just hit me up on aim. That works too.
  6. Yeah, chill dude. We have no idea who you are and what you can do, so coming here with a sense of self-importance expecting us to see how awesome your work is (in this case how exactly like the originals it sounds) is a bit silly and it's gonna get in the way of you enjoying the community. Even if you're a professional with x years of experience plus music-specific education and training, an established artist and composer in every conceivable field and a friggin' child prodigy, to us you're just another new name. In this case a new name with an attitude problem. Case in point: That's your ego speaking. Get in under control or you're not gonna make many friends here. If you have a problem with remixes and ppl who listen to remixes and are gonna be an asshole to them, maybe a site with the word remix in the name isn't the right place for you.
  7. These forums are for any vgm remixes/remakes, not just for ppl trying to get their stuff posted on ocr. OP stated clearly they were covers, it's even in the thread title. Eyes open, and comment on the tracks.
  8. If you've got those tools, you're not using them right. This stuff sounds sampled, raw, and not dynamic and organic in any way. If that's your goal, congratulations.
  9. Here. It's a work-in-progress, so it might not cover all tracks. Or maybe it does, dunno how far they've come. Not everything fits into genres, and if you're into one kind of music having genre tags and stuff helps you not listen to the many great things in other genres. Try everything.
  10. A limiter is a kind of compressor. The compressor is a more general tool that can be used for a variety of different effects, while limiters are built specifically to prevent clipping. Using both might not be smart. At least if the limiter isn't last. Technically, the limiter has iirc an infinite compression ratio, that's the main difference. Basically, this means that the compressor can change the dynamics of a track by x dB, while the limiter has no such limit and just prevents the track from getting louder than x (which should be set to just under 0dB). So it's generally a good idea to use a limiter at the end of your master effects chain, but whatever compressor, EQ, exciters and stuff you use before that is up to your own preference and whatever wisdoms you can find from other ppl.
  11. An official congrats thread? I saw the first vid on the Escapist and was like yay and then came the other and I was alike yay but then it got a bit stale and then wham it got interesting and I think it's great that you're on the Escapist and now there's two shows there that I like and follow and I think you're doing a great job with these vids you and your collaborators and I just wanna say keep it up and I'll be watching you and stuff like that so that's about it for my congratulatory post in the congratulatory thread for a vid series I liked before you became a big movie star. ...ish.
  12. I'd say the snare can have more lows, the lead can be less loud, and most of the thin-ness is in the higher ranges, not the lows. Bass drum sounds like it's lacking punch and oomph. Time to layer more bass drums on it/replace it/do serious eq edits and stuff. Dunno how this sits with ocr. Arrangement doesn't feel very creative to me, it's conservative+original, not much interpretation. On the flip side, it's hard to miss the source. Anyway, it's a competent transplant atop a track of a different genre but it seems like the source could be more integrated into the body of the track. If the source doesn't give you enough material to work with, consider drawing from another OoT source like I did with my mix. I added Lost Woods because it fit well into what I already had and I needed something for variation. It's not just source A lead ->source B lead all atop original material, it's got layers of source in there, and allusions to different parts in the more liberal sections. But whatever, this is a good start. Keep it up.
  13. LinPlug's FreeAlpha and TAL's Elek7ro are two cross-platform synths that are good to start with because they have an interface that's easy to learn, and they're capable of some good sounds.
  14. After Skeexy's and Josh's suggestions I've contacted some ppl on youtube for the video. As for the editing, I've got what I need myself. I know how I want it. Thanks for offering tho.
  15. I saw it, haven't gotten around to listening to it. My sister has invaded my "studio" for one of her projects, so I haven't had the opportunity to listen close enough yet. Sorry, will listen when I can.

  16. Tracklist is still out of date. Bahamuuuuut...!! Anyway, we need some in-game footage for the video trailers. Anybody anywhere anything?
  17. Anybody know/have/can video sd3 footage yes? For video teaser trailer to do is needed.
  18. Really cool. If you're interested, come do something like this for the sd3 project. Hit me up on aim or something for more info. Seems to me like it's a bit buried in reverb and long releases, could be mixed more clearly. Up to you if you want to bring out the music more with eq or by cutting atmosphere... or both. That's my only crit. This is awesome.
  19. Lead guitar sound is whiny. Rhythm guitar needs its lows cut a bit, they're interfering with the output compression and overall needs longer release/no gate/more reverb. The guitars are interesting, sometimes sounding poorly sequenced, sometimes sounding sloppily played. The silence in the guitar tracks isn't helping. Some reverb on everything (very subtle) could glue things together a bit. Kick is weak. Drums overall are well sequenced imo, but not all their sounds are up to par. The first snare/tom sound you're using in the intro sounds terrible. Piano doesn't fit with the rest of the track. Needs to be mixed differently, possibly introduced earlier. Needs to fit in better. Arrangement is ok, source is there and interpreted quite well. It does sound a bit empty at times. The parts with no source feel a bit superfluous, you could use the piano to bring in some source into those parts. Overall, it has potential. Nice work.
  20. You might find some game-specific soundfonts, but other than that you should look into FM synthesis. Don't worry about how it works, just get a synth and start learning it (look up how it works later and you'll learn to use it more effectively). Accordion maybe, but a pipe-like body...?
  21. Production sounds a bit distorted and squashed, but no doubt epic, actiony... orchestral... piece... thing.
  22. I don't think you have good enough quality sounds to work with atm. I had a quick listen to each of them, I would suggest you work on your production. Whatever tools you're using, know them inside-out, and if you find that there's something you want to do that they can't do, see what free resources there are out there that can do it. Learn to listen, compare your stuff to what others do with similar tools and resources, learn from the differences. Listen to "real" music, out there, be it orchestral, folk, jazz, rock, electronic, opera... whatever. Always strive to improve. As you have in order to get where you are now. Just keep going.
  23. With a few exceptions, your sounds, especially what I perceive to be the lead, are smooth. That means they don't necessarily have the highs to shine. A reverb can bring some highs into it, and you can either use on of Logic's reverbs with build-in filters to only get the highs from it (to avoid muddying up the mids and lows) or you can add an EQ after it. The track could use some more highs overall. While the rule in general is "cut, don't boost", you could safely use the high shelf to give some air to it. A +2dB boost somewhere in the highs (move it sideways to find the spot) can bring out some more shine. While mixing with a big and/or deep bass sounds cool, it doesn't go well with getting the tracks loud enough without knowing what you're doing. I'm not at the point where I could mix this much louder without cutting some of the lows from the bass. I suggest trying a low shelf of -2 dB from 150Hz, but that's just a guess. Cut some bass and you should have more headroom to work with. When does the limiter respond? If it's only on drums and percussive sounds you can safely let it push down. Listen closely - when you notice it, it's too much, before then it's fine. Cut back half a dB from "fine" to be safe. 0.2ms lookahead and 2ms release should make it even less noticeable. (also, the limiter better be last the the output's effects chain) That's what comes to mind. Cool track.
  24. Remixer... check email... check userid... check game... check song... check Oh and a name. Your remix must have a name. And for future subs, find yourself a host you're comfortable with and where the files don't expire. The panel prefers links over attachments.
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