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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. 60 tracks makes a long list. There's a list on the project forums that Mokram is alluding to. If you're on the project, you should be on the forums. Just saying. Might post something in this thread tho. Eventually. btw, I got a wip today. Progress.
  2. The N64 Zelda games. Ugly. Most N64 games actually. The Marathon games are another example. Still enjoyable via Aleph One, but it took me a while to get used to low-res sprite enemies, ugly textures, really hard corners on the map, and terribly bright colors for lava and plasma and stuff.
  3. Custom avatars are available to select ppl. bLINd recently got one. I think it's posted remixers/staff only, Larry can give you a definitive answer when he comes by this thread. In 2013. I haven't seen an animated avatar on here. Sig pics, yes, avatars, no. Probably no. Again, Larry for a definitive answer. -- Gollgagh, they could probably use a touch of sharpen, 2 and 3 look ok; 4, 5, 7 might be sharp enough too, the rest are a bit too blurry for what I imagine Larry accepting. Numbers 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 16 could be a bit brighter.
  4. it should be noted that medleys have some difficulty getting accepted on ocr due to the standards.
  5. Uh, this is Gario's track we're talking about. See the private forums.
  6. The 2:10 part is epic. It's easy to use up the cool parts of source and run out of stuff to rise to 20 seconds into the mix instead of building to something massive. Someone's showing the newb mixers how to do it right. My favorite bLiNd track from the album, and among my favorites from the album overall. Hard, epic, and no detracting chun li shouts.
  7. Emphasis mine. Now that that's out of the way... This wasn't at a first listen something I thought I'd like. Too much random synths that didn't feel like they fit together. That kind of variety of sounds is just too much for me (I sometimes think I did the same with Lacrima, tho I blame OA for that ). Then again, the soft parts of the mix are pretty, and there's a lot of them in the mix. The resonant metallic instrument at the end has a really cool sound. Ending is the coolest part of the mix thanks to that.
  8. Did you mean to post here? If you don't have any vgm remixes to show, your post doesn't belong in this subforum. Be specific. What game have you remixed, which track is that? If possible, link directly to an mp3 download of that so we can use our own listening setup and not rely on a stream on the net (lower quality, no way of objectively comparing it to our reference works, view in our analyzers etc). edit: You're coming off as some random person who threw together some random works, boosted the bass, threw them up on myspace, then went to post them on random music forums (I checked, found two more in just a minute) in order to get views and fans. These songs are not vgm remixes. Mods, plz move this to originals. Or kill it.
  9. Got it added the other day. Larry either got tired of ppl complaining about there not being any avatars added, or just found the time. I was hoping for Noxus (same game), but apparently he has no idea what Noxus looks like and thus had no idea what the avatar looked like. I gotta fix that, somehow. I want Noxus, not Sylux. :D

  10. I'm interested. What sort of mood and pace are you looking for? I need to know so I can make an appropriate demo. I've mainly done electronic stuff but I've got the resources to do almost anything. Perhaps also the skills.
  11. You need a torrent client, a program that does the downloading. Then you need a torrent file, that tells the program what to download and where to look. Then you open the torrent file in the torrent client, choose what you want to download (if the client has that option) (you'll probably just want mp3s and artwork, not flac or other format stuff... unless you're really discerning about sound quality), and start the download. When the download is complete, you'll have the album somewhere on yoru hard drive, wherever you told the client to download to. Enjoy the music.
  12. Sigs are just like other post data, text and tags (like image tags). "User CP"->"Edit Signature", then click the image icon (looks like a yellow postcard with mountains) and enter the url to your image. You'll have to host it somewhere, tho.
  13. Depending on how you do it, either get the torrent from the album page or see what download options each album has on the album's own homepage. For example, DKC2:SMB has this page, with both torrent and mp3-only zip downloads as well as multiple mirrored downloads for each track. All albums here. All torrents here. Or is it just that you don't know torrents?
  14. Already been said, but cut unnecessary bass and limit peaks. I wouldn't worry about the peaks of individual tracks, just cut the output peaks and make sure to drop a low shelf or low cut on most tracks to get rid of unnecessary (or unnecessarily loud) lows.
  15. We've gotten a cool arrangement that needs better production. Someone with time, interest, good sounds and production skills plz contact me. edit: Also, the list of tracks is a bit out of date.
  16. Audio and midi are the only ones I can think of. Just about any sequencer should be able to import midi. You won't get the same sound, but you can take turns editing the arrangement. When it's time to mix, you can export the tracks you want to sound exactly like they do in sequencer x and import them into sequencer y. With trackers it might be easier, depends on what formats they use and how many program-specific functions are being used.
  17. Some drum levels in the fills seem out of balance, a weak splash cymbal feels like the worst offender. The placement of some fills seems a bit off, fills work best when they lead into something, not when they're in the middle of something. Crazy awesome drum stuff in here. The weird percussion thing at the end is not as awesome. In sampling the pads you've also gotten at least two more instruments. You definitely have what it takes to craft your own appropriate pad for the track, I suggest you do that if you're aiming on getting this posted on ocremix. You'll have control control over the parts that way too, can use the backing melody where you want, can change the chords, can avoid or utilize the thing that pitch slide thing. The original material felt like the remix suddenly had transitioned to Angel's Fear from the Mana series. Not what happened, but it does feel out of place. Some adaptation of the source, or a different source from the DKC series would probably feel more appropriate. The following original melody thing feels more tied to source, but there the sampled backing melody clashes with some of your added material. You have an exciting progression with lots of dynamics and crazy awesome drums. Cool stuff.
  18. Weird intro, but kind'a cool once you know it's there. Apparently, source has something similar. Track sounds compressed when the snare hits, probably what's making it sounds tiring to Gario. That snare also sounds like it's on a quick autopan or something, snare seems to start on the right and move left, which I find annoying. The second snare is also a bit loud, and tehre's a loud hihat sound just before every other note that's too loud. Overall really dry and empty sound. Two thirds through the repetition is getting to me. Can't say if it's too conservative, but it _is_ conservative. NO, RESUB is my guess. My main concern would be the dryness and compression, but arrangement might also be a problem. Might be. It's a great first remix, but I wouldn't expect it to get posted. I wouldn't YES it in this condition. It's definitely worth fixing up and submitting tho, nice work.
  19. It just hit me, you could also ask this on demoscene forums. They probably know what the hardware can do, and what can be done with it. At least on the computer side of things. Dunno about consoles and the scene.
  20. *Tanaka The evolution of the arrangements would be interesting. What were the first melodies, how long were they? Then what? WHen did we get multiple songs in a game? What was the first boss music? What was the first multiple-song boss fight? What was the first character theme (as opposed to just this boss' battle music)? What was the first game to use recurring themes/leitmotifs (same melody in multiple songs, and where the melody has plot-significance)? Stuff like that.
  21. You can't really call video game music a genre. Rock is a genre. Jazz is a genre. Bluegrass is a genre. Video game music isn't a genre. Movie music isn't a genre either, a soundtrack can contain any genre. Just pointing that out. But to answer your question, each console is basically an "era" of its own, whether it used simple waveforms, samples, fm synthesis, or audio tracks. Or something else. You should look into the consoles and look up music from them. You should find some similarities between consoles of the same era. Where an era begins and ends is a bit tricky to answer, so draw your own conclusions from the music.
  22. You meant to post here. Mods will move it.
  23. Clashing bass bells, and your lows and pretty out of control anyway. Some cuts to the lows would clean things up a bit. EQ. Personally, I do not like voice clips in music, they distract. imo. They don't really improve the mix. You do, however, need something to make it more interesting. It gets into the slow groove and doesn't really do anything else. A second groove to make things more varied, a layer of percussion on top of the groove, some breaks, fills, stuff. A new version of a source melody, a session with new chords, a bassline, a filter sweep, something. Basically, it's nice but boring. Boring not in a "nice and soft but I prefer more intense things"-way, but in a "very little happens, not very interesting to listen to"-way. You've got a good base to build on, decent sound, functional groove, etc.. keep it up.
  24. You do know your nickname will be Basket, Basketcase, or something else along those lines.
  25. All that matters is that you can record the midi data with it, and that you're comfortable playing it. The rest is software, and can be added/changed later.
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