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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Gonna relisten, could have changed. I want ppl to finish their tracks and make them awesome!
  2. Where were you when the others were scratching their heads about source usage in my FreeSpace 2 sub? Also thanks. Everybody. :D And the judges. The decision is a great read, esp Jimmy's posts, incl. the reason for editing field. Didn't think of it as being made of glass while making it, but I do agree. That's a cool way of describing it, tho now I should make something intentionally glassy. There's a city of glass in Loom (possibly my favorite place in the game), which predates OoT using music as a gameplay mechanic. Hmmmmm.... (edit: if it's a valid source)
  3. Still bothers me that I didn't find ocr sooner. Thanks for a great site djp, keep it up.
  4. Well, as long as I get the track I'm fine either way. I want a sample of what you can do before you're officially on the project, Meyichi, even if you're picking up where HoboKa ran out of juice. Doesn't have to be long or awesome as long as it's not terrible.
  5. Funny how the harp is so much louder than any of the other instruments in your Anxious Heart. Have you heard the stuff by Vampire Hunter Dan, Jeremy Robson, Nutritious, and others with orchestral remixes here? Their work sounds different, why do you think that is? Last I checked, they don't use a real orchestra either.
  6. If not else, putting the remixes box top right instead of under the data box would get rid of some empty whiteness.
  7. We're zombie-ing on, as usual. December is a month where ppl get eaten up by all kinds of things irl, such as deadlines, school, and family. Guys, gals, I accept wips (and completed works, of course) as xmas presents. In return, you can get a spot on the project as my gift to you. Also, I'm considering setting deadlines for the project, as we barely make progress without them.
  8. PoP:SoT was an obstacle course. Fun to play, but usually only one solution to each problem. Portal was an obstacle course with a few different ways to solve a problem (or to avoid it alltogether). In that sense, Portal is better. Options are good.
  9. Sounds like comparing cubist painting to realism.
  10. The biggest problem I hear with this is the guitar, but the sounds overall aren't very organic. Some creative use of effects could mask the quality of the sounds. Run the guitar through a vibrato, then an amp sim, it should improve the sound a bit, it just sounds like a distorted synth atm. The other sounds could benefit from other effects, like delay, reverb, eq... Most of the drums are dry (a problem esp with the clap and crash) is dry. Bass and bass drum fight over the same frequency range. With the internet's wealth of free resources you've got no reason to complain about not having the necessary equipment. Synths and samples are everywhere, just google for it. Cool source. Did you notice the soon 20-yearold sources makes it sound more organic than your version? When you figure out why, you'll be able to use it in your works. Figure it out.
  11. No, but they're more likely to not result in any remixes. There's already a lot of projects going on, many usually interested in working on projects are already busy with the projects already in projects. And someone needs to coordinate the project. Remixes come from ppl liking the source material, so games remixers are familiar with (and have good, accessible music) are more likely to get projects than more obscure titles. After all, remixers remix what they want to. But do get ppl interested in the soundtrack of the game you're interested in hearing remixed. Nothing wrong with requesting albums, just don't have too high expectations.
  12. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31274 Time to do something to the registration page?
  13. Probably to have a fader _before_ the limiter and other effects.
  14. You may not enter the secret headquarters of the pokémon project remixers. The keyword here is "secret".
  15. It's so nobody gets the surprise ruined. Most projects want to be all new with previously unheard remixes, not stuff that ppl have already heard wips of. Besides, projects often have their own private wip board. He can get useful advice from other ppl on the project, and the release will be with remixes the listeners haven't heard before. The tracks remain an anticipated secret until the release, just as the project leader(s) want. They're the ones with the plan, they're the ones calling the shots. Oh and btw, "absolutely zero logical reason" in light of the above makes you look like an idiot. Don't exaggerate like that (there is a logical reason (above), negating your entire remark).
  16. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01900/ It's in the url. The 1900 there is its number.
  17. Been playing my music for friends in their cars, and noticed the frequency balance is terrible. I know I'm supposed to mix pretty flat and even and whatever, but the question is how flat and even that is. The solutions I have are to listen and mix on all kinds of speaker setups and headphones, and to compare professionally mixed stuff to my stuff. There's still something I'm missing, and I dunno what. Ideas or suggestions, anyone?
  18. iTunes has a "show duplicates" feature. Only works for identical files where certain tags or other data are the same (like length) iirc. Tho I think iTunes just refuses to add duplicates now. Not sure. Try with one file you know you have. I'm not gonna do it for you.
  19. Either you've got a lot of crucial details in the really really high range or it's a looooooooong remix that you need the encoding high for. Scraping off 1.5 megs with a lower encoding shouldn't hurt a typical long mix unless you go under 128kbps (in which case the mix proabbly is too long). Tho if it's as long as I suspect, it's probably either pretty repetitive or suffers "medley-itis" so there's a chance the question is moot if it can't get on ocr for those reasons. I suggest you show it to a judge on IM or irc to hear what they think you should do.
  20. There's an sd3 remix team? WHY AREN'T THEY ON THE SD3 PROJECT!? (shameless reminder, but I didn't start it)
  21. If you do a listening party on irc, please don't have it late in the evening as that translates into night/really early morning for Europe. Would be cool to listen to a selection from each year, both the tracks everyone has heard before and remembers, and great tracks that didn't get nearly the same popularity. What would be really cool, if somewhat complicated, would be to do a live podcast. People come/call in, share how they found ocremix and some remixes they like, stuff like that. Connection speed becomes a bit of a problem there, tho it's still a while away, there's time to prepare a big podcast with calls and everything (non-live but shared listening). For a big podcast, live or not, people could record messages to be played before each song (song selection would have to be cleared in advance) where they introduce themselves, tell how they found ocremix, what made them stay, and then play a song that relates to any of that, like "I found this remix on youtube/p2p/friend's computer/whatever back in '0X, and it blew my mind. I googled the remixer name and found this place, and I never left. That remix, was ____." Well, it'd be a lot of work from a lot of people to make it big and cool and interesting enough.
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