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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Also note than instruments and samples, even synths, can be out of tuna.
  2. Is this another one of _those_ threads? I can't afford to get excited. Need a better job first.
  3. No voting. And no hats. And what Darke said. However, this brings to mind the oft-occurring confusion of wips and releases on this board. A thread for releases would be a good idea imo. Would make it easier to find decent completed mixes that didn't make it past the panel or just weren't subbed.
  4. Sounds travels at... uh, the speed of sound. You could just delay the upper mic so they line up. Not realistic, but recording rarely is. This thread makes me a little jealous.
  5. New search bar looks great, but can it be done so there's two more options: all (default) and forums? The former just so you can just click and type what you're looking for. ...and/or... Have each of the sections show up in search. If you couldn't find a game by the name "Samus", you see artists, mixes, albums, and forum posts where the search word appears.
  6. The forums text right under the logo is actually a link, you can click that and get straight to the forums, then nav on from there.
  7. I don't use an additional notation program, then again I don't read/write notes. Not in the classical notation sense at least. The Logic/GB piano roll gives me control over so much more than their respective notation editors anyway. Not only exact length and subtle timing but also velocity. Been using my midi keyboard more and more these days. Can't really play, but I can enter melodies and them fix the timing. If you have the cables necessary to connect the keyboard to the computer you shouldn't need anything else. If you want to record audio (electric guitar as many here do, vocals, or a real piano), use hardware effects or amps, stuff like that you'll need some additional equipment but computer+keyboard should be all the hardware you need. If your DAW doesn't come with a sample library, you might need one of those (make sure you get the sampler for it, not just a library); tho if it does, you might not need to get an additional set of samples (at least not right away). Accepted and posted mixes have been done with just GarageBand, so you should do fine with either of the Logic editions, especially if you can actually play. Do note that there's not one magical tool that does everything. For example, slicing and other glitchy effects aren't that easy to do in Logic 8 (should be easy in 9 tho), whereas other DAWs have other limitations/features. Ther'es no magical tool that does everything that anyone on ocremix has ever done. It should be obvious, but I'm just making sure you're clear on that.
  8. I liked the sidebar. I want it back in some form. Looks weird to not have something on the left side of the window. Anyway, unrelated matter, where a picture says more than a thousand words, and I am too lazy to write those anyway: http://filesap.com/r/275m/045.png
  9. ...and get your ego broken, and get lots of practice, and get some quality constructive feedback... then maybe you'll be a cool remixer. In the mean time, be a cool forum member. Welcome.
  10. if you go for the mac side, don't get Logic Express - you get so much more for not much more when you get Studio. If you want good virtual instruments along with the DAW, get Logic. Aside from the instruments, you'd get loads of loops and a nice variety of effects. Also, GarageBand and Logic are kind'a compatible, you can open GB projects in Logic without losing anything. GB is limited, but if you're looking to just start with something where you can record and edit and hear how it sounds, GB should work just fine. When you're at the point where there's so many things you want to do an GB just doesn't let you do them, get Logic Studio. If you're comfortable with the GB workflow, Logic works about the same way. Maybe you should start there and figure out exactly what you want from the DAW, try demos and watch videos of the DAWs in action.
  11. You people are awesome... ...and I'm old. And yes, sd3 wips are welcome presents. I also accept reviews on my mixes, and hereby invite you to celebrate my ever diminishing time in this world by reviewing wips.
  12. If you have songwriting skill, you could write lyrics and melody for what you wanna do, then turn to someone else for the music. You could even do a rough arrangement yourself, then hand it over to your collab partner for him/her to refine and mix. Even without a set collab aprtner, you could post that in the feedback forum and request someone skilled come in and collab with you. You might get some constructive criticism on your voice too. In any case, even chords+metronome+voice can be enough to attract a remixer. btw, I assume you have access to whatever you need to record, because you kind'a need it.
  13. If the option isn't there, you need a different soundfont player to do it. Logic's EXS24 plays soundfonts, and it can be set to greater values, tho it's built-in, not VST. If a sampler you use has the option to set a greater pitch bend value than +/-2 seminotes, check if it can import soundfonts.
  14. You can scratch Fable off that list. Thanks for it tho, should make it easier for ppl intersted in joining. How about it, ppl?
  15. Dunno about the rest of you, but I'm pretty busy with all the other projects. Had a look at one of my own unfinished track today, itching to get back to it. Some other projects' tracks first tho. Good thing I don't have a life, eh? Two new wips in, surprisingly little activity. Guys, come on. School/work/family/church/world domination can't be more important than an awesome jrpg. Anyway, so Bahamut can add it to the projects thread: if you have something to offer the project, like art, skills in arranging and/or mixing, suggestions for active and interested people for us to shanghai onto the project, good relations with staff of Seiken Densetsu fansites (we got seikens.com covered) or Hiroki Kikuta fansites (preferably with musicians/arrangers/remixers)... anything we could use, let me know. In other words: Wanna help out? Lemme know what you can do.
  16. If most of the songs aren't just listenable but also... good. Good meaning they convey an emotion, energy, or something else that I want to get from them; are sonically or musically interesting and accessible, or the lyrics something I agree with. The more of these the tracks do, and the better they do it, the better the album is. Don't listen much to albums nowadays, just to playlists of the good stuff from a little everywhere, so the tracks don't need to fit together like they'd traditionally do on an album, but it's nice if they do feel like they belong together without sounding the same. For a soundtrack, it's basically the same (tho lyrics would often be distracting), except it then should also fit the game's visuals and gameplay while at the same time coloring the gameplay and story emotionally.
  17. That's not how ocremix works. Read these. Basically, you submit your remix, the judges evaluate it, if it passes, they'll handle tagging and hosting and everything. As for your remix, it goes to Feedback: Workshop ReMixes for feedback (mods will move the thread anyway), or to submissions@ocremix.org to the judges. The latter whenever you think it's ready for them. -- btw, listening to your work I'm fairy certain it wouldn't pass the judges' panel. It's too repetitive, not a balanced mix, the arrangement is very conservative, and the volume is really low. I suggest you take advantage of this being moved to the feedback board and learning from what ppl accustomed to ocr's standards think. edit for Harmony: rapidshare worked for me. fileden didn't.
  18. Sweet intro, especially like the guitar and e-piano. The filter sweep pad thing starting from the beginning is screwing with the rhythm tho, sweeps a little too slowly/late. Oh, this source. Which I only know from OA's remix. Yep, sounds familiar enough. 0:39 ftw. The track loses energy after that initial impact tho. Hihat a little weird sounding, like there was a short delay on them instead of reverb. They also sound too loud, and the snare sounds to quiet. Funny how it can hit hard and still be too quiet. Electric guitar should be tighter. adn teh first cord sucks u sucks u cant maek musics *ahem* Classic Willrock stuff. Keep it up.
  19. Saw the flipped logo, went "yeah". Looks great. Even alleviates the contrast issue between the dark header and the bright white body of the pages. A little.
  20. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=30770 Suspect.
  21. Tutorials on youtube, google for articles and resources.
  22. Perhaps workshop should get its own drop-down, with submission info, workshop portal, forum, and other stuff. The dropdowns are a little irregularly placed, tho. The first three behave like menus normally do, expands down and to the right. As long as there's room in the window, could all the drop-downs do that? While on the topic of workshop-related stuff, the submitting, tutorials and feedback links at the top of the page are easily overlooked as just filler info. Eyes are drawn to the discussion part in the upper middle the page, not the edges of the portal. I also think the horizontal space could be better used. Latest remixes or ads to the left, or something else. perhaps ocr could have some of its own ads running, for old and new projects (recruiting or released), recent announcements, ads encouraging feedback to wips and posted stuff, ads for interviews, ads for workshop, ads for different site features... And random for every page, like the mascots.
  23. I like the new, thinner skin, altho the contrast between them is a little on the strong side. Also, teh sidebar is teh missing! What happen? Somebody set up us teh drama? I suggest a thin, discrete icon-based sidebar or something as a later addition, one that scrolls down with the page (if done smoothly and is tab-clickable). No need then to page-up or scrollwheel-up or something just to get to the nav.
  24. I agree, go for Studio. I got Express, and wish I had spent the few hundred more on Studio. The samples and synths and virtual instruments and effects you get with Studio are definitely worth it, even if you don't use half of them ever, and you don't understand just about anything of those additional effects and stuff at first. I mean, you get the Jam Packs (and more) in Studio's sample library, with Express you'd have to spend the difference just to get those.
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