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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Hey newbie... :D


    Welcome, look for teh rules, read teh rules, live by teh rules... :D Get used to the community, enjoy your stay, and don't give DarkeSword a reason to put you on "vacation". He does that. ;)

  2. When I said we know stupid I meant it. You haven't been here long enough to notice, but we're got resident experts on the topic. Stick around and you'll see when they demonstrate their expertise. I for one don't mind our dark overlords, they keep stupid away from the serious business. Thanks for the thread tho, now we have another thread to remind/pester Larry in/with. Larry?
  3. I think you can do it in Audacity, which is free. Depends on how it wants to export the tracks tho.
  4. Stop demonstrating that you're new here. There's a lot of stupid here. We know stupid. Seriously tho, Liontamer judges what's stupid or not. Whining about it is stupid.
  5. These two thing are great. Would be even greater if they'd be integrated into the ocr site, of course.
  6. 1) Find something that begins with any major chord. 2) Transpose. Tho as long as the songs don't clash they don't actually have to be in the same key. You can smoothly segue from A to F#m or C#m where only one note changes, and you could just as well use just about any track in a key that includes the notes of the A major chord. Aside from A major, that'd be song in the keys of: D, E, A (all major), and their relative minor keys B, C# and F# (all minor).
  7. Not without shrinking it down to 32*32 or whatever the standard is now. Then it's the question of whether Larry approves of the image (relevance to video game/geek culture, copyright, stuff like that), and then finally a matter of when Larry gets around to check this thread and in what order he adds what he chooses to add. - edit: LT: What he said. I probably wouldn't take that heart. Doesn't look like it would shrink down well.
  8. I've left notices all over the place that the old forum isn't really much in use. Been thinking about talking to Kyle about getting room on kngi's forums where half the other projects seem to be based. On the flip side, it would be interesting for everyone involved to hear the album without having much of an idea about what everybody else has done. Certainly made the ff4 album release a bigger experience for me. I heard one or two tracks besides my own before the release. We'll see about the forum. But yeah, you're welcome to switch tracks if you want.
  9. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=30591 Too obvious from his name and the name of his thread...
  10. A couple more remixes are almost done, just going over some final crits and hoping Usa will have the time to come online and listen in case there's something I missed. Ten days with no posts here, and the thread sinks under tons of other project threads. Great to see activity on so many projects, but it'd be nice to have more activity on this one. We're old, we're half way there, we could easily wrap this up within a few months if everybody would pick up and finish their tracks. On a side note, I'm getting close to finishing my boss themes track, which means I can move on to to work on all the other project tracks I've claimed.
  11. Snesmusic.org, here's straight ot F. You can grab a torrent full of snes music chiptunes from there, which is handy. spc instead of rsn tho, but that shouldn't be a problem.
  12. Maybe there should be a field where remixers can enter their artist name in IPA. I pronounce stuff in a weird english-finnish hybrid where obvious stuff is in english, but sometimes... dark-eh-sword, vigilant-eh, uh beh ggeh, beh ggeh seh, unsoh... mac vuff eh. Nokia, Shariq, McVaffe... will the fun never end?
  13. Stereotypical. Except we now have modern stereotypes. Prominent women in games are still objects, except now they're either hot kickass objects instead of beautiful objects in need of rescue.
  14. lol@press conference. I _thought_ you guys got SharkeSword's name wrong last episode, but I Wasn't sure anyway, just remembered him teaching ppl on irc how his name is pronounced. Whined about the Nokia thing the epi before that, didn't feel right to call you on the Darke one. More fun what you made of it tho. Great episode, but felt strangely short.
  15. Been thinking about stuff like this for a while... only thinking because I haven't played western rpg's in a long time. Haven't actually really played video games much lately at all. The whole thing stems from the story being scripted a certain way. All you need are npc's that aren't just scripted to act but also to react. Think about a town as a character. Your past actions may have led the townspeople to disregard you, to welcome and support you, to simply not like you, or to chase you out of town with pitchforks and whatnot. Sucks to be you if you ended up pissing off the townsfolk and yet have a mission to deliver X to someone in town. Sucks to be you if you're wounded and they don't want to heal you or have you stay at the inn or whatever. Separate from that, make a big, choose-your-own-adventure type plot where you start off as a farmboy saving your farm from monsters, then accompany a traveling monster hunter somewhere, then start your own monster hunting career... where you can save the good people of Generica from monsters, catch new ones from the evil Arbitraria empire, work for the money, or something in between. You can be the good-natured hero, the kind'a costly hero, the not very heroic random guy that occasionally chases monsters, or the kind'a villainous type that helps the enemy. Better yet if you can betray the enemy... Was about to say, "and even better if you can become the enemy", but then it turns into an evil empire sim game instead of an rpg.
  16. I fail typing. I forgot the "not". Hard _not_ to recognize it. The compression I'm talking about is the overall track volume. If you relax the overall compression you get the track more dynamic, making the loud parts more powerful and the softer parts softer. Some compression is fine, but orchestral tracks play a lot on dynamics and too much compression takes that away. 1:35 and on sounds like a differently mixed song because it lacks bass. I don't think there's a way of just transitioning from one to the other, you'd probably do better to add bass to the 1:35-end part.
  17. Watch out for sharp releases and slow attacks like you've got on those strings in the intro. It sounds jumpy and staggering. A little too much distortion on the lead, it's loop cycle becomes a little too easy to hear. besides, it's so loud that it easily becomes painful on the higher notes. Something like this sounds like it'd work better with a more subdued sound, which is something you can experiment with in the fl demo. Repetition is a little annoying. When you get back to really mixing, you should play with reverb and EQ until you know what they do, then figure out how to use them and track volume effectively in your mixing. Not a bad start, but it's a start, not a masterpiece.
  18. Raw drum sounds that go on on their own for way too long. Organ+detuned saw isn't really a combination I'd expect, or even find particularly successful. Replacing the organ with a more synthetic sound could probably make the sound design a bit more coherent. I used to mix stuff very low-heavy, still find myself doing so. Not a good idea. You can get it louder with less effort by utilizing the higher frequency range more. The speed of your repetitive beat doesn't agree wit that of the quick synth. btw, repetition is a problem when there's too much of it, like in this track. I was tired of it before it had even started, half way through I phased out, and then I was just hoping it'd end. There's not enough going on for the arrangement to be interesting, and there's not interesting enough sound design for it to stand on just that. Mixing is, low-end-ness aside ok, you've got other problems. The source has got the sound design down so it can rely on atmosphere rather than arrangement, but it still has a lot of interesting changes going on under the beat. I prefer the lo-fi rip on youtube over your remix for the reasons mentioned above. What are you doing wrong? Do it differently. I know this isn't a very positive critique. Make your arrangement more interesting, there's a lot you can draw from the source; make the sound design and soundscaping more interesting, and vary the drums more... and process them so they sound a little richer and more impactful. That should be critique and suggestions enough. Learn from other ppl's remixes posted the past few years, learn from high-quality mixed/arranged music. Listen and compare, you don't get awesome in a day.
  19. "What's the source?" Shame on you! Not sure if I'm talking to you Oinkness for not stating the source in the first post, or you Meteo for not knowing this classic. This was hilarious. Cut some of the spit sounds and stuff like that, do what else you can to refine it, then sub it. Source is there, well interpreted. African Barbershop lol
  20. A refined version of this might work for ocr, dunno how much more interpretation you'd need tho as it does sound cover-y. Not sure, tho, not that much time to listen and compare arrangements. Guitar sounds mic'ed weirdly (and played a little harshly sometimes). Some timing issues tho. Voice parts sound a little too mumbling and cluttered, a more clear lead voice wouldn't hurt. Lovely idea to do it like this, and not a bad execution.
  21. You should make sure #ocrwip knows there's metal on the wip board. From what I can tell, you guys play well, the drums sound fake (and then I read they indeed are) - the crash gives them away, otherwise it just sounds weirdly recorded dry and mixed soft... Hard to judge quality from a myspace player, they compress the crap out of the files to make them small and easy to stream. best advice I can get you besides give us a good mp3 wip is to compare the sound of your stuff to that of well produced similar music, be it from ocr or the non-vgm market or wherever. btw, you might be interested in the Lufia project here. You're also welcome to join the Seiken Densetsu 3 project.
  22. It's not the built-in midi default sounds, so I don't think it sounds like midi. Obviously sequenced and presumably in midi, but it sounds more professional than a midi file played from the computer's midi instruments. Heard a couple of weird noises there tho, often just in one ear at a time. Other than that the sound is fine, imo. It's also distinctive enough, doesn't sound like a retread at all. To me anyway. Only familiar with the source via remixes so can't say if it sounds like a midi rip or not. But if you hear the arrangement is interpretive enough to pass the panel on ocr, you should sub it. Cool concept, good execution, good sound... nice work.
  23. Something you should do is find some similar music by other ppl, and compare them. Figure out the details of the sound, like frequency balance, length of the sounds, how many sounds tehre are at any one time, and how they're arranged (both sonically and musically). Practicing to work with rhythms is something else you could benefit from. I think you've got three different tempos simultaneously during the Terra theme in this version. That makes for a rhythmic mess. You also manage to start a melody off the beat, which doesn't really work as either the melody or the beat will sound off-rhythm. Can't say it appeals to me, but you're learning and that's great. Listen to music, and count (in your head or aloud) the beat, pretend-drumming, humming/singing a melody on top, whatever. If you don't learn to make the rhythms of different instruments go together, your music is gonna sound messy any time you've got more than one melody/rhythm playing. Analyze what you listen to. You'll learn faster that way.
  24. Tried this one myself a while back. Should pick it up, finish it up. Later. A little boxy arrangement, each segment has a very distinct sound, the second/third segment is actually pretty repetitive. Too much chimes and the fireworks-like sounds. Noticed two Outset references, nice. The biggest problem with orchestral pieces is getting them to sound orchestral, not just done with orchestral sounds. The arrangement sounds like it'd work orchestrally, but figuring out how to make your samples sounds passably realistic is gonna be tricky. Haven't figured that out myself either.
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