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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. One more wip in. Sorry Brandon, my bad. Fixed it now. Everybody, I'm still trying to recover from the crash where I lost all wips and some of my project notes, so I'm not entirely clear on everyone's status. If your track is mislabeled in the first post, PM me a correction. This is one of the reasons you should update your wips... or better yet, to finish them. edit: aaaaaand another one. guys, these were due before that due date.
  2. No songs turned red, but several turned cyan. Yes, I just updated the tracklist with post-due date stuff. Now I'm sad. Also, now there's more tracks to snag. edit: just so we're all clear on this, wips are due BEFORE the due date. Just got one in. Well, that's one less cyan track.
  3. You know how they say it takes a whole village to raise a kid? Well, this kid has a village consisted of handful of friends and subscribers... There's PM, channel comments, and vid comments. I'd say notifying his friends and subscribers by PM is a decent enough way to handle it if a flood of approval-awaiting comments won't work. "Hi, I'm somebody from / a fan of overclocked remix, you friend/channel you subscribe to has been claiming ownership of several vgm arrangements from blah blah tales album blah blah website url blah blah ssbb blah smiley blocked comments blah blah kindly notify him that plagiarism is a crime and artists deserve credits blah blah etc etc" Just not in those exact words.
  4. I was considering the possibility of him using the word remix as pertaining to the video, not the music. So he didn't do the vid, he didn't do the music... and his logo/intro is a bit... awesome in that 3-yearold "im a *dinosaur lion" kind of font mashup... way. His channel profile says he's 21, German with poor English skills, brooding (judging from his color scheme), and teenager enough to not admit defeat despite being dumb enough to rip off not just ocr but also SSBB. Should we provide the kid with lots of friendly advice from older and wiser denizens of the internet... publicly? Or should we confuse him with Sixto and everybody else he's been ripping off... repeatedly and publicly? *) my mom's daycare kids apparently thought being a dinosaur or a lion wasn't badass enough.
  5. Or they're busy with the THOUSANDS of projects ppl keep starting before finishing the old ones. /poorly hidden disappointment Also, ODST has some sweet music. Been meaning to do something from the Halo series, just gotta get all the other tracks out of the way first.
  6. Yup, sounds like another cool zircon rack, full of stuff but still nice and clearly mixed. 3 hours, you say? 2:37 shows the contrast between the styles used in the track. Not really the smoothest transition, but it provides a good example of different styles in the same track. Good for newbs to hear. Thread name is "TALES and the music maker"? Someone thinking this is a Tales game? The mp3 is tagged right tho, as is the game in the database. edit: lol at willrock rawr
  7. Drama. And it's a thread for common mixing/music mistakes. Ergo: DRAMA IS A COMMON MUSIC MISTAKE!
  8. Yay, a v4 done, and it should correct most of the crits I've gotten... or clarify that you grammar nazis can hate on my idiosyncrasies all you want, ppl and kind'a and stuff - they're staying. (hear that, DAFYDD?) I should have updated the sd3 tracklist this week. Busy weekend, busy week. Should have more time this weekend to get stuff done. Would like to get the updated guide out there, so anyone who hasn't yet read it and wants to, hit me up on aim. Also, feedback plz. It's an exchange, not a charity. At least not yet.
  9. Biggest mixing problem I see? ppl not doing any mixing. Biggest mixing problem I do? idunno, prob wanting too much bass and not enough mids.
  10. From what I understand, Cubey took what his cousin played and cut out silenced and fixed timing. Together with it being a pretty short loop repeated ad nauseum, it ends up sounding fake. Which makes sense. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  11. I am disappoint. Not with the ppl who did send me updates., of course. I'll update the list later today when i get home from everything.
  12. So, Other M is interactive fan fiction, poorly written by one of Metroid's creators, based on a previous game in the series which he iirc also wrote. Can we move on now?
  13. ^the kind of feedback I need. Also, feedback by aim plz.
  14. I remember this one from the name. I remember the idea, it's a cool one. I remember some of its problems too. 0:27 in, I already know two problems you're having: sound design, and harmony. Work on those. Some of your sounds are dry and exposed, while others are drowned and muffled. When used intentionally, this is a way to control what the listener focuses his ears on. When it's not intentional, like here, it distracts the listener, it breaks immersion. Study this in well mixed tracks, learn how to do it yourself. Harmony is easier to grasp because there are some formal rules for it that help. Read up on musical scales and key. Learn to tell when stuff clashes. These problems persists through the mix, so they need to be fixed. Learn to understand what's causing them, and stop doing that.
  15. Too conservative for ocr, but pretty cool. Seems like you can't decide between orchestral hard rock and funk, tho. I've noticed it's easier to create my own takes on tracks by starting from the middle of the first half, making sure an out-of-context part sounds interpretive enough, then build an intro to that and then just keep going. Might work for you too when you wanna do a ReMix.
  16. Terrible fake guitar, poor mixing, repetitive arrangement. But I've heard worse. For something so prominent in the arrangement, the guitar really brings down the overall quality. For something so repetitive, you could just have someone record the part on a real guitar. Or you could go for a less guitar-like sound and get the whole realism problem out of the way. Too loud bass drum, too loud guitar, everything seems added haphazardly with little regard to volume. Mixing is about giving every element its own place to create a balanced whole. Learn it. 3:36 breakdown is a nice break from the repetition and the ugly guitar, but there the volume problems with the bass drum become more apparent. Also, why is every other beat louder? For a remix, the break would need some connection to source, which is pretty difficult with a repetitive and minimal source like this. Still, not impossible. Experiment with it. Sound design is all over the place, there's some sounds that are pretty good, and others (LIKE THE GUITAR!!) that... aren't. Train your ears to hear what works and what doesn't. There's some stuff in here worth expanding on, but I don't think this can be adapted for ocr. So don't worry about that, just use it to to learn the technical stuff. And have fun mixing, it helps.
  17. A bit lacking in the highs and really big around the mids. If it's recorded from a real piano, you should probably place the mics differently to get room resonance and more strings. Sweet playing. I agree with the comment on youtube, it does sound more like Kakariko in your version.
  18. Yup, doesn't quite feel like Sand Ocean's setting, but that's not a requirement here. There's some low end that you could cut from some of the instruments. Would be nice to have some more mids, it feels a little lacking in that department like you've htried to make a low-heavy track more clear by just adding highs. I could be wrong, but if not, fix it. Needs to be more balanced, pan-wise., imo. The keys on the left ought to coupled with something i nthe same frequency range on the other side. Gets better later in the mix, but there are places where the mix just seems to lean left. I'm not sure the reverb is the main problem with the drums, I'd say you should try to get some more stereo width out of it. A combination of mine and Rev's suggestions would probably yield the best results. If you can, you could route the reverb to a bus and widen the stereo on it... if there's any stereo information to begin with (if not, it'll be a lot more work to create it out of mono tracks). Just remember to balance whatever stereo you create. Cool track.
  19. So far, I've been getting good feedback from everyone... who's given me any feedback. There's a few of you who haven't actually responded.
  20. Waaay too much time spent away from the computer this weekend. Just posting here to remind ppl that I'm gonna open up your tracks if I don't get updates from you. And opening tracks makes me sad, and you guys don't want that, right?
  21. I have a thread for free GB-compatible instruments and effects, check my sig for the link. GB is a great tool to learn this stuff in, learn it. You'll eventually outgrow it, but while you're a newb, it'll do just fine. Especially when supplemented by the stuff in my thread.
  22. Try 133 or 134, or, if possible, something in between. Some DAWs let you do that. Tho if you've got drums playing synced to a tempo you can just set it to something close and increase or decrease the tempo when you notice the drums racing ahead or falling behind. Might be better to use a single click-like sound than an actual drum loop (even if it's midi) so you don't get distracted by the snare being in the wrong place.
  23. Again, this is not about ppl getting a free guide to making music, this is about me getting feedback on the guide I'm making. When it's done, it'll be available to everyone. Right now, it's aim only. Deal with it.
  24. I turned the last part of my last name into an adjective. With a z, because we don't really have a lot of those in Swedish or Finnish, and because z's are sooooo cool. And it was an adjective. I guess it still is. I'm also way to manly to go by Rosy.
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