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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Even if it doesn't sound recognizable one way? Braid needs a backwards remix.
  2. .Seriously tho, learning to play guitar is just as useful for learning how to fake one as it is for learning to play it. (neblix, seriously, shrink your sig. it's pretty cool (except the text should be centered) but obnoxiously large and annoying atm)
  3. I think we've established that it's not a phase issue. Haas method is for crafting or correcting panning phase. zikon, you suck at structuring your posts. Let's see if I got this straight, correct me if anything's inaccurate. Always good = headphones. So it's not the mic. If it sounds good on headphones, it's recorded good. Also sounds ok on some speakers, like that $99 stereo. Is this only out of FL or are you testing with rendered files as well? If therender sounds good on headphones, the problem is probably the speakers, or possibly your expectations for how it's supposed to sound (ipod and phone speakers aren't really top of the line monitors ). Bad speaker = your phone, your ipod, and your dad's stereo. But only your music, other music still sounds fine on those. Does it sounds fine on headphones out of these? You could post an example of a track that doesn't work, we might hear an issue with it on our setups and figure out what's wrong... or what isn't.
  4. Dunno how FL handles audio, but it should be easy to test. Find the audio files you recorded, listen in QT player or some other player outside of FL. Then check how FL handles those files. Not sure I'm reading you right, but from what I understand you've got muddy vocals on speakers but not on headphones in two out of three examples. Possible solution: Mix the vocals louder and clearer. zircon mentioned somewhere that he got some feedback once about how one of his tracks, with vocals, sounded like it was mixed on a loud monitor level. That makes the mids, where the vocals are, sound more clear, but when listening on lower volume they're less distinct. Could be just a difference in output levels between the speakers and headphones. Could be reverb that's normally spread to the sides with the vocals center that's just diffused on speakers. Could also be some weird behavior in FL. Render the song, listen on speakers and headphones through QT player or something. Basically take Fl out of the equation.
  5. Big fan of the series' music (for most part), I've probably got dozens of unfinished Metroid mixes in various stages of development. If I finish any, and this project is still around then, I'll send them your way. On that note, any preference as to how we should contact you? You may wanna decide what sound or style you're going for, as well as if you're gonna set up some requirement for all Metroid games to have a remix or if there are any particular tracks you're especially keen on getting remixed.
  6. Awww, nostalgia. We had this game. I can answer the question: depends on the source. At least the racing music would be NO OVERRIDE for not being written for the game.
  7. Meh, there's probably nothing good on it. Only n00bs submit stuff to lame album things like this.
  8. Omnisphere. The way it uses samples means it quickly fills up what little memory I've got with big pad samples, and it's quite a powerhog. Still, it does just about everything, and the interface is really easy to use. I hate having to use it multi-timbrally tho, Logic doesn't do multi-trimbral conveniently. Other synths I use a lot are FM8 and Logic's own ES2, tho nowadays just to keep the computer running or because I have some nice, simple ES2 presets I've made before. Dunno how the rest of my top synth list looks, but Absynth and Massive are both there, somewhere. Among freebies I'd say FreeAlpha gets the most use.
  9. Harmonize it to +3, +7, and -12, see if that gets you any closer. Also, try some other waveforms, didn't sound like a saw to me.
  10. "a distortion" lol It too is something based on filtered noise but with some other, harmonically rich waveform. Could be some minor chord harmonics in the sound itself, or just a chord being played. Can't say. Same with how it sounds like two octaves at at once.
  11. Which windy sound? The one that's just filtered white noise or one of the more musical ones? Unless you have triangle samples with reverb present, yeah. A bad sample with lots of reverb will still sound like a bad sample. A good sample buried in reverb is gonna sound buried in reverb. *psychedelic A lot of stuff factor into a synth sound, such as other effects on the synth track and the listening setup. If you're using free synths, only using their presets, and not applying any additional effects to them they'll probably sound lame. If you know how to tweak and process those synths, you can do just fine with freebies. FreeAlpha is pretty versatile thanks to its mod matrix, and coupled with some effects you can get a lot of interesting sounds out of it. Any specific tracks you're wondering about? The soundtracks are over a hundred tracks total.
  12. Whoa, big bass. Has a lot of lows coming out of my system, I can only imagine what it'd do in a more bass-hyped system. A lot of the time, tracks come in but aren't really given space under the bass. Some mixing problems besides the overly loud bass, like how the square lead's lack of highs compared to stray highs from other tracks pushes it back into a mid-range resonant... thing. Some of the sounds work well, others are exposed as raw and mechanical. The arrangement itself bounces between a sweet creative take and a switched around conservative take, making it feel a bit aimless. Interesting. Needs more work tho.
  13. Worst game ever. Worst soundtrack ever. Worst song on it. Right? Fun arrangement, tho the first two iterations of source feel kind'a the same. The soft, liberal thing about 3/4 in broke free from that, the rest is a typical but not bad "same but ending-y" development. The ending itself works great. Nice sound, too. On a related note, if you wanna contribute something to the sd3 project, you're more than welcome. Check the list of free tracks and get in touch.
  14. I've used four different music programs, two of them trackers, then GarageBand and now Logic. I spent years on each, switching was always weird and difficult, and it always took long before I got to the same level in the new program. Switching always requires time both to learn the new program and to adjust your workflow to it. Some of the tools you used might not be there, or you can't use them the same way. I'd say that unless you have a good reason to switch - such as compatibility with school or work, incompatibility with required hardware/software, or simply that you find yourself limited by the software rather than by your ability to use it - don't. If you do, do it. Just time it right so you don't leave any commitments hanging while you adjust to the new software. tl;dr v: Unless you're limited by what you're using now, don't switch.
  15. Guitar Rig is a versatile amp sim. It doesn't make sounds, it just processes them. It's an effect, not an instrument. You can probably put together a basic rhythm guitar with almost any multi-sampled string instrument... even soundfonts, I guess. I did it with a piano today. You just need a good amp sim and distortion effect. Not realistic, but passable for the feel of a rhythm guitar. Lead guitar... gonna be tougher.
  16. I lost all of my freeware plugins (and everything else on it) when my hard drive recently died, so I went out and got the ones that I felt were worth it, and found a couple of new cool ones. Here are my suggested picks for other Mac users looking for good free effects. Note that the AU format is Mac-only! Effects are grouped and sorted by company/manufacturer/developer name as follows: volume, stereo width eqs, filters reverbs, delays distortion diverse groups/multis In other words, all of mda's products are packed together in the diverse groups/multis category, while Flux's products (a transient processor and a stereo tool) are in volume, stereo width. I could ahve just sorted by company name, but this should make it a little easier to find stuff. Maybe. -- Aradaz Aradaz Maximizer 5 Maximizer Volume maximizer. Not a lot of parameters, but it does the job ok. Recommended, as long as you don't expect it to do the mixing for you. personal notes: The character parameter does just about nothing. Still, useful plugin. AudioDamage RoughRider Stereo compressor It's a compressor, and a pretty nice looking one at that. Some oddly labeled parameters, but for most part sensible. Only problem I encounter is the lack of parameter displays, so I have no idea whether their idea of medium attack is 10ms or 100ms. personal notes: Turn the makeup knob down to +0 first (should be labeled output volume boost or something instead). +30dB is a lot, especially if you're dealing with audio levels near full amplitude. Flux Bitter Sweet II Transient processor Simple but capable tool for dealing with those pesky transients. You can reduce them... or you can boost them. A bunch of different options spread over a clean interface. personal notes: I like Flux's products. Now if only I knew how I should process transients... note that you probably have to register with them to get the downloads. It's worth it if you don't have tools like these already. Stereo Tool Stereo processing Nice looking tool for controlling the stereo width. Its automation controls clutter up the interface a bit, but they're grouped at the bottom of the interface, out of the way. personal notes: I mostly just used the width knob, until I realized that Logic's own stereo widener might do that job for less processing power. I like it, and I like the scope. I just don't need it. Slim Slow Slider C3 Multi Band Compressor 1.2 Multiband compressor Not only not the prettiest interface, it's also more confusing than Apple's own AU multiband compressor... which doesn't even have a custom interface. A handy little static graphic displays how it works, but that's all the help you get. Not worth getting into until you understand compressors and know how the frequency balance should look like. And then it's only 3 compressors rolled into one, how hard can it be? personal notes: I stopped using multiband compressors when I realized that I could achieve better stuff without expecting some miracle tool todo the job for me. While a multiband compressor is great when you're still learning to mix (when your bass is just waaay too loud), and useful when you really know what you're doing, there's that time in between where you don't really need it. I should figure out how to use them properly. /rambling Apulsoft port, link here. Thomas Mundt LoudMax Compressor/limiter/maximizer Calling it a maximizer might be stretching it, it's a compressor. has a threshold slider and an output slider, and a dB display for both of them. While it does all right with smoothly boosting soft tracks without clipping, it's not really a maximizer. A soft limiter, maybe? personal notes: I was looking for a maximizer the other day, and this one came up. It does all right on boosting individual track, but didn't do much on the output track. I guess it's more of a dynamics squasher, turningsoft parts loud and not really doing anything with the loud ones. Like a compressor, just very smooth. Certainly useful, especially if you suck/are lazy at evening out the dynamics of your mixes. BetaBugs Crayon Filter LP filter A basic filter, with cutoff, resonance, and drive. Works well with automation. Nice looking interface, with numeric displays. personal notes: It's been one of my favorite freebies for a while. I don't use it much anymore, I prefer working within synths and samplers themselves, or with an EQ. In lieu of a good EQ, this can do a decent filter sweep. Apulsoft port, link here. elysia niveau filter Filter Surprisingly big interface for two parameters (and two buttons). It does what it does well, which is to boost a specific frequency area and balance the output level so as be about as loud before the effect as after... just with a different frequency balance. Simple and elegant. personal notes: More of single-purpose EQ than a filter imo. Useful if you know you mix with too loud lows and not enough highs/mids or so. You need to sign up to get the download link. Sonimus SonEQ EQ Nice looking EQ with an drive effect built in. The boost and attentuation knobs for the lows might be confusing to some. Three bands of EQ, plus HP and LP filters. Not one of those eqs with a graphic display of the exact processing throughout the frequency range, this is perhaps more ear-oriented. Which you should be, too. personal notes: If you have to have an interface that looks like hardware, make something like this. Its clean and easy to understand, has that hardware look with screws and even an oldskool VU meter, but the design doesn't get in the way of its function. Voxengo Marvel GEQ Linear Phase EQ 16-band linear phase eq. Judging from the features blurb it's a good tool. Most ppl might not be used to mid/side processing so this tool should provide some help working with audio in that form. Decent interface, nothing superfluous, the interesting features tucked away in drop-down menus. personal notes: Okay I've never had a need for a linear phase eq, except possibly in some mastering situations... which don't come around often. Also, I hate the Voxengo site, they're intentionally placing another product's download links on the same page so you're gonna download the wrong thing and try out a demo instead of a freebie... and then buy it. The links ARE on the product's page, just make sure you're looking in the right download box. KResearch KR-Delay, KR-Reverb Delay, reverb A delay and a reverb, both well designed and with displays that respond to every parameter to show what exactly is going on under the hood in easily understood graphics. The delay interface can feel a bit cluttered due to its separate stereo processing and tempo sync requiring a few more parameters. Still, two capable and nice looking effects. personal notes: I like these products, mostly for their interfaces. They make it very clear what their controls do. Lowcoders & Bitplant Kingdubby Dub Delay Delay Designed to look like a big portable hardware effect, it might feel a bit silly to use, but it has tempo-synced delay and a built-in filter. personal notes: I'm really starting to get bothered by these hardware-looking software plugins. This is design over function, not design that highlights the function or at least stays out of its way. Martin Eastwood MVerb Reverb A reverb with a decent sound and a few included presets. personal notes: I like it. I'm no expert on reverbs, but it feels smooth, even with those hard, percussive sounds. Recommended. Mdsp @ Smartelectronix Fire Multitap delay Stylish and simplistic, yet surprisingly confusing interface. The effect takes the input audio and repeats it a few times, messing it up in the process. personal notes: I'd keep this as a cool effect for intros and outros, but besides that I don't think it'd see much use. Togu Audio Line TAL-Reverb II Plugin Reverb Decent-sounding reverb, tho with diffusion, damping and room size all rolled into one room size parameter you don't have much control over it. So, weak when it comes to the length of the reverb, and a bit difficult to control the frequency shaping of it. personal notes: I've said it before, I'll say it again - these guys are terrible with names. They make decent products tho, this just doesn't feel like one of those. NOTE: It's been updated to III, which I haven't tried yet. So I'm not linking this atm. It's not hard to find, go find it yourself if you think you need it. Valhalla DSP, LLC ValhallaFreqEchoMkI Delay/pitch shifter This is a fun one. The interface is childishly simplistic, and while it has a nice little text field that explains the knobs as you mouse over them, it's not really that complicated an effect. You set a delay time, you set how messed up the delay should be and in what direction, and you set delay feedback. Aside from the pitch shifter, these are all standard delay controls. The pitch shifter turns it into a wacky specialty thing, or perhaps a secret weapon for electronic music producers? personal notes: This is probably the craziest effect on the list. Never used it, but man I should. AuraPlug Multiple distortion plugins Amp simulation Some of them more capable and sounding better than others, we've got a set of amps here. The good ones sound pretty good, the others not so much. With the good ones, my only complaint would be the metallic delay they suffer from. Whamdrive, tho, comes with a pitch shifter built-in, so you can get some thick power chords from single notes. personal notes: Running my piano sim through these sounds pretty cool. Not convincing but appropriately distorted. I'd recommend California Sun and Whamdrive, the others are kind hit n' miss. bram @ Smartelectronics Cyanide 2 Waveshaper Distorts the dynamics of the audio. basically an overdrive, except on a whole 'nother level. personal notes: it's like an overdrive, except with more control. Can't honestly say the extra control is needed, but it might be useful for some distorted sounds... or as a learning tool or something. I do like it. (fyi, ported by apulsoft) SupaTrigga Slice/glitch tool While not on the same level as some of its VST-side analogues or manual slicing and processing, it's a useful tool for screwing with your sound. Like most such tools, it works on probablity, so there's little control over when it does stuff. personal notes: I tend to use it for quick reverse effects on background tracks, not much else. Still, fun to have. CamelAudio CamelCrusher Distortion/multi So, with only 5 knobs for effects, it can't do much, right? Wrong. Two forms of distortion, an LP filter, and a compressor, and while it lacks any parameter display it's a good looking interface and easy to use. has a randomizer button, tho with the limited number of effects it probably won't create anything too spectacular. personal notes: personal favorite of mine. Good design, good sound. Meatscience Bitsmacker Bitcrusher Insert audio, output crushed audio. This crusher has an EQ built in, which accounts for most of the controls. Confusing, perhaps a custom interface would help? personal notes: I prefer Logic's own bitcrusher for its interface, but this one seems more exact. Two Notes Torpedo PI-FREE Amp simulation Stripped down version of their PI-101, but what features remains still sound good. The site says it's convolution-based and modeled after a Marshall 4x12 cabinet and a Shure SM57 mic. It has some built-in effects such as compressor and low cut. It's got lots of knobs but a well organized interface. Custom mic placement with a little graphic thing showing the room, amp, and mic. personal notes: Did some quick testing, and it sounds ok. Already have guitar amp sims, so I don't think I'll be using it much. Still, nice looking, nice sounding thing.
  17. Okay so, I blame evktalo for what happened in the sd3 thread. No wait, Brandon Strader started it. Or technically Archangel did something similar before. Or I did it and he joined in. But it all got me thinking... There's a bunch of Finnish remixers on the site (even if we don't count Devastus and evktalo and other non-posted ones). Are there more of us than there are Swedes? How about the US vs Canada... vs the UK and Australia? Europe vs the Americas vs elsewhere? And in relation to the countries' population? Stuff in the location field is often a bit too imaginative, and the incomplete nationality listing in the artists database isn't much use either. So this kind'a leaves me with asking for some website visits or forum member IP statistics. So... some website visits or forum member IP statistics? On a related note, how low is the artists nationalities on the list of things that could be done on ocr? Pretty low, sure, but how low?
  18. Uh... yeah, that's pretty obvious. The translation means SD3: Finland's (or "of Finnish"), Light's and darkness's (as in possession, not plural incorrectly using apostrophes). So... Valon ja pimeyden laulut? Or maybe lauluja -sta sounds better? Äh, eländes finska grammatik. For those of you just tuning in, check the first post. It can has had major update.
  19. Eino, projekti muuten tarvitsisi lisää korvia. Ainakin sit kun deadline tule vastaan. Kiinnostaako? Me, Evil Horde, Devastus, Mark Vera... onks täällä muitakin suomalaista remiksajia?
  20. Oh dear. You do not know a damn about Finnish, why on earth try to use Google Translate language that Google itself does not understand properly? Brandon, you're jealous Archangel Swedish-language skills or something? Otherwise they are pretty good, wonder Slovenije. Well, at least I teinhän something here. Otherwise, Google turned the record field message.
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