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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Not today. I've got v4 at home, and won't be home until some time tomorrow. Hit me up on aim again tomorrow and I'll get it to you.

  2. Of course not, don't be stupid. You must have like a dozen ppl to make an album.
  3. This is kind'a breaking the "discover new minigames" formula that minigame games have been using but still: When I bring a party game to a party, I do not want to have to play through some unlocking campaign mode to get all the minigames available to ppl. Especially if I've already unlocked the game at home but don't wanna bring my own console to the party. And those minigames should be faster to set up and play. If there's five of us wanting to play wii bowling (which is a turn-based thing anyway), why not allow for five players? Also, stats just for the party. I wanna know how who at the party is the most successful at knocking virtual characters off a platform thingy, or slicing random items. The gazillion redundant and MANDATORY congratulatory messages and replay vid stuff are especially annoying. There should be an option to turn those off. "hooray, you almost hit that thing, here's how close you were, here's how close you were from another angle, here's your character's reaction, press a to go to the 'next player's turn' message at which you also press a". Mario Party games, I'm looking at you.
  4. Emu, are you confusing this game with a certain apocalyptic Zelda game?
  5. Certain ppl seek out certain activities, therefor certain activities make ppl a certain way, right? I mean it's LOGIC!
  6. Well, "she bundled video games with violent movies, toys, and rap lyrics as "modern weapons of mass destruction" that "are causing us to destroy each other - on playgrounds and battlegrounds."", so it's not all game-specific hate. She doesn't seem to be pulling statements out of her ass, but she doesn't seem to have researched games specifically and thoroughly enough to speak with any authority on their effect on ppl.
  7. ...aaaaaand another wip in, from Luhny. Luhny just joined. This will be awesome.
  8. You can just press "go advanced" when in editing the first post in a thread to get to change the thread title. Also, yup, spelled me right. Still has some clashes. Try listening for them yourself, for notes that don't fit with the other notes. The intro clashes with the rest of the tracks, too. Learn to tell. Read up on music theory, especially harmony and scales. I'd direct you to wikipedia, but its music theory pages are more formal theory oriented so they might not be all that intelligible to you, idunno.
  9. The intro sounds silly. The guitar replacement's sequencing sees really mechanical, and it sounds weirdly EQd and detuned. The synth brass also sounds more like a cheap replacement for real brass than a deliberate synth choice. The wobbly bass is too loud imo. Not familiar enough with dubstep so can't say how it compares to other tracks in the genre, but to me it sounds too loud, specifically its mids sound overly prominent. I don't think the bass is supposed to get completely in the way of the drums. Some better separation between instruments would help a lot. With the right eq edits to the track, it makes a cool track, I'm just not sure it's for ocr, its source content is pretty conservative. I could be wrong tho.
  10. ...and the world ends in 2012 because not all songs in stereo are mono-compatible. As for the original topic of the thread, I've got an arrangement mistake I keep hearing. Some ppl start from a source redo and end up having trouble personalizing it and creating a good arrangement that's different from source. More of an ocr-specific problem, but worth mentioning imo.
  11. Argh, I've got some transportation problems tomorrow, so I'll probably be at work over night... which means the deadline is as if it was today for me. Great.
  12. ^ This. Screens have only gotten larger since splitscreen was commonplace. of course, graphics have gotten fancier and now require the whole machine to render... F->Zero GX got around that by leaving stuff out, which was distracting when you were used to the eye candy but ultimately didn't get min the way of fun. Fun, that's a feature that more games should have. Isn't that the feature ferret wanted too?
  13. I'm more bothered by unskippable cutscenes than skip-and-lose ones, but I agree about the feature. if you're gonna make players watch a movie in the middle of the game, give us movie controls. Level select is a good one. I've played a lot of Halo 1 (only one for mac) single player, and enjoyed every other mission or something. I'd hate to have to replay the friggin' Library level just to get to the Maw. An option to turn off sound and play in a window rather than fullscreen. I tend to play a lot while watching tv or movies. I tend to need to be doing something, I get bored otherwise with slow predictable stories and uninteresting subplots. Plants vs Zombies, Osmos, OpenTTD... I can turn off the sound and play these in a window next to whatever Im watching. After I'm done with the first playthrough and story experience stuff, I mean.
  14. No, they just don't like your country. Or mine, for that matter.
  15. Mute City... loong build-up... to a slow acoustic guitar thing? lol And you weren't kidding about the bass. Based on the backing to the source, it seems, it'd be a lot more recognizable once you get the lead melody in, this was two minutes of build-up and no payoff... yet. Never Forget... what the..? This is really not what I expected. Not sure I like it, but hey, more Halo mixes is never wrong.
  16. Yup, the beep is clashing. See if you can tune it to something more in line with the rest of the track. Melody gets weird toward the middle of the track, and I don't mean creatively weird, I mean clashing and just wrong. You've got a good base here tho, drums are a bit vanilla but work ok, and the big trance saw things might be overused in music overall but they're not bad. So basically, everything Gario just said.
  17. I have a fairly obvious but difficult/legally questionable suggestion. Which I also invite you to remix. No voice acting, 3 different storylines depending on the chars you select, fairly believable hair, chars aged 16-19 iirc... some grinding, but I recall the snes FF games being worse in that regard. Beautiful game with lots of different environments, a day-night cycle... basically the prettiest the snes has to offer. Haven't played jrpgs since FFXII, so I'm really helpful here.
  18. A lot of games like this don't really get finished. They get to a point where it works somewhat, but then the programmer loses interest and the whole game goes poof. It happens. Keep the line open but don't get stuck on this one game. Or you could move to Estonia. It's a pretty cool place.
  19. Some weird chord changes in there, some of them work fine and add a really cool flavor to the track, others sound clashing and wrong. Seems like some more instruments in the mids and lows would give the track some more balance, it sounds really light and weak atm. I get that it's probably what you're going for, but it could still use some more... grounding. Sound effects are a bit too loud, the track overall could use some more variation and dynamics, and that occasional percussion sound seems dry and raw. Cool arrangement, needs a little more work. Production needs more work. Overall, it's enjoyable but those little flaws are detracting. Fix them and you should have a really sweet track here.
  20. Work on your sound design some more, and consider the instruments' front-back placement. Also, the arrangement is repetitive, try to create some more variations on the melody, chords and rhythm to keep things interesting. Glad this game is getting some attention, but the melody might be a bit difficult to turn into a full remix. Not saying it can't be done, but it'll take a bit of work to create enough material from source to keep it from getting repetitive. All that said, keep at it.
  21. I see it's marked as finished so I won't tell you what to fix, just point you to stuff to not do with your next track. There's some timing issues. Tempo fluctuations are cool, but unsteady timing is... well, not. Sound quality is a big issue, but there are freebies on the net to help you get around that. The unison of piano and ocarina in the beginning sounds silly, it'd work better if you'd give each instruments its own role in the mix. At that point, the piano could provide chords and possibly some rhythm instead. I like how you don't dwell on any theme and instead keep the whole thing moving forward. Not something that'd work on ocr, ocr doesn't like medleys. This is pretty good for a first serious composition, keep it up and you'll make some great stuff in notime.
  22. I'm getting sick of the mess the track names are giving me and ppl on the project... ocr's sd3 chiptune isn't consistent with snesmusic.org's in the case of the tracks Black Soup, Obsession, and Secret of Mana. iirc, we've checked Obsession twice and it's as snesmusic.org lists it, so the ocr chiptune is off.
  23. Depends on what you mean by maximize. Of course you shouldn't let it clip, and as long as you're using high-quality files, you can get away with using fairly low levels on the tracks. Like Ibby already said. Maximizing is sometimes used to refer to all kinds of loudness-boosting techniques. You'd want the tracks out of Cubase as clean as possible, not with a plethora of harmonic enhancing and rms maximizing and stuff. Which I think you know, just making sure.
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