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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. I enjoyed it. Strangely not so much on the first listen, but it's got more than a few subsequent listens since. I'm a bit bothered by the lyrics, both the nonsensical lyrics and how mondegreen they are, but they are technically impressive. There's also an issue with the compression which I think is a bit too loud, or I'm just not used to hearing Anso's stuff at a distance. Been working on my laptop recently, with this playing on my desktop machine, so that's why. In any case, it'll get more listens.
  2. This is what Swedish out when running it through Google Translate. Sometimes you get more or less competent Swedish, sometimes småfånigt, sometimes a joke, sometimes just bad. Can just imagine how a lyric should be. In itself, it could become a new kind of turkhit, but hardly anything serious at all. Something like this is how it looks when pimples every few years in the Finnish school tries to translate documents from Finnish to Swedish. Finland Swedes are therefore a bit difficult to Finnish politics seriously. Our politicians sound like Turkish hits. Do not see the second paragraph of all errors out. (not to mention how this looks when translated back to swedish) (also, turkhit/turkish hit = mondegreen)
  3. If you've only got a midi file, all you'll get out of it is a blueprint. Unless the songs you're comparing your work to are also midi, you'll never write full sounding music because of the limitations of the default sounds for your midi. If you're comparing the sound of your midi and whatever small samples are used to play it to music made with big orchestral packages (or real orchestras, if you believe in such things) you're doing it wrong. Just in case you're too newb to have thought of that. As for layering sounds, that's more a matter of sound design than composition, tho if it's how to break up chords between instruments or melodies and stuff you wanna learn, talk to Gario.
  4. Thanks Electro. Aside from the update issue Gario already pointed out, I prefer to get ppl to read it and comment on it right away so ppl don't forget to. It's not a charity, it's an exchange. Early copy of the guide (albeit unfinished) and credit in the guide - in exchange for feedback on it. Also, I'm trying to consolidate communication to aim and my gmail instead of having some ppl contact me on facebook, some by pm here, some by pm on kngi, some by aim, some by msn, some hotmail, etc.. This stuff is aim only. Until the guide is done, I mean. Then it's free for everyone, and will be posted somewhere here on ocr. So far, ppl like it. They say it's good. Some of them might be lying, but not all of them. So if you want it, hit me up when I'm online and ask for it. If I'm afk or doing something in fullscreen, leave aim open and I'll send it later.
  5. Kind'a. You kind'a brought it up, so it's kind'a your own fault.
  6. For entry-level stuff - if you haven't done much sequencing and stuff, I'd recommend Mixcraft/GarageBand depending on your platform. Mixcraft is cheap and learning to use it means you'll know enough of how stuff works to handle almost any DAW. REAPER is also an option, since its demo is completely unrestricted. If you know that stuff already, and your focus is gonna be recording stuff, Cubase is a good option, tho all DAWs have audio editing and recording functionality. The more sequencing-oriented can work with FL Studio (tho again, all DAWs can do audio). On mac, there's Logic... and Cubase. There's a plethora of other software out there, and most of it can do most of the stuff one way or another. Just try demos and find something you're comfortable with.
  7. Gario's right. I keep improving on it, and would kind'a hate to have to keep something like this updated while it's in wip status. Also ppl, would you mind hitting me up on aim when I'm actually there? Now that it's weekend, try logging in earlier/later than usual, see if I'm there. It's kind'a fun to see a lot of messages when I wake up, but it'd be more fun if ppl where actually still there then. Furthermore, my status is usually red/busy, but for kind'a important stuff like this, hit me up anyway.
  8. At least reject something else, guys. It's starting to bother me to see my rejected mix there. ...just because the source was too difficult for you. : P
  9. QFE. Also, lemme quote from my in-progress remixing guide the section on arrangement. Any thoughts on it can be sent to me privately, so as to not derail the thread. I just thought it might be useful. It's remixing-focused, but a lot of it still applies. Also, I haven't heard the song this thread is about. But this looks like a place where it's needed. hm, noticed some minor things I need to edit in this part of the guide. doesn't change the point, tho. dynamics isn't the same thing as progression, and it helps to understand both when you make music.
  10. Post an example, it's easier to hear what someone's doing wrong than to have to guess what's wrong from what they're saying... especially when you're confusing everybody with what you write.
  11. Quadruple post, just wanna remind ppl about the upcoming wip due date... I'll open your tracks if I don't get an update by then. I may also be a little disappoint and sad. I am pleased with the stuff I've gotten so far, jhust wanna make sure you're all aware of the wip due date. I mean, you're not on the project just to sit on tracks ppl might wanna remix, right?
  12. Well, unless your soundcard/listening equipment is actually terrible, it shouldn't be a big deal unless you really need to mix it pro. Even with terrible listening equipment/soundcard, learning how pro mixed stuff sounds on that setup - and how it looks in the plethora of analyzers (spectrum, stereo correlation, peak/rms levels...) - should get you around that. You could further improve your mix by making sure you have roughly the same frequency balance as pro mixed stuff - not having enough highs make it a lot less clear. If some EQ boosts/cuts on the master clears it up a lot, you're probably not EQing your tracks right.
  13. I know there's lots of ppl here looking for game scoring opportunities. If everyone who wanted to score games would post here saying they're looking for work, recruitment and collab request threads would just get buried by a bumpfest of composers for hire. I can't speak for ocr staff, but I reckon that's goes against the purpose of this forum. Besides, you're new here. There's ppl who've been here for years and are looking for work, ppl who've contributed to the site with remixes, reviews, wip feedback, project coordination, database work, running competitions and all kinds of community stuff. Shouldn't ocr first and foremost promote their own? Sorry to hijack the thread, I was trying to keep it subtle in my previous post. I'd suggest you hang out, review stuff, contribute, partake in the community, while keeping your links in your sig or something. I reckon there's not that many ppl around who do sound effects, so you could market those while not stepping on all the other composers' feet (and all over the site) that way. And, if you're gonna stick around, welcome to ocr.
  14. Cool retro sound. What have you done with eq? Cutting lows from tracks that don't need them is a way to clear up the lows, and deciding a specific frequency range for each instrument and cutting that from the others tends to clean up clutter in shared ranges. While Moseph's solution is valid, I'd hate to have to start transposing stuff in something I've already written. I don't see why you couldn't clean this up further with EQ. Then again, my stuff tends not to be superdry, superclear stuff anyway. Also, consider pushing some of the instruments further back, like that 0:24 effect sound and possibly the pads (with reverb, volume, stereo width and eq). Cutting highs from tracks further back gets you more room in the highs to bring out the leads and other foreground elements.
  15. Dude, not you. It was directed at Esker.
  16. That doesn't actually answer the question of what you mean. Q: How do I change tempo in (insert DAW here)? Can I change it in the middle of the song? A: Check the DAW manual/user guide. Q: How do I write full sounding music? A: Use harmonically rich instruments spread over several octaves. edit: darke's guide is a useful read. READ IT.
  17. The whole track seems too heavy on the lows and with a bit too much reverb. The drums a bit excessively heavy too, tho hard to say if reducing the lows a bit is enough to fix that. Interesting source, conservative arrangement but in a new genre. I'd say it's too conservative, but hard to say for sure without learning the source.
  18. There's some rhythm problems with your stutter effects (and it might be a good idea to make it sound more intentional, perhaps by not applying it to every track in there). Sounds like there's some excess lows you could EQ out to clean up the track a bit. Vocals need more mids. Drums seem overly reverbed and lacking in highs. Had a quick listen to the sources and then your track, sounds familiar. For someone mostly source-deaf like me, that' a good sign... I think. Nice track, albeit with some minor problems. Exciting arrangement, cool effects... nice work.
  19. Sound is harsh and panning extreme, and I don't see how you think the chordal synth sounds good here. From listening to a few of your other tracks, it seems to me like you rely on presets and your music only gets as good as those presets work together. Maybe it's time to learn how to use effects?
  20. Learn to levels mix, dude. Besides the overcompression and some other volume-related problems, you should work on your sound design more. The sounds themselves aren't bad but you should consider their placement more, seems like there's lots of tracks in the foreground and nothing further back. All those dry arpeggios and stuff make the whole thing sound newby. And then there's the transitions. No matter how good the track gets later on, the beginning of a mix is the first thing ppl hear, obviously. Work on those transitions, or just cut out the parts that are problematic, no matter how much you love them.
  21. Dude you just passed 20 years. Slow down!
  22. Gar23, Kuolema, Dissidia, Chern... AIM. I want to consolidate communication, and I hate having to upload every new update to it when I could just send you the most recent version over AIM. Until it's done, I'm gonna be a jerk and require that ppl use AIM to get it. It's my guide, I can be a jerk if I want to. Just do what Gario did and get AIM.
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