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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Yeah, far too conservative for ocr, but nice job wrapping your head around the time signature, and nice ending. Repetition is also a problem here, both sound-wise and arrangement-wise. You seem to be held back by your tech, it looks like you're using an older tracker which might not have all the tools you'd need to conveniently make high-quality stuff.
  2. Go see which DAWs have demos. iirc, FL's demo is a typicla 30-day full version, then goes into some save-disabled mode. it's an opportunity to get started with music without paying anything. Then there's REAPER, which has an unrestricted demo version. Entry-level DAWs like GarageBand and Mixcraft are also cheap options. There's probably some free options out there, but I don't konw how good they are and thus can't recommend any. When it comes to plugins (instruments and effects), check out this place.
  3. Repetition might be an issue, but not as much as the weird transitions before you get to the main part of the remix. Sound, however, needs the most work. Some instruments are way too foreground-y compared to others. Listen to some orchestral stuff, try to figure out what stands out at any given time, and how much. It's a cool, creative track in need of production fixes. Nice work Shinny, hope you can get back to it.
  4. Lower the velocity on the piano for a softer sound (unless that's a single velocity-layer piano, in which case get a better one). The parts where the piano and whistling play in unison... shouldn't. I'd either change one of them to play a different melody entirely (probably something backing-y) or have them alternate playing the current melody and being backing for the other instrument. Interesting idea, decent start. Keep it up.
  5. You've got a nice idea going here, decent sound choices, but it doesn't sound human. The notes are there but there's not much feeling to them. That's the main difference between reading notes and actually playing them. You've got a few sounds in here that sound more human than others. The guitar thing at 1:58 is terribly mechanical and dry, backing monophonic synth at 0:44 is good. Use eq and a little bit of reverb to push some tracks further back if they get in the way of your leads. Work with track levels and eq to give foreground instruments more prominence (just not too much, as is the case atm) and backing instruments less (you're doing ok here). There's some arrangement stuff you should work on to, the 1:03 thing is completely random. It's good to mix things up like that, but it has to be done in a way that makes sense and doesn't break flow. The little break at 1:29 is good. Not only does it flow well, but it references the source. Avoid stopping the music. It's a cool effect when used once or twice, but you use it a little too much. A great way to vary the source is to use it with a different rhythm or chord progression, another is to take a part from the source and just use it in a new way behind (or in front of) a different part of source. Not sure if you could rework this arrangement into what ocr is looking for. Maybe. At least get the production to ocr's levels. With a few exceptions, you've got good sounds in here, just gotta mix them better.
  6. Took a couple of days but it worked for me. It's not that great an orchestral library tho. The samples are pretty good imo, but I couldn't find a way to control the expression of the samples. Could just be my inability to use SampleTank properly, idunno. Still worth the money, especially for those that don't have a lot of orchestral samples.
  7. Monkey Island! Yay! I mean, arr! You've got a lot of percussion elements sticking out a little too much, use panning, eq and reverb to push some stuff further back. Same with an instrument layered with the guitar (or part of the guitar's attack) - gets more upfront than the leads. Also, too conservative for ocr. And too early to say much else.
  8. Doesn't sound successfully polished. Work on your production ears, learn to tell what's wrong with your mixes yourself (and save the difficult stuff for others to help you with). Play your mix next to some well-produced track, listen for how they differ (besides the obvious, like sound design, key, and stuff). Here's a handy checklist for common problems to help you home in on what might be wrong with it:
  9. Confirmed. The field only allows four letters. Leaving it blank doesn't work either.
  10. If you don't have the ears to tell some talent from great talent, no talent is easier to appreciate because it's easy to identify. I guess.
  11. Kids these days... Well, kids will be kids. These guys, however, may well be taking advantage of those kids and their desire to be famous. And they ought to hire a stylist and a video editor with a more computer skill than it takes to slap a filter on some footage. A tool that highlights girls' and women upper lip to create the effect of a mustache might not be the best tool for the job. Anyone care to translate, cuz it sounds like some kind of exploitation to me. Classy.
  12. Yup, you're first in my sd3 contacts list. You get a cool point for that. 28 tracks completely completed (I have a final version), not counting my spumed tracks or any completed midis we have. That's pretty cool. Looking forward to the upcoming deadline for older tracks. (on that note, I need to stop spuming and just finishing my own tracks) But how can I only have the emails of 16 of y'all?
  13. Don't think my music would fit, but YEA, sure. Nice show btw, both informative and enjoyable. And fun.
  14. Gonna do a proper new recruitment thread after the April deadline, I'm just posting here to remind you of this project. Red and Cyan tracks are available (and if you join now, the April deadline doesn't apply to you). Check out the other projects too. Just because we're not running around posting recruitment requests all the time doesn't mean there's not open tracks. See a project you like (here or here)? Go check it out, ask if you can join. The worst that can happen is that they say no.
  15. Everyone, I'm gonna put together an INTERNAL PRE-PREVIEW THING. If I don't have your email address, you don't get to see/hear it. Most of you probably haven't heard other tracks on the project, and none of you have seen the art we're getting. So if you wanna know how theproject's doing, where we're at, how the others sound... EMAIL!!!! pm/email/im me your email so I can spam you all with project stuff. Dunno, gotta ask Usa when he shows up.
  16. Multiband... what? Dude, it's like saying that you shouldn't put frequencies or phase or fft on something. Anything multiband is a process that works with different frequency bands separately. Most commonly eq (boost or cut frequency band x), the word is most commonly used to refer to multiband compressors. A pad could be split into bands, with the upper bands being wide stereo and the lower ones mono. Drums could be compressed in separate bands to prevent the low frequency sounds from interfering with the higher bands' compression. So there's some good applications for multiband processing on single instruments.
  17. As D&d already said, you should eq to give each track its own place in the mix. Don't use it to indiscriminately add lows to the bass or highs to the lead, each instrument has its own frequency balance which you have to take into account and adjust accordingly. Then you should work on finalizing your mixes better (I won't use the word mastering, because IT'S NOT THE SAME THING). You had some noticeable compression problems in one of the mix examples you posted. That's not good. On the flip side, louder is more clear, so learn to get your volume up without sacrificing quality. There's a wide range of tools - free ones, if you don't have similar ones in FL already - that you could use. Multiband compressors, stereo width tools, exciters, maximizers etc, to be used in conjunction with regular tools such as eq and limiter. Find what you need for the track you're working on, figure out what you need to do with it, then do it. Going blindly into a mix and just adding effects to try to fix something isn't gonna improve your mixing - it'll just make any further mixing more difficult. Not every track will need a dozen effects to sound good, you should be able to put together a decent mix with just a regular reverb, compressor (and limiter) and eq. Blah blah blah. Go read stuff on the internet about how to eq. Then practice.
  18. It's apparently been changed to http://kngi.org/hurryffx/ I tried the mirrors, third one is broken, first one need the url edited to work (so it begins with http://kngi.org/hurryffx/), second mirror works all right.
  19. What do you do when you eq? Having an eq doesn't make anything better, you gotta use it right. Also, not only do you need to give each track its own space, you also need the right overall frequency balance. Have you compared your mixes closely to well-mixed ones to hear if your overall frequency balance is off?
  20. Look for other samplers, either plugins or directly built into a DAW. Logic (mac only) has EXS24, and FL (win only) is listed on wikipedia's software sampler page. You should also see what you can find on KVR Audio, it's got most plugins in its database, and you can set the search mode to just cover free options.
  21. Sampler. The thing you're looking for is called a sampler. Kontakt is a good one, albeit a bit pricey if you're just starting out. Note that not all samplers let you import your own sounds.
  22. mak just sent me an almost entirely completely done track. Some final fixes and I'll mark him as blue. How are the rest of you doing? Keiiii keeps sending me art. I keep getting amazed. Also, a reminder: YOUR EMAILS. I WANT THEM. Otherwise you'll miss out on our SECRET INTERNAL PREVIEW THING.
  23. Crashes for me too, with Snow Leopard and an older version of Logic. probably something in SL that doesn't play nice with Logic. Works all right until I try to quit Logic, then it gets hung up on something and refuses to respond. No help here.
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