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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Was fun last year. Would be cool to do something this year as well. No promises tho.
  2. All top 10 google hits for Rozovian are me. I think I've only ever seen one google hit of it that wasn't me. I get some flak for it sounding a bit too Russian, tho. Probably just a local thing. I think most ppl that know a thing or two about artists on the internet are less concerned with their names and more concerned with the quality of their work. Like most here, I wouldn't be too concerned with including The Otaku or thecatlady on a resumé as long as they're in their appropriate place and you're applying with your real name.
  3. The kick could spawn its own thread. Basically, I don't think it's what you wanted, and it's not what neblix thinks it should be, but I think it could work. Not sure how well it'll work in this context, that's completely up to you and the sound you're going for. It has bass, and it has definition. If you want it to be more aggressive, you need, as neblix put it, more kick, more of the frequencies above the oomph and below the click. As for the frequency thing, read up on what frequency means in a mixing context.
  4. All for You is a fun track. Piano needs to sound more human, it feels like all the notes are pretty much the same velocity and the thing has been quantized. I wouldn't say it sounds sequenced, it sounds too much like fun for that. The track overall could probably use some variation, give it a sense of getting somewhere, like A-B-A2 rather than A-B-A. Polychromatic Fields... the dry clap is the first thing that bothers me with it. The strings don't feel like they fit, and the attack is too slow no matter the sound. Feels a bit flat dynamically, the 2:45 breakdown was expected, but it took to long for something to happen imo. Could have used some kind of build-up to something before then, and something a little bigger and ending-sounding afterwards. It's both calming and has a sense of fun to it. Seems to be your forte. Not sure OCR will like how the synths' sound, they're in between chippy-simple and adequately complex for non-chippy music. Welcome back, cool tracks to return with.
  5. Not gonna listen to source despite your neat and organized listing of them. Too many. Piano seems a lot more distant than the epiano, an annoying disparity you should probably fix. Same with the bells, whatever they are. For most of the track, it doesn't feel like the louder, forte notes (on the regular piano) are justified. Most of them anyway. 1:20 - I know that melody! circa 2:15 - some timing issues. 2:20 - ARGHLOUD! note. Cool, but needs more balance. Also, less ARGHLOUD! stuff.
  6. Guitar is terrible. Brass isn't much better, a more distinctly synth brass would probably fit better. Feels light overall, like the low mids aren't covered or something. Not that all tracks have to beat you with your own subwoofer, but it sounds like something's missing. I gave a quick listen to the source, and it sounds like your track. I hear why you think it's too close, I share your concern, but some chordal or even modal variations, or source melodies that veer off into another direction, or broken up phrases, stuff like that could pull it a bit further into a more original direction. You've got a good base for the track, now personalize it some more.
  7. *dark I don't like how the drums sound. The hihats are ticky and seem to disappear under the bass. The samples are a bit too exposed in the earlier parts of the mix, and the filter effects in the intro (a cool idea) just reveals the drums to be samples. The drum writing is pretty good, tho the snare could use some velocity edits and more varied samples. The bass has a really cool sound, the guitar sounds good to me. Dunno the source, can't comment on that. Direction-wise it feels a bit flat, like it doesn't really go anywhere, it just gets into a groove and stays there. Some dynamics would probably help, give it a sense of build-up or breakdown here or there. Not bad, but not very interesting either. Not that my meandering messes have any more direction. You can do better.
  8. Dude, some patience. Frequency balance is a bit weird, mostly due to the drums' production, at least for what the intro implies this track is. Bass drum is interesting, it's got bass but it feels like that's all it's got. Has a bit of a lounge feel to it, which is cool, tho less aggressive bass drum and side chain stuff would probably work better. Then again, the hard processing fits the part after the guitar solo fairly well, so idunno. The snare is dry, short, and needs to be more... Needs to be more. Voice clips just bother me, but that's personal bias. The distorted rhythms don't work, there's too much of a disparity between them and the rest of the instrumentation. Arrangement is... lacking, imo. Not in that it's not a cool track. The source just feels added to it, not part of the actual arrangement. At least the Ice Cap part, which I (and probably everyone around here) recognize. Ending... didn't feel like an ending. Feels more like you ran out of stuff to add so you faded out the part you had. Needs a better ending. It's a cool style, but needs to be better integrated with the source. I could be wrong, seeing as I don't know the other source you used. Cool style, cool track, probably needs to be built on source to work. Nice work tho.
  9. *Wailing. Not whaling. Whaling alien guitars would be pretty awesome tho. Frequency balance needs work, the whole track is way too quiet, and I'm not sure the sound design is kosher on ocr (tho I guess if chippy stuff is fine, this should be too). At least some of the leads are too simple, I think. I heard sprinkles of source from time to time, but am lazy and am not gonna check if it's substantial and interpreted enough, someone that knows the source better can do that. It's definitely an interesting style and would make a nice addition to ocr's increasingly varied style gallery. Cool start.
  10. Nutri covered production, I'll talk arrangement. or at least source usage. I should know them well enough, I think I've tried to remix all the sources you're using. Starts off with the Ridley area music. A quarter into the track, it all feels familiar, so you can't be far off from the source. Then you kick into a Lower Norfair on some wimpy woodwinds - some ethno stuff could give it a sound that's more in line with the drums. Once the harpsichord comes in, I can't help but think a sitar would work as a transition from the woodwinds section. Still in LN source when the harpsi stops. And then... the battle music, slowly. And then not slow anymore. Interesting beat for a 5/4 melody. Okay, I'm pretty sure I heard all the source (may have misattributed one or so), and it's well interpreted and flows well enough. I was constantly hearing stuff that sounds like metroid sources, so you should be in the green as far as source is concerned. I'd be a little worried about the medleyitis, but if I was judging this on the panel I'd give it a yes. Arrangement and source at least. Felt a bit weak at times, but Nutri probably covered that. I'm lazy and am not gonna check. Nice work, dude. edit: my version on Boss Themes is soooo gonna pwn yours
  11. josh ftw VegetaLOL, you now have a nickname. Yeah, this sounds like someone just starting out. Seems like the first arpegio chord is in major, which is interesting. Not bad, not necessarily good, but interesting. Writing is basic, but you're just starting out o you should know this yourself. Besides, I can comment more about production. Your sound choices aren't terrible, but there's stuff you could improve on in that area. The first arpeggios are a bit too shrill to sound good, you could filter it, eq it, or screw with some other settings to get a softer sound. because of their pitch, they don't need to be that loud anyway. Second arpeggios have a bit of the same problem, but the glide and mono nature of it makes for a nice contrast without being weird. The first underlaying melodyis a bit too lo-fi to fit with the rest, a bit too noisy and raw. Sure, it sounds aggressive, but without anything else that's aggressive to support it, it just sounds like it's doing its own thing. Second one, the vox, is cool. A bit too different from the monoglide arpeggios tho. The bass in the intro works ok, but could be playing under the other parts to give them some backing. You can write your own supporting bassline by looking at the noters the other parts use and figure out which ones fit either by math or by experimentation. Drums are a bit weak. The kick is good, but the claps are terrible. And that's all the drums you have. More of a groove would make the track your own, tho it might be too early for you to start screwing too much with the arrangement, better to just have fun with different sounds and see how stuff sounds together. You're off to a decent start. I would advice you to read up on what volume means for digital files, what compressors are, and stuff like that, cuz your track is too loud. Read up on clipping and overcompression. Practice making stuff too loud and too soft (to learn to hear the difference and find the right balance), try to make it clip intentionally, try to apply the wrong kind of compression to learn what it sounds like. Learning what to do with volume is important. Decent start. Keep remixing, keep learning, and have fun.
  12. There's no tremolo plugin like this in FL? In this, you could just set the phase to 180° and you'd have an autopan sync'd to beat with a custom shape to the pan envelope. The image is of Logic's built-in tremolo, see if there aren't any appropriate VSTs you could use. Or if you can sync a tremolo to beat and change its phase (either 180° or by inverting it), you could just route the audio to two buses, apply tremolo, change the phase of one of the tremolos, and pan the buses opposite one another.
  13. Dear OC ReMix veteran and judge, you may be sweet but are you actually short? Okay so maybe I should write something more substantial about the album? Maybe later.
  14. Some basic but ok trance, written long. Seems like you're mostly just using the lead melody, tho it's been a while since I listened to the source, so there may be others layered in there. If there aren't, you should probably add them. Production feels a bit weak and raw, especially the clap when exposed, but can't tell much about the rest with this setup. Only the synth seem to occupy any space other than center, you could spread hihat and crashes. Bass would be stronger if it's mono (some ppl mix that way for that reason) and its echoes could have the lows filtered out more so they don't interfere with the low lows. It's way too late at night for me to give you anything more detailed. Get us a wip in mp3 form next update/track, it's easier to listen close to. It's a cool track, worth fixing up whether or not you want it on ocr.
  15. Pretty cool, haven't listened close but the album's playing on shuffle and I'm liking what I hear. Thought a Darke track was an AnSo track, and an AnSo track was an AeroZ track on first listen, tho. The idea is probably gonna catch on, others are gonna wanna do album series as well.
  16. Hey new kid! The forum has a search function, you'll get answers to questions ppl have already asked faster that way. Like this useful thread about recording stuff. Also, next time you have a production question, don't put it here, put it in the production forum. Don't worry about that now, the mods can move it later. Depending on the soundcard, you might end up with electrical noise in the recording or even offsetting the data (friend of mine recently managed to record with a 62% dc offset, terrible pop noises whenever starting or stopping a clip from it until the offset was fixed). Bad mics can also get you all kinds of unwanted noise. Might be better to borrow stuff from ppl you know than to start spending on having your own at this point. Unless you're gonna do a lot of recording. Which brings us to how you're gonna record. You can get the audio in with Audacity or something, but once it's in, then what? Just hand it over to someone else? Also, welcome to ocr.
  17. My track is done, just waiting for her to ok it. Once she shows up. Waiting sucks.
  18. We know you're new. You're probably gonna sound like a newb for at least a year. It takes time to learn to make music. This thread could be an interesting read. 1. Levels are much better now. Nice work. Always make sure your levels are at least in the ballpark. 2. Strings are more upfront that some of the melodic content. Because of the complexity of the melodies and even the sounds themselves, you'll wanna put the least interesting stuff further back and the most interesting ones more upfront. There are times when you can break this "rule", but first you gotta learn why to stick with it most of the time. 3. hewo ninja'd some of my crits on this area, esp. 4. strings. They sound softer more appropriate for the mood, even a bit more human now. Right now, the sound of the drums and the guitar are the ones that stand out as rough and mechanical. 5. You've gotten some pointers on drums already, but the best way to learn this is listening to other drums, and experimenting yourself. Does it sound good when you put a drum note in the "wrong" place? Why? Does it sound good when it's a different drum? How do you make the drums sound faster? And slower? And jerky? And smooth? And groovy? And how do fills work? Llisten to stuff, experiment, and figure this stuff out. Most things can be learned by listening and/or experimenting. Keep it up, every time you fix something new, you learn something new. Every time you fail something new, someone might point out something new. And then you can fix it, and learn it.
  19. Not to tell you what to do, but wouldn't you get better quality by downloading the mp3's from the zip on that page?
  20. Rather than make a new thread, just pm a mod to get the thread moved. Mods, merge the threads. Also, your wip link 404s. Had to get it from the other thread. Your levels are weird. I can barely hear most of the leads, and there's a lot of stuff that should be background that's way up front. Not to mention the crazy levels on the guitar. Listen to this, listen to how loud the different sounds are. Your instruments sound rough. With the right volume envelope settings and note velocities you can create a much more human sound on those strings. Drums aren't terrible, I've certainly heard worse, but it only sounds like the basis for a good beat, not like a good beat itself. Listen to this, has some different rhythm ideas for you to analyze.. Meh, too tired to think straight. There's some assorted pointers and crits for you. Hope it helps. Hope it makes sense.
  21. Having been exposed to the minimalist music in civ iv between critting and complaining about your track and now, Gario, I can appreciate it more. I'm even considering doing something similar. Glad this thing is FINALLY out. Great work ppl.
  22. Here. Click on the zip file link thing. Or you might just have to learn what torrents are and how they work. If the problem is that all you're getting is a small file that does nothing and think that's weird, you don't know how torrents work. That file contains what the torrent client needs to download the files from other users. if your torrent problems stem from being behind a firewall or your ISP has blocked torrent traffic, ignore the second paragraph and just go for the zip.
  23. Did you Turn german all Of a Sudden, will? Some Fairly Random-appear Capitalization of word In That Post. Gonna listen to this when I get home. It willrock.
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