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Everything posted by MechaFone

  1. Samus = Ellen Ripley. Let's have some Metroid/Alien action.
  2. Okie dokie. I'll have to take some new pictures, 'cause I've both slimmed down a bit and put on a bit of muscle. Excercise can be taxing, but the results are so worth it.
  3. So does anyone remember how to level up far beyond that of your toughest enemies right before you get to them? When you're chasing Croco, there's an invincibility thing in the third or fourth segment. Get it, use it. Now die. You'll start back where you last saved (preferably two segments back) and you'll keep your exp points. Keep doing it until Croco is gone with one flame attack (I've gotten to level 11 before even getting to Croco this way.) Also, in the sunken ship, after the stairway with the starfish, there's a Dry Bones tucked away in a corner with a Mushroom in a box. Inside are two Dry Bones, two Reapers and a...some monster. Defeating this group will earn you nearly 30 exp points. The great thing is, Dry Bones keeps getting back up! You can repeat this procedure over and over again. They're pretty tough, but keep it up and you can destroy them all in one hit with Mallow's first thunder spell. I believe I got all my characters up to level 18 before I carried on. Johnny and his crew couldn't deal more than 2 damage at one time. So history.
  4. Holy. Fucking. Shit. It's out? IT'S OUT?!?! Why oh why did I have to discover this AFTER budgeting and we have no more money oh shit. sigh.
  5. I've been out on some decent walks this week, but only at the beginning. The rest was alllllll about food, damn it. I don't know what time it is right now, but I'm almost convinced I must go for a midnight run to counter the Mexican I've been eating. Feh.
  6. D'oh yeah, happy birthday, Ultima! So haven't done much this week. I did some nice walking this morning and I'm planning on another decent walk tonight. I've been doing some pushups for the first time in about three weeks, and they're aching and trembling a bit. Need to get back into it!
  7. Hey you want creepy Riddler? Call in Marilyn Manson. I shall provide pictures later that it worked in the new 'The Batman' animated series.
  8. I'd like a name change whenever possible, please. I thought of something short and sweet -after- I came up with amarriedmegaphone, plus it symbolizes two things that I love, Sonic the Hedgehog and the Bone comic by Jeff Smith. So please, when you have time, make it MechaFone. Edit:Took me a minute to realize the change. Thank you! edit2 crap, now I need a new line of sigs...
  9. Oh man...I got hooked on Jerry Reed for his appearence in GTA San Andreas with Amos Moses, one of my now all time favorite songs.
  10. I just got home from a four mile walk. I think I've found a new goal: to walk that same distance a couple times a week. If I can catch that walk in the morning, I'd have it made.
  11. Bummerdude, Doulifee, your sigmaking is majestic, and it makes me cry.
  12. So. Haven't been eating as healthy as I could be, but the wife and I have been walking more. We're both currently working, she's going to college, so she's probably getting in more walking than me. We go walking often, probably three to four times a week, for at least two miles. Not bad, could be better, could be worse. Not bad at all.
  13. Clash of the titanic NERDS
  14. It was indeed a sad day that vgmix broke. The update system was pretty nice, I'd go to the library and check out the new songs (back when I didn't have access to my computer every day but once a week, if I was lucky) and I was very happy with it. Then that horrible tragedy...sigh. So many of my favorite songs were erased and they had to start all over, if I recall. I've looked there, but do they have some kind of 'classic' vg song collection? I just remember that VGMix had the most badass Sonic 2 chemical plant song, hard fast rock mix I've ever heard. I was lucky enough to save it, though, if anyone's interested in obtaining this gem.
  15. That is because the Japanese people are completely obsessed with entertainment, far more than we are. Now I'm not saying this is always a bad thing. Indeed, look at the incredible music inspired by video games that come from Japan. They're crazy about it. They make masterpieces from video games in every way imaginable. They do the same with every other kind of entertainment they can get their hands on. Have you seen some of the crazy shit they do for television? The strange and bizarre, the funny stuff that just doesn't seem to have a purpose? America has it's own kind of crazy, completely different, but just as crazy. It doesn't have the same passions as Japan. It both prevails and fails for this. In it's own right, Japan has it's high points. Video game music and recreating it in grand symphonies is one of them. America will probably never have the same incentive to create such incredible masterpieces, and for that, it's one big disappointment. Still, I do get my laughs when I see those bizarre Japanese tv shows...
  16. I work weeknights. I take advantage of the computer at work.
  17. To all of you able to go to the movies on a weeknight, fuck you. Fuck you, weeknighters.
  18. DS knows his SW lore. I read tons of those books back when I was in high school. I never really got to the graphic novels till years later, and I'd have to reread all of that stuff to know what DS is talking about. I guess I really remember Luke opening the Jedi acadamy on Yavin 4, the Dark Jedi spirit trying to take over the minds of several of the kids, that extending lightsaber, the Sun Crusher...awesome. It really would be fascinating to see some of those books in the movies or even on TV, but...ya know it's never gonna happen, and if it does, it'd probably suck in some way.
  19. I personally think they could turn a few of those graphic novels into movies. Those two brothers who accidently saved Boba Fett from the Sarlacc? Awesome. "Boba Fett does not scream like a little girl." Or that fight between Darth Maul and Darth Vader. Cloned by the old Sith Lords, he is sent to replace Vader, as it is believed that he is not strong enough (not enough hate) to carry on as the new Sith Lord under Darth Sidious. The fight is incredible, taking the two of them down to a lava pit. The whole scenery is very reminiscent of Anakin's final fight with Obi-wan. Complete, absolute irony. Vader spends most of the fight trying to keep his ground, while Maul bounces around and kicks Vader's ass with his Sith-Fu. Finally, he moves in for the kill when he knocks Vader's lightsaber out of his hands. At the last second, Vader pulls his weapon back to his hands and reverse-thrusts Maul right in the same damn spot that slew Master Qui-Gon. With his dying breath, Darth Maul asks Vader what he could possibly hate enough to kill him. Vader simply replies, "Myself." It was one of the most awe-inspiring stories I've ever read.
  20. Aw fuck I gotta wait another year for Half-Blood Prince??
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