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Everything posted by MechaFone

  1. Awesome. This is probably one of the most listened to songs for me when it comes to the DKC album.
  2. This song just reminds me so much of days long gone by. If I weren't so damn full, I might've been moved to tears. This is one of my faves.
  3. There are so many different kinds of sounds coming from this remix-I can't even name one of them, I'm so hypnotized. One of the more interesting remixes I've found.
  4. We need more Kingdom Hearts remixes! That being said, I'm fond of this one. I enjoyed the music to Tarzan's world, and this remix captures that melody in it's own unique way.
  5. I wasn't actually sure if this was a remix from this site, the vocals are just top-notch and the music is superb. I'm going through my recent Utorrent downloads of every OCremix, and I just happened to find this on random. I may have this on all night long.
  6. I found DJ Pretzel's initial review to be most entertaining. Also, this mix is very uh...I don't know how to describe what it makes me feel. But I do like it. Now that I remember the song that is being remixed, I do have to say that is a very lofty, dreamy take on the warp area. It is very nice.
  7. Day 8 using Wii Fit. I've lost about four pounds.
  8. That's hugely awesome! Congratulations to you both, and I'm freakin' jealous that you'll be having your honeymoon at Magfest! Can't go this year 'cause we'll be in Korea... Take lots of pictures though (both at wedding and at magfest) Again, that's awesome! Congratulations to you both.
  9. 30 seconds in and I have to say........I likey. Now that bass solo. Mmm. Phat beats. Funky. Sagat really is a smooth, sexxy thai gai.
  10. Dude, why do a lot of guys that go cross-dressing end up cuter than the actual, average girl?
  11. Hokay. So we got Wii Fit yesterday, and I spent more than four hours on the thing. I know running in place isn't the same as running, but I gave my calf muscles a better workout than I ever did running. So I also tried the push-up exercise and holy crap. I had no idea how many muscles I haven't been using correctly. And I sure as hell didn't know how off balance I am. My balance and rythem SUCK (I doubt I'll ever get the advanced basic step down). All-in-all my favorite thing to do is the run in place exercise. No, I won't forget to do the actual running.
  12. Let me just take the opportunity to say that I loved the No Balls No Glory album. Pure gold. The whole tracklist was solid and well put together, and 'Rove You Rong Time' is no exception. I love the chinese piano melody and the soft, smooth beat. I've literally got nothing bad to say about this one. Get this.
  13. Hokay! So! I am currently at 271.2 pounds. That's actually four pounds less than I was a couple weeks ago. I abstained from running yesterday because my run the day before that was serious overkill, especially on my first day of running, and my whole body was sore. I took my second run today, which wasn't nearly as impressive and lasted about 20 minutes, with about 5 minutes of running in total. I'm a little disappointed, but I'm pretty sure I tired out more quickly because I wore different shoes. Anyway, I've started with shorter running paths, much closer to home. I've started on my way, I'm so excited! I need to lose about 60 pounds before I join the air force, and I'll be running seven times a week if I can.
  14. Okay, so holy shit. I made a serious breakthrough today, like none I've ever had before. Today I completely accepted the fact that I have to change my life or I'm just going to waste away to nothing and never do a damn thing with my life. Today I worked past the pain that I get in my left shin when I run. I worked past it to the point that it didn't hurt anymore. Today, I walked/ran for two hours today, wandering the neighborhood and jogging when I could.. It wouldn't be a whole lot for others, but it was a helluva lot for me. I haven't had a workout like this for a few years, and I feel incredible. I am joining the air force in just under six months. Quote me on this.
  15. -sigh- I'd love to go, and I might catch you guys year after next, but this year I'll be coming back to the states from Korea. Jet lag is SERIOUS business.
  16. You whipped this up in an hour and 20 mins or something? Man. Brilliant!
  17. I had my own spot on the former fit board, but since it's moved, I shall start all over again, as my goals have needs, too. I am currently. . . 278 pounds. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but higher than last I checked. So I'm currenly taking 20 minute walks around my neighborhood at a pace that makes me shins -hurt-. I'll be doing this for a week before I make my walks five minutes longer. I will continue to expand per week before I feel comfortable adding some running to my regime. My long term goal...join the military, make some money. My short term goals...get a little more fit, lose some weight, post some sexy pics, whch might fit more into the long-term goals.
  18. They found the body of a 7 year old child. It's not confirmed that it's the nephew or not. I shiver to think of why not.
  19. Wow. I don't have much else to say about it. It sounds a little bit like Legend to me, in some parts. Majestic. Awesome.
  20. Yikes! How many weeks have gone by and I haven't posted? So sorry, amigos, I got distracted and my computer broke down and stuff. I was walking a bit more, getting into better shape, but then I lost my job about a month back and I don't get as much excercise per day. I've been knocked a few notches backwards, and I'm really considering the military. That'd put me in shape. Hm...well, I think I'm gonna go for that. I'm setting a new personal goal, folks! I'm even gonna put this down on my cell phone, to wake up every morning and go running, even if only for ten minutes, if I can keep going that long. Wish me luck fellas, I'm gonna try to get in shape asap so I can join the military. Yeah I know these sudden decisions don't hold much water, so I'm gonna need some help staying focused. If you guys wanna help me out, just remind me now and then not to give up. I need a job and I need to be in shape. So...really, seriously, wish me luck. Oh, and it is safe now to put me back on the active roster.
  21. This is one of my favorite songs from the first SOR. That being said, WOW. I love this mix, I find it to be incredible in music, and equally impressive with the vocals. Very, very impressive.
  22. KH was incredibly entertaining for me. The story itself is kinda deep, and the action gets good, too. Like others said, its gets better and much more interesting once you get past Traverse Town.
  23. He was also 'pretty good' in the Mario Bros movie.
  24. Hey, how about this. A special kind of gun that when you shoot it at someone, their intestines burst from their stomach and proceed to strangle the fuck out of them, or the person next to them? Also, some intestine rape would be interesting.
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