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Everything posted by MechaFone

  1. I saw it today with my wife. She hasn't seen much of the comics, so she was spared many a facepalm. I had many, however. I won't spoil the movie, but I will say it has plenty of action, awesome fight scenes and testesterone up the wah-zoo. For hardcore fans, well...just view at your own risk.
  2. Happy Birthday! I don't know why, but whenever I see your name it reminds of The Seventh Guest.
  3. I am Mechafone, and I approve of this remix introduction. I also approve of the rest of this mix. Great production throughout, it's lively and intent on being awesome. Great job!
  4. I've been listening to the Voodoo Vince soundtrack.
  5. There aren't a lot of File Select remixes from 64, but I'd love to see this on the front page. It's got huge potential, imo. Keep shining this one, it's capable of dazzling!
  6. I'd kinda go with Space Docks or something like that, since the synths remind me a little bit of Space Lion from Cowboy Bebop.
  7. Big fan of Kingdom Hearts music myself. If I had to give some advice, it's that this is way too close to the source material. You need some original material to go in here with what you've already got going. Sounds like you've got some originality going on here, and that's a good thing. Keep polishing!
  8. Awesome bass driven remix. I'm loving the keyboard melody. Very cool stuff. Also, I love how it all starts to go crazy around 2:35 or so. Nice!
  9. Ooh! Very nice beat here. Very mellow, laid back sound to it. I like.
  10. Whoa. As mentioned before, I knew this was going to be awesome with that first sound. Keeps me nodding my head to the beat, and the sound overall is just incredible. Great 80's feel to it. Great production, don't miss this one!
  11. Oh man, I'm loving this from the first second and everything after. I've become more familiar with the Metroid series music, and I'm loving what's been done with this. The beat itself is very laid back, yet still conveys the mystery behind the melody. This one is highly recommended.
  12. I haven't really listened to a CT remix for a while, but I don't remember many of them being this awesome. I like the background guitar work, and the occasional melodies from different themes. All very badass, I like it!
  13. Nicely done! I find myself trying to headbang to this, but I stopped doing that crap years ago 'cause it shakes my brain. Fantastic speed metal-type rock with wave-synths (I think?) Awesome!
  14. Ah hah! Now I recognize these guys. High quality stuff here. I love remixes with live instruments, and this is a worthy addition. Great lyrics, too!
  15. Most awesome! I loved the intro. This remix uses high quality sounds along with high quality production. Mucho recommendation!
  16. Wow , this works pretty well. More should be made!
  17. Not a bad piece! I like how it gets going after about two minutes. The first section was peaceful and just took off from there. Keep working, perfect this piece.
  18. Hey man, keep it up. This won't fly with the judges, but your mix here is pretty smooth and sounds just as smooth. More originality and content and you've got yourself a pretty good shot. There aren't a whole lot of chemical plant mixes that I can stand, but your sound is promising.
  19. Is there anything you wouldn't hit with your rod?
  20. How oooooooooold is he? Have a great birthday, Coop!
  21. 1 AM from Animal Crossing, original Nintendo 64 version.
  22. I was wondering why some freakish couple had taken over the front page. Time to go exploring!
  23. I'm not totally enthusiastic about this. But let me say that's just me. I'm reminded in some places of ye old OC remix gold in years past, which for me is a good thing. It's not the arrangement but the fact that I can't make out a lot of the original melody. It's there of course, I just like to be able to hear more of the source when I listen to a remix. Again, that's just me. Fantastic arrangement, though. Good, pumping sounds make this an exciting and adrenaline derived mix. Kudos!
  24. A good missed opportunity.
  25. Man I would so totally catch this. The wife hates big crowds at movies (I do too, who wants to practically sit in a stranger's lap just to watch a movie?) but I might just brave it for this.
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