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Everything posted by MechaFone

  1. Haven't kept up to what I said I was gonna do. BUT I have gone for walks over the week. CT got her first job at a fast food joint down the street a bit, so I've been going over there for lunch a couple times. Holy crap, their food is awesome. TOO awesome. We went for an hour long work this evening and I doubt I even worked off half of that shit. Gonna have to avoid that place... I've been working out here and there during the week. My arms and chest have been getting a little more shaped out, something I'm happy with. Gotta keep up with the sit-ups, though.
  2. rofl. I loved it. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusion! Vegeta: "Forget it! I'm not doing your little gay dance!"
  3. I keep missing these things 'till the day is over D- Happy Birthday! I hope your recovery is going smoothly.
  4. Do not leave your heart in San Francisco. They'll make a song about it.
  5. So far, so good. I've been getting much busier as the school year begins anew. Not only that, but I've begun a new workout program for myself at home. I'm starting small: 90 standing push-ups over the course of the day, and 45 sit-ups in the evening. I've been doing standing push-ups for the last two months, and I'm seeing muscles in places I didn't even know I had. If I can keep this up all the way through fall and winter, I'll be -very- happy.
  6. First time I saw that video or heard that song. Freakin' awesome. Happy Birthday!
  7. I nearly cried when John Lemmon and Walter Mathau died. They were brilliant comedians and I loved them in all the roles I saw. Bernie Mac is no different. He helped pioneer a new generation of comedy, and he indeed had more years to go. I will miss this man and I'm sure the whole country weeps for the loss of such a brilliant funny man. Also, RIP sum um a bitch.
  8. Eh. This week hasn't been much to speak of. I've tried getting up at six to do my walking, since my work schedule has changed to allow me to walk in the mornings. I've only gotten around to it once this week, though. I'm still getting at my upper body excercises now and then, couple times a week to speak of. My wife's family is here now and probably will be here for a short while, a couple weeks, so we'll just have to see how well I can keep up my routine. Next week will be great, though, I'll be starting up the normal schedule, which means constant movement during the day. That ought to pace things a little better.
  9. I've no idea or thoughts really on what to do about this, but I do agree that we should continue. My body is now thinner I think than it's been in over ten years. I owe you Steben, for helping to motivate me into getting a little more fit. So for me, keeping this thread or a thread like it alive is most agreeable. Count me in to keep truckin'.
  10. Okay, so I have noticed one neat little thing about cuil. When I typed in my name next to overclocked remix, it posted a bunch of my posts here. The neat thing is, it displayed my post rank I had at the time. I saw Megaman and Goomba. But when I clicked on the link, it had my present name, Kraid. It's not really that important, but it was kinda neat.
  11. I searched high and low for a Super Mario RPG rom on Yahoo. I was just about out of hope when I thought "Wait a sec...maybe, just maybe, Google will have one if I look hard enough..." First page, first article, there it was. Google will forever be my greatest love. Screw that...quil...cueel? Yeah, like that'll catch on.
  12. Happy Birthday, BGC! Today you begin the end of the beginning of your life.
  13. Okay! 'Nother update so's not to be late this time. Excercise has been all right. I've got a nice three day weekend and lots of downtime next week 'cause we're done stripping. So, lots more walks in the afternoon and more one-armed pushups for me. Also, I've been better about less soda and more water. The normal pants I wear are losing their tightness, and I'm quite happy with that.
  14. Dude, are you gonna take an interludo for some cake?? Hahah. Take care of yourself and your lady. Happy Birthday, happy engagement. Many more years to you and your successful site!
  15. Whoa! Really late update. Work has been kind to me. Lots of movement and excercise. On the home hand, I had a nice couple days of swimming and diving excercises when I went to visit my mom-and-sister-in-laws. This week, I think I'll start biking, as I inherited one from my sis-in-law when they moved. Wish me luck!
  16. Ah, another thread involving the great Joker/Mark Hamil. Yes, Castle In The Sky features Mark Hamil as a voice of one of the main characters. Go get it. As for MML, I've never played.
  17. That's awesome, man! Congratulations, I hope your engagment and eventual marriage will have as much success as this site has seen.
  18. I have to get up for work at five in the morning. Plus I have to drive four hours tomorrow -after- work to get to my mom-in-law's new apartment. If my weekend was free I'd so be there at midnight. Packed theatres are fun, as long as one gets a decent seat. The crowd itself can be amusing (can be annoying, but for me they're usually all right) and hell, what beats the going to the biggest blockbuster of the year at midnight in a packed theatre? That's my kind of thing, I'm gonna miss it
  19. Oh yeah, sure...maybe Ryu will be the star, and HE'LL get to play the scientist.
  20. Answers given below. __________________
  21. Not much to say this last week. I've taken a walk a couple times, so other than the work I do, I haven't gotten a lot of excercise at all. I am starting to get into a bit more walking, so that's something, right? Eh.
  22. No Robocop vs The Last Unicorn ideas? Maybe Zombie Robocop Rides The Last Unicorn? Again?
  23. God bless you, man. It sounds terrible, I certainly wouldn't wish it on anyone. Get well soon, rest up, and get back to living comfortably.
  24. Not much to say about last week, really. I worked for two days and had the rest of the week off. Big four day weekend (the fifth day was out sick) So now I'm sore after the first day back at work and it's back to square one.
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