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Everything posted by MechaFone

  1. Congratulations, Prophet! Also, BGC? ô_o?
  2. I'm impressed. How many remixers here can say that they've collaborated on a mix with their mom? Kingdom Hearts Remix? Awesome. Getting the KH's violin down? Nice. Remixing KH with a violin supplied by your own mom? Priceless. You both did an incredible job! Kudos to you both!
  3. ...fried seafood? Steben? I'm jealous...I want fried calamari and jumbo grilled shrimp. So this week has been very little excercise. I was out Tuesday and I was painting floor baseboards yesterday, I literally sat on my ass for about three or four hours straight. Probably more. On a lighter note, I went for a speed walk this morning, probably went for two miles. Saw some deer at the pinacle of my walk, which was cool. I strayed pretty bad halfway through this summer schedule of ours. I stopped walking altogether and just relied on having work get me through, which was a really bad idea. So from now on, I think I'll be taking myself for a walk at least twice a day. Speed walking, of course. I think I'll do that for the rest of the summer, and then take up light jogging once it gets a little cooler.
  4. It's kinda hectic here, too. Don't worry about keeping tabs on us, Steben, we're all consenting adults. That being said, you can count on me at least to keep checking in weekly. This is something that could save my life as well as just get me a little more healthy/fit. As for your second idea, I think it's a fine one. I mean, why stop at the end of summer? This can only help relations in OCR. Maybe at some point we can all meet up and have a Wii Fit competition or something, lol. But anyway, I'm all up for continuing this in Community. All opposed?..............all for? Aye.
  5. Awesome picture there. We need/want more! Congratulations, and marriage is indeed an incredible thing. Be safe, soldier, get back home to her soon. Awesome We'll be needing pics of that, too.
  6. Happy Birthday! This calls for the creation of the 'video game fan shotglass'!
  7. I'm all over fail too, steben, no worries. This weekend has been total flop, asides from a little arm workouts earlier today and a decent sit-up workout yesterday, which I'm still feeling. Work has been good, but not really enough, as I think I stated before. Still, it's better than nothing, and pretty decent movement throughout the workday, so it's not like I'm sitting around, which is what I did most of the weekend.
  8. So this week has been more of the same. Stripping and whatnot, which in itself isn't actually a whole lot of work unless we're pulling furniture out of rooms and back in. They had me on waxing duty, during which I discovered stand-up push-ups. One stands about three feet from the wall/doorframe, then leans in close, with your arms against your body like a push-up, and push. It's not as much work as a push-up on the floor, but I was actually able to concentrate on one-armed push-ups like this. My arms are rubber at this point. I'll be doing several sets of these per day from now on, or at least three times a week. Strength training for my arms has begun
  9. I'm in at five minutes. This is weird so far, but creative. Which one are you, JJT? In at thirteen minutes. This is getting good. Edit: Finished. Started out kinda slow, kinda iffy, but it picked up and got really interesting. Fine acting, fine plot, fine finish. I was not expecting that. I liked it, and I recommend it to anyone willing to go through the registration and flash update. I also liked the use of that ancient starbrite. Symbolistic in several ways, I think. Very nice.
  10. http://movies.msn.com/movies/article.aspx?news=319126&GT1=7701 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_Winston
  11. Well, the week was great, the weekend was all right. All week. Stripping, breaking down rooms, constant movement. Thursday or Friday, we removed at least, I'm not overexaggerating, two tons of books from a large room. Had to stop a few times and give my poor back some rest. The weekend was spent helping my Mom-In-Law clean out her garage, which has been filled with stuff over their last few moves. Gigantic garage, completely full of various heavy things to lift and carry to the curb, which was pretty good training. Sunday we did nothing. NOTHING. And it was greatly gratifying. So there's my weekly report. I'ma have to start running again, though, for all my activity. Running or speed walking.
  12. Slow weekend for me, no excercise. Oh, unless one counts the hot, strenuous work of putting up a large, hard plastic shed out in 94 degree weather for three days...nah. Not much work, just a lot of sun. Yesterday was good, more stripping and a little painting at the end of the day. No cardio in that work, I -seriously- need some home DDR service or wii fit, I don't have the money for either
  13. Awesomeness. The beginning sequence kinda reminded me of Okami's artwork. Even Po's attitude made me think of Issun at times (minus the pervy-ness.) There was plenty of creativity in this movie, jokes and scenarios I'd never seen before and an incredible message near the end that made me smile. Funny and fantastic throughout.
  14. So, weekly check-in. This whole week has been fantastic. I've been stripping floors now, and will continue with that for the next five weeks, I think. It's not as much of a workout for the arms, but for the legs, the under-the-thigh-muscles, since I do a lot of leaning down and bending to scrape wax off the edges of the floor. It's no cardio or anything, but it'll strengthen my legs. CT and I have been doing a -lot- more cooking at home, so that's helping out with our nutrition. Egg sandwhiches are usually for breakfast, with loads of homemade faves for other meals, so we're on the road to better health.
  15. This week has been incredible. Painting every day, all day. Movement, water, formidable excercise. My shoulders are still aching from Monday's activities. Soon, we'll start stripping the entire school. That also means removing hundreds of pounds of school equipment from each room before and after. I'm in workout heaven. I'm out 'till the weekend!
  16. My wife is currently playing through Oni Island, racing against that demon tag or whatever it is. It's -seriously- making me think about opening my own file and playing through again. Okami is -definitely- one of the best games I've ever played, music, gameplay, graphics and design. Absolutely awesome.
  17. This week is shaping up pretty good. I started today with painting. Seems we'll be doing that for the rest of the week, at least. I painted fast and hard. Lemme tell ya, painting with an extension is hard work if you're moving fast. I'll be feeling the burn in my upper shoulders for a week. Awesome workout day, and the rest of the week should be at least as fruitful.
  18. Weekly check-in! So anyway, this week has been good and bad. Monday was holiday, no work. No work-out, either. Tuesday was all right. I painted and got a decent workout for a few hours before my allergy appointment. Weighed in and found out I'm 283 freakin' pounds. Holy shit. Anyway, Thursday was an in-meeting. Every custodian in the county gathers and sits for 8 hours. No excercise. Today (Friday) was very good for excercise. I was painting, moving constantly, and several times I aided in moving very heavy objects and sweated to the max. Great day. So, my week has been up and down, but I now have a new goal: to lose 60 pounds by the end of the year...! I hope to lose 10 to 20 pounds by the end of the summer, and with this kind of work, it's quite possible. More water, less soda, more movement.
  19. Well, I was really worried about myself this summer. But it seems work will see me through! Today was the first full day at work I've had this week since the summer schedule started. I painted all day, and to my satisfaction, it kept me moving all day as well. My team and I completed five different rooms in eight hours, from top to bottom (excluding baseboards.) Today, I felt better than I have in MONTHS. Moving all day and working all day made me very, very happy. It was strenuous, sweaty work, -and- I had nothing but water to drink all day. Hell, if I can keep this up and sweat off some pounds this summer, I'll consider myself well on my way to completing my goal.
  20. So I bought this incredible book at Best Buy today. It's a World Records that has over two hundred pages of information, trivia and facts about video games and their creators, including future developments. I suggest this book to any serious or newbie gamer, if only to see the incredible roots of the gamer and his/her entertaimnent over the last 25 years. This book is incredible...I'll post pictures later, if possible.
  21. Wow, this is pretty interesting! The aforementioned ideas below aside, I really really like this. It strays from the original source enough to make it an entirely different song, while keeping elements of the original here and there. I'm not a song expert and won't be 'till I'm making my own music, but imo this has some good potential. Keep it up, it sounds awesome!
  22. Weekly check-in! Okay, like I stated before, I haven't been doing all that great. However, I just got back from a fifteen minute speed-walk. I think I'll be concentrating more on that for now, it's a much more realistic goal for me: to prepare myself over the summer to start running. I'm thinking that if this thread remains open even after the summer, I'd still participate. Sharing my fitness goals with you guys has been a pleasure and a useful experience. So, here's to speed-walking for at least 20 minutes by July.
  23. Geez. Hearing about all this successful excercizing makes me feel lousy. I don't think I've done a thing this week, even though I wake myself up at six every morning. I can't stay awake and the only movements I've been through is work. 'Course, lifting 50 pounds or more of garbage several times a day might do something for me, it's just not enough. I'm pretty downhearted, but I'm still going. My summer schedule is starting on Tuesday, so I'll be lifting desks up onto my shoulders every day for about three weeks straight. Should be some pretty good strength training, at least. Wish me luck, guys, I really need it.
  24. Sheesh. Sorry for the wait. My camera doesn't have the best track record.
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