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Everything posted by MechaFone

  1. I'm not familiar with the source material, but this remix makes me want to be. Nice, smooth groove with some jazz and light jazz/pop. I gravitate towards this type of groove a little moreso than others, just reminds me of professionally done music that you might hear on some random internet jazz radio. Nice remix here!
  2. Wow! I remember this game back when I was playing SNES with a friend, waaaay back when. Anyway, our favorite level to cheat-warp to was the garden maze where the crazy Jason-freakzoid with the chainsaw kept chasing us. We'd wriggle and squeal like little girls when he found us. Man, great memories.
  3. Holy cheese on rye. First, McVaffe, welcome back, I've missed you terribly. Hell, I wasn't even on the forums before you left for your own endeavors. Anyway, McVaffe has captured "Reset" beautifully. I love all the percussion throughout this song. Gives it a nice, gentle sound, like tapping hollow bamboo shoots. I can hear his trademark beats that I've come to love once the beat sets in at 1:19. This song is true justice for a truly beautiful game. That suble Rasta beat at 1:47, I am digging. Quite a comeback song for McVaffe, I'll be playing this song at regular intervals at work. Welcome back, McVaffe, can't wait to hear some of your new ideas!
  4. Heeeeeeeey not bad, man. I didn't know what to think until I could make out the carousel music in there. I'd say you've at least got a shot at that place on the song list. Good luck!
  5. Is it just me, or does Sonic need an X-Men vs Street Fighter overhaul? You can all flame my ass for making such a proposal, but there have been a couple of Sonic fighting games (Sonic The Fighters.....such an abomination to the fighting genre) and Sonic Battle, which wasn't so appalling that it recieved the E.T. treatment. Not great games, but the idea behind it has potential, imo. I've had an idea in my head about it for a while: It starts out like the recent Sonic games. Sonic races to stop the bad guys, and we have a race-to-the-finish level. Halfway in, he meets up with one of his rivals. For sanity's sake, we'll say Knuckles. Knuckles, as everyone knows, is a bonehead. He needs convincing that there's trouble. The usual insulting comes from Sonic, Knuckles gets mad, and we slip into a 2D fight screen. Lots of interesting moves, building up your energy meter for special moves SNK style or whatever. Fight over, they're both on the move, and it moves into split-screen for an optional two-player race to the scene-of-the-disaster, since Sonic and Knuckles have two different speeds. Knuckles of course takes the alternate, rock and mountain terrain to get there, possibly before Sonic's straight-on-through path. Anyway, so on and so forth. Just an idea that'll never get heard.
  6. Did someone say a dead franchise? http://worryfox.deviantart.com/art/Sonic-vs-NiGHTS-4019285
  7. You can make your own birthday threads? I'll remember that for next month (hint hint). Happy Birthday, Hausdog!
  8. Of all those mentioned, I've only played Mario RPG. So...Super Mario RPG please!
  9. I've loved this remix from the time it was posted and still going. I love the 'frontier' sound, like one of the old frontier movies. It's fantastic, and one of the more original CT mixes on the site. Please download this if you love old Western movies, and even if you don't, it's an amazing remix in it's own right, something I never get tired of listening to.
  10. Iiiiii dunno. Sinatra had a pretty mean 'chooka chooka' goin' on.
  11. sigh...another 13 year old child who's new to the interwebs, just happens to find the biggest, most awesome video game music site to be found, and takes a song from it's fucking founder. I thought I'd seen the ballsiest of them, but this takes the cake. Castrate and punish.
  12. Hahah. Ingenius! Fantastical, outrageous, overachieving...
  13. Okay, well, I finally got a look at the trailor, and...well, I'm trying not to get too excited about it. So far, this 'Link' isn't actually all that bad-looking. Prolly 'cause he hasn't had any speaking parts, sans Link. Also...it's LOZ. Done in a movie. I may be branded an idiot for the next seven years (also sans Link) but I'm actually excited about this being an actual movie. So. I'm gonna wait till I see another trailor to actually think about this.
  14. No flash for computers at school, PHUCK. At least I got to see some screen shots. Wtf...why are they depicting Link as a shit-faced ugly 30-something year old? Ganondorf looks fucking delicious compared to the Link they're portraying. I liked the look about it all, though. Very Twilight-Princess-y. Fake, maybe. Real, maybe. A big, fat, joke either way? Hell yes.
  15. Wow...just wow. I'm not a big fan of anything FF under 7, but I'll just have to go check out the soundtrack myself and develop some love, 'cause I love all things OC project. Seein' some serious hate here, though...none of my business of course, but it's still surprising. Can't wait to see the final product! edit: Can't believe I didn't mention this first time around...HOLYPHUCK McVaffe is comin' back?? If only for this project, I say 'Woo-Fucking-Hoo!'
  16. Huh. That was weird. But Starla's tactic worked! Thank youse.
  17. I couldn't spell or speak his handle to save my life so HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLAKE!!! (that's a kick-ass cake btw, liontamer. Where the hell do you find those things??)
  18. Every single one of your birthday posts are backwards...I'm gonna have to carry a mirror with me in May = \
  19. lol what kind of cake is that?? I'd love some 3D cube cake!
  20. Can't believe it's been two hours and NO ONE said anything! Happy Birthday, dude! edit: Hm. I've just noticed that Liontamer seems to post the birthdays officially. If that's so, let me know and I'll remove this thread.
  21. lol. I told her, tried to coach her a little. 'Sweetie, your name's gonna a little too long.' She said 'Well that's their problem.' Newbies...eh.
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