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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. On top of that, she (Spoilers) just watched the baby Metroid, the closest thing she had to a child, sacrifice itself in front of her eyes. Couple that with seeing her "father" for the first time in years. That alone would be enough to unbalance her emotionally, but then add in the Ridley thing and it's no wonder she's so unstable, really.
  2. Exactly. If you guys wanted to play Super Metroid again, then why not, you know, go and play Super Metroid again? I think this is something we're going to have to agree to disagree on. Some of us (including myself) felt that character development was necessary and that the scene with Ridley made sense. Other don't think character development was necessary. We're not going to be able to change each other's opinions on this. Personally, I'm glad they tried to give Samus a character. Was it a smash success? No, I don't think so. But I am glad they tried, and I hope they do a better job next time. I Think we've got enough Lone-Wolf Silent-Hero characters out there. Link, Master Chief, Gordon Freeman, just to name a few. The only way for Nintendo to improve is for them to get support. If Other M is a huge financial disaster, it's possible we may not ever see another Metroid. At least, not for a very long time. Actually, this would make a good topic for Extra Creditz...
  3. That's a really good read. It also makes sense that she wouldn't have such an issue in Zero Mission because she knew he was there and she was looking for him. In Prime, she was shocked, but mostly angered because he flew off and she had an idea of the Pirate's future plans for Ridley after seeing Mecha Ridley. In Prime 3, she knew she hadn't destroyed Ridley in Prime 1, and wasn't too surprised to see him again. In Super, she probably thought she had killed him, and was unable to fight well, which is why she loses her first encounter with him on Ceres. In Other M, she's certain that even his remains have been obliterated, so it makes sense that this time she would really suffer from PTSD.
  4. That Would be Destin, the leader of the Anti-Nintendo Organization.
  5. Haha, great game, but voice acting that sounded like they were speaking through tubes Sooo... ScrewAttack really doesn't like the game. They go on a tirade about the game on SideScrollers, mostly about the story. There seems to be 3 categories of people who play this game: -Casual Metroid fans who have played one or two of the newer games. They like Other M's ease of play and don't mind the story. -Large Metroid fans who have played many of the games, and whose favourite is Super Metroid. The hate the auto-aim, and their perception of Samus is completely messed with. They don't bother considering the story as it connects with the other games and instead focus on samus taking orders from a man and her freezing at Ridley. -Hardcore Metroid fans who have played all the games and might have even read the Manga. We appreciate the gameplay styles and recognize the design choices with the auto-aim and concentration. We can understand why Samus is so emotional now, and why she freezes at the sight of Ridley(she fought him many times and blew up the planet he was on! Anyone would be convinced he was finally dead after that!). I don't know why people are so hung up over Samus' new personality. Key word: NEW personality. her personality has changed after the events of Metroid 2 and Super Metroid. How could you ever hit enemies in a 3D space without the auto-aim? It was always pretty silly that enemies dropped missiles and health, so the concentration makes more sense and makes boss battles much more intense. As for her not activating her weapons or armour, remember, she is under the command of someone and if she wants to get paid, she follows his orders. Besides, she does activate features of her suit without his permission (Space Jump, Screwattack, Plasma Beam, etc).
  6. Yeah, the writing's not the best, but I think it's pretty natural. All the characters speak like they would if they were in that situation, and with rare exceptions, I NEVER found it to be obvious this was recorded by actors, unlike certain other games...(Baten KAitos, I'm looking at you!)
  7. Well that explains everything! I live in Canada too, and we always miss out on the good stuff. All I need is a legit Arceus, Deoxys, Celebi and Mew and I'll have a 100% legit dex. I can get a legit mew by depositing 1000 pokemon into pokemon ranch, but that will take a while.
  8. That's exactly what it is. There are even people out there who think Adam was her boyfriend. That's icky. I actually got the idea that Ian was her boyfriend. Oh, and another thing: yes, Samus is a bounty hunter, but in the Metroidverse, bounty hunters are actually an organization run by the Galactic federation, so if they decide to call on a bounty hunter or two, those hunters have to respond and follow their orders. Obviously there are independent hunters (as seen in Prime Hunters), but Samus, Rundas, Ghor and Gandrayda are a few of the hunters "owned" by the federation. Of course, after Fusion she must have left and become her own agent, and I'd love to see what the next game after Fusion would be like. I would love to see a return of Admiral Dane, and some people were even suggesting that since Samus is now part Metroid, maybe her power-ups could be in the form of Metroid Evolutions. Alpha, beta, gamma and omega suits, if you will.
  9. Sooo, just to debunk the "Samus takes orders from a man? That's Sexist!" and "She won't activate her weapons till a man says she can?" complaints, samus DOES activate the space jump and screw attack on her own without Adam's permission. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
  10. Pro Tip: You CAN dodge attacks in First Person mode: When the edges of the visor turn green, move the reticule offscreen. Or, flail madly. Both work, and makes fighting in First Person much better.
  11. Lol, this is a pretty awesome album. Do you have any album art for it?
  12. Or that he was just testing her to see if she'd stand by her prerogative. Plus, he didn't really seem to be for or against it; he just stated the facts. For example: "Imagine... to be able to grow an Omega Metroid from a larva in days!" could really be taken as a positive or negative comment.
  13. Bravo. This needed to be said. I haven't had that door glitch happen to me, but there was one time I was in a room with a glass floor(Magma was beneath it) and a bunch of pirates jump in. I was jumping around on their heads when I suddenly fell through the floor into a black abyss. Luckily, the game considered this area to be lava, so I died and could try again. There's always glitches like that it games, but that door glitch reminds me of the Twilight Princess glitch.
  14. Hmm... Now I need to hurry up and get to that scene again... That is sort of how I remember it... EDIT: So I just got to the fight with Ridley on Hard mode, and what you described, Emperor, does pretty much happen: He jumps in from of her, she freaks out, he grabs her (trapping her cannon in the process), drags her against the wall ALA Smash Bros Brawl, drops her, Higgs gets killed, and Samus fights him. I think that was a pretty good scene. The only thing I didn't get is what was going on with Adam; did he get shot? What happened to his earpiece? Also: The Ridley fight on hard mode is HARD. I didn't time it, but I swear one time I got killed in .5 seconds.
  15. Yeah, I'll give you that the guardians were annoying. Really, if you didn't like the game, that's fine, I still enjoyed it, but I just don't think it's deserving of all the hate it gets. On that note (GRAIGWAY! Wow. Now I feel dirty...)In Spoony's video, he talks about his problems with Samus' characterization. I could easily explain to him why she's so emotionally unstable in this game as opposed to, say, prime 2, but he wouldn't care. Not because he's a monster and can never understand goodness, but because he simply doesn't like the game. I find the reasoning to be sinsible, especially why she freezes when she sees Ridley (although again, it would have been much more effective if it showed flashbacks to his raid on her colony).
  16. I STILL don't know why everyone hates Hunters so much! It's one of my favourite DS games. Sure, it's not the greatest Metroid, but it's got exploration, decent music, cool weapons and great graphics. I've played the single player mode countless times, and even had to buy the game again after my first copy was stolen. The online is okay, but I'm not a huge fan of online multiplayer to begin with. My list would have to be: 1.Metroid Prime 2.Zero Mission 3.Metroid Prime 3 4.Super Metroid 5.Metroid Other M 6.Metroid Fusion 7.Metroid Prime 2 8.Metroid Prime Hunters 9.Metroid 2 10.Metroid Bear in mind that as far as ratings go, I'd give the highest a 10 and the lowest a 9. I love all these games, but this is just my preferred list. I exclude Pinball because it's not really a metroid game. Even so, like the Emperor said, it's one of the best pinball games I've ever played. EDIT: The word is in: The Spoony One hates Other M: http://spoonyexperiment.com/
  17. Lol, it's true. I don't know what people expect from games these days: is a 10 hour single player adventure really that short? Besides, going for 100% and trying again on hard mode really extend the game. I beat the prime games in around 13 hours each my first time through, and super metroid in around 4 hours my first time.
  18. I think we should clarify something... The cutscenes themselves are very well done. The look great, and the cinematography is excellent. The way they blend into the action and back into gameplay is quite genius. Really, the only questionable parts are the voice acting and the story. Really, I felt that the voice acting for cutscenes and character interactions was really good. Samus' monologues weren't all that great, but they were supposed to be kind of dry and emotionless (Sakamoto's words!) Also, you know how you let Nintendo know that you want them to get better at this sort of thing? Support them
  19. QFT. I still maintain that Overgrown Brinstar should have played in sector 1. The music is really good and very ambient, making the game very immersive and creepy. The first "spider" music it plays in the main sector creeped my sister out. But still, it would have been better for there to be actual tunes. I think the closest is when you enter the room that has the Keyhunter hive. Actually, on my second play through, I've noticed that a lot of the music is very similar to X-Files or The Matrix music.
  20. Yeah, that sounds about right. Except (Again, Other M Spoilers here) I think that the pirates on the Bottle Ship were intentionally genetically engineered to not be intelligent, and be very easy to control. That's why they're more like beasts, just following the mental orders of MB or the screeches of Ridley. As for the Ridley clone, he is very young and aggressive, and the original was older and more experienced. But even so, Samus herself mentions how the baby and adolescent Ridleys are intelligent. I'm not sure why the design of the pirates changed so much between prime 1 and 2 if they are supposed to be the same species. Also, does it expressly say in prime 1 that the frigate Orpheon and the Tallon IV base actually are the survivors of the Zebes (Which I guess is pronounced zeh-beh-z. I always pronounced it zeebs) attack? I honestly can't remember... Also, side note, but in the manual for Trilogy it says prime 1 takes place 3 years after Zero mission? I always thought it was just 3 months?
  21. I do agree. The ending was a tease, but I think they implied that there was no mother brain, just Melissa and the Metroid Queen in the biologics lab. As a dramatic ending, it works, but not as a gameplay one. Okay, so Other M has simultaneously shed more light on and made me more confused about the space pirates. (spoilers, I guess) Zebesians are clearly a different species from space pirates. It seems that the Space Pirates are an organization made up of lots of different species, as we've seen in the prime games. I suspect that most pirates are organized into groups based on their species, with certain leaders that are suitable for that species, such as Mother Brain with the weak-willed Zebesians and Meta Ridley with the scientific Prime 1 pirates. The pirates in Prime 2 seem to be related to the Zebesians, judging from their lobster-like claws. The Prime 3 pirates are more termite-like and were probably the original inhabitants of that planet before it became the home base for pirates. Of course, they built themselves armour that resembled Zebesians, but I'm starting to ramble. TL;DR version: how do the space pirates work?
  22. too true. I know a lot of people at work that will complain about anything. Wow. Mech suit from Aliens on hard mode is HAAARRRD.
  23. Lol: Spoony's review of FFX but we're getting a little off track...
  24. QFT. Nintendo is trying something NEW, people! A game with lots of FULLY VOICED CUT SCENES! It's a brave new world for the big N, and if we want them to continue down this road (Which means they'll also get better at it), then they need support. Besides, no one ever gets anything right the first time. Retro Studios was very lucky, but remember that Miyamoto pretty much scrapped their entire alpha version.
  25. Well now this doesn't make much sense. Everyone always complains that Nintendo never does anything new or never takes any risks, and so once they actually do, everyone complains and won't buy it? If this was always Sakamoto's vision of who Samus was, who are we to say otherwise? Besides, pre-Metroid 2 she was much more hardened. There wasn't a whole lot that she cared about, but once she found that baby metroid, she suddenly had maternal instincts and something she cared about. It was killed right in front of her eyes. I think that that would make anyone emotionally confused and unstable, especially when you encounter the beast that killed your parents after you thought you finally destroyed him. Also, Hard mode is HARD. No energy tanks or missile tanks. The game was pretty challenging already, but WOW.
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