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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Okay. So, I don't think people are pushing hard enough for this, and I want to Get Nintendo's attention. I don't know what the best way to do that is, but petition or whatever, I want to get people actively desiring this: Virtual Handheld for the 3DS. IGN already did a couple articles on this ( http://ds.ign.com/articles/951/951086p1.html ) ( http://ds.ign.com/articles/101/1012415p1.html ) and I really, really, REALLY want this. I'm sure Nintendo's at least considered it, but I'm not getting the feeling that they are actually interested in incorporating it; they would've at least mentioned it at E3. I'm sure you all really want this too. Even if it means delaying the 3DS, I still want Virtual Handheld. The question is, how do we let Nintendo know we want it? I don't have any experience with petitions, and I'm going out of town for 2 weeks soon with little to know internet so I couldn't do much in the near future anyways. Maybe someone here can do something? Maybe flood Nintendo's inbox? Just a heads up, I'm lazy and haven't done any research to see if this sort of thing is already going on, so if anyone is aware of such a "movement" I'd love to hear about it.
  2. http://pokebeach.com/2010/06/new-pokemon-revealed-on-oha-suta Looks like 3-on-3 battles are true. I guess I was wrong, lol. The new pokemon look...Interesting.
  3. Well now, that's not true. Oh wait, yes it is.
  4. Well hey, I'm almost done, only 11 more to go right? ... Oh yeah. Pokemon Black and White. EDIT: I lol'd pretty hard at this.
  5. You're absolutely right. but to me, it's like the difference between playing a rom of Earthbound or having the physical cartridge. I won't be truly satisfied until I own a legit version of every legendary. I guess I'm kind of anal
  6. Well, yeah, but it doesn't really count towards a true completed pokedex. There's no satisfaction in owning a fake legendary.
  7. Dude, I'm SO close. I've got 484 out of the 493, but I'm pretty sure the Celebi and Deoxys I got are hacked.
  8. I love collecting them, and it doesn't bother me when they come out with a new model. The only people that complain are the really greedy ones, who feel they always need the newest thing. Putting out a new size (Which is what the DSiXL IS) is no different than putting out a new color of the DS, or a larger sized T-shirt. It just adds more variety to the market and give people more options. Seriously, that's all it is, and you don't hear people whining when a new DS color comes out. I mean, come on. Would those people really have preferred for Nintendo or Apple to never have released a new model since the DS Phat or iPod touch came out?
  9. Awesome movie. For me also it was a movie that grew up with me; Toy Story was the First movie I ever saw in theatre. *Spoiler* Seriously. That incinerator. Wow. The imagery of that scene was just SPECTACULAR. /
  10. I have a feeling Miyamoto maybe just didn't really understand the question (It all has to go through a translator, after all.), but I'm not sure Nintendo would really go for that. After all, how would they prevent people from buying and installing a game, then giving the game to all their friends to do the same? Nintendo is not stupid, they wouldn't allow that. What I would like (And suspect may happen) is a similar system to the Wii, where sertain games have channels you can install. You could install a Mario Kart channel to your 3DS that would function just like the Wii's version. Actually, what would also be cool is if Nintendo packed in with the 3DS a pokewalker/VMU device you could download pokemon, minigames or other stuff into and, because of it's tiny size, you could carry it everywhere. They'd use the Infared port on the 3DS and you could transfer a mario minigame, and always have a pokemon on hand to battle friends. Maybe they could also store the friend code for the 3DS so you could just connect the VMU-things together and when you reconnect it to your 3DS, your friend would be registered. I'm a geek for tiny video games; I really want to track down a Pokemon Mini (Those tiny cartridges are hysterical!)
  11. I still can't consider an un-jailbreaked iphone to be a true gaming console. the closest ut gets to having full games are Castle of Magic and Zenonia, but even still, those are past-gen style games. You'll not find a game on iphone with as good control and replay value as NSMB, or a deep and engaging RPG like FFIV or TWEWY. For games like Tower Defense and SquareBall, though, it's great. But it just can't compare to games like MPH or any Pokemon game.
  12. QFT. I can't really even imagine playing Super Mario Bros. with AA.
  13. I just watched the Iwata Asks Kid Icarus interview (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2010-kid-icarus/700039). I noticed that the clips of Kid Icarus looked like they were being anti-aliased, but whether or not that was just because of video compression I'm not sure. It made me think: Why has anti-aliasing never been a priority of Nintendo's? In some games, like KI:U it can really hurt the graphical impact, especially when the PSP can handle it just fine. On the other hand, anti-aliasing would actually decrease the quality of 2D and retro games, in my opinion, since I like crisp sprites. What are your thoughts?
  14. I had a cool idea for Skyward Sword. Picture this: Link lives in SkyLoft, a island above the clouds. From here, all around is a sea of clouds. One day, Link accidentally falls off the island and into the clouds. He lands on a cliff and sees a landscape of steam factories. The clouds are actually the steam rising from the factories of an advanced race of monsters living below skyloft, where locomotives, warmechs and other steam-punk style technology is produced. Link has to fight his way through one of the factories, where he finds an awesome treasure: A steam powered jetpack! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k07cS_yNtck&feature=related (Skip to 2:07) The Boss of the dungeon would be a monster using an enormous flying machine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za0oktTQh8Y&feature=related I think that would be neat.
  15. I've heard the 'Slide Pad' is really good, much better than the PSP. Everyone rags on the PSP analog stick thing, but I don't think it's that bad. It's in an uncomfortable position, but what exactly is wrong with it? I always thought it was pretty neat that they were able to get and analog stick on a handheld.
  16. well, yeah, it is silly. It's just that Nintendo hasn't been known lately as the company to release the most powerful hardware, so now that they are, it's interesting to see how it lines up to what used to be the most powerful handheld. Although I don't use it a whole lot, I don't regret buying a PSP. I'm kind of concerned however about how good handheld graphics can really get now. I mean, do we really need PS3 graphics on a3.5 inch screen? I have a feeling that this is as good as they're going to get for a while. Nintendo probably knows this, which is why they made 3D a huge focus. EDIT: Besides, people have been comparing the Wii and the PS2 for years now
  17. Just for fun: PSP: 3DS: PSP: 3DS: PSP: 3DS: The 3DS is clearly the more powerful system, but the PSP has a higher resolution. Well, Kind of. The 3DS's top screen is actually 800x240, 'cause it renders everything twice for the 3D effect. It also has a second screen which is 320x240, so it would actually be easy to argue that the 3DS has the higher resolution.
  18. Read something kind of worrying: (http://ds.ign.com/articles/110/1100156p1.html) Hmm... I have a bit of a stygmatism too, which might actually explain why 3D movies only MOSTLY work for me: there's almost always some part of the image that's blurry. Hopefully the 3DS will work for me.
  19. Actually, the second 4 are from galaxy 1. They use them in Galaxy 2, but they don't change them at all. They play during some of the secret levels.
  20. Are you kidding?? I can't get those Galaxy songs out of my head! http://www.youtube.com/user/timmyturnersdad?blend=1&ob=4#p/u/48/NpAMsN_4VYE http://www.youtube.com/user/timmyturnersdad?blend=1&ob=4#p/u/53/-i4eAqFNMg4 http://www.youtube.com/user/timmyturnersdad?blend=1&ob=4#p/u/59/OmSDwiAnPPY http://www.youtube.com/user/timmyturnersdad?blend=1&ob=4#p/u/62/KmodD2IzsFA http://www.youtube.com/user/timmyturnersdad?blend=1&ob=4#p/u/1/--rv9r19H-0 http://www.youtube.com/user/timmyturnersdad?blend=1&ob=4#p/u/2/nYQvAovLaRo http://www.youtube.com/user/timmyturnersdad?blend=1&ob=4#p/u/3/_oZk3Tj29M8 http://www.youtube.com/user/timmyturnersdad?blend=1&ob=4#p/u/4/oQBS6dISFjM I personally couldn't be more excited for orchestral music! And yes, Nintendo can make even orchestral music change on the fly. Dive underwater in Mario Galaxy or hit Bowser's weak spot (for massive damage) to see what I mean.
  21. http://e3.nintendo.com/interviews/#/?v=interview_stradling Very interesting... He mentions how the 3DS gives him the ability to "see when his friends are online, see what they're playing and exchange achievements." What could this mean for the 3DS online community?
  22. Footage of Zelda: Skyward Sword working properly:
  23. Y'know, I the whole rehashing thing has to be defined a little more. For example: People say Mario Galaxy 2 is just "more of the same". That's true, but in this case, the first Galaxy had nautical tons of different gameplay styles and environments, so "more of the same" is actually "even more variety". Shooters, on the other hand, usually follow the same trend of gameplay styles and environments as the shooter before them, so "more of the same" is just that. The Zelda games are guilty of this, but each one had defining elements, although only a few of them (like the 3-day system or the sailing) were enough to set them apart. Please note I never said "more of the same" is a bad thing (sometimes, it's great!). I just think a lot of people throw "rehash" out there without fully considering what they're saying.
  24. The designs aren't final, but I second the removal of the glossy interior. It's bad enough when light reflects off the screen into your eyes (and reflections would kind of ruin the 3D effect, wouldn't they?), but having the ENTIRE top half be essentially a mirror just waiting to blind or when the driver turns a corner is not a very good idea.
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