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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. You can skip them, or even watch Metroid: Other M: The Movie! Seriously, you get an option to watch all the cutscenes strung together(With some developer gameplay) into a 2 HOUR MOVIE.
  2. Oh, another thing: I like the way that the spacestation doesn't seem to be built specifically for you. Most of the other Metroids got by because you were exploring Chozo environments using Chozo armour, so it makes sense those items would be compatible and you could use their technology. But when you started going into space pirate places and found spider-ball tracks and bomb-slots(Seriously, how did that work? Did all the Chozo and luminoth just walk around with bombs to activate their conveyer belts?), it got a little hard to swallow. In Other M, you don't find many items, and the ones that you do are simple enough that it makes sense they work with your suit. Also, there aren't any bomb-slots, per se; rather, you interact a lot more with the physical environment: Use bombs to blast cracked walls or pillars, use beams to recharge electrical equipment, and use missiles to blow the gates off air vents. Much more believable world, imo. Time to start Hard mode!!
  3. I thought the music was good for atmosphere, but I was really disappointed that there aren't any real standout tunes or remixes of old songs. It's good, but not memorable. So I finished the game today, 100% in 11 hours, so, SPOILER TIME! I LOVE the fact that they've got The Nightmare and Phantoon as boss battles, with the latter being the true final boss, I guess. One thing that really bugs me is what happened to K.G.? I mean, I guess it's heavily hinted that he's the "deleter" but still, what happened to him??? I also didn't really get the whole M.B. thing. What was the point of Melissa pretending to be Madeline Bergman? That didn't really accomplish anything... Oh, and the payoff for 100% isn't very satisfying...
  4. So are all the cables there? Is the only thing I need to do is somehow move the S-Video white cable into pin 7? And how would I do that?
  5. One thing that would have made the game better: IT SHOULD HAVE played 'OverGrown Brinstar' in Sector 1. For the noobs who don't know:
  6. Oh, Man. SO I played and got to the end credits in around 9 hours today, with 43% item completion. I LOVE this game. While I agree that at some points, the story and voice acting is a little hammy, I never really found that it hit you over the head. The characters are all very natural and I found myself getting attached to some of them. The controls take a bit of getting used to, and that "Finishing move" message comes up way to many times. It eventually goes away(sometimes it comes back in a boss fight to let you know you actually CAN do a special move, which I thought helped), but they didn't need to display it EVERY time I fought the same enemy for the first 2 hours. also, as someone else said, those parts where you HAVE to find something in the room before you can continue are annoying. The things you have to find are so tiny, that it took me FOREVER to find a couple of them. More on that in the Major Spoilers section... Time flies when you play this game, and the graphics are awesome. I am in awe at the way they got the cutscenes to blend into the gameplay. You literally have no idea when a cutscene could happen, or if it already is happening. No, seriously; there have been many times when I actually jumped in my seat at a totally unexpected event. Awesome. tl;dr game is awesome. get it. Minor spoilers: I was a little disappointed that they never really went into detail about Samus' backstory. Not a single reference to the Chozo or her life on K-2L. The scene where she meets Ridley would have been much more powerful if they spent a few seconds showing a flashback to what actually made him become her nemesis. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!!! The way they deal with Ridley is ABSOLUTELY incredible. Ridley 1.0 is just weird and creepy, and that cinematic battle with Ridley 2.0 is one of the most mind-blowingly awesome and intense things I've ever done in a video game. When I first found Ridley 3.0, my jaw hit the floor. So THIS is how a Ridley is born! However, just before the battle with Ridley 3.0, you have to find some "magma flow cap" or something and it took me probably 5 minutes before I could find the stupid thing. It blended into the background too well and gave no indication that you could interact with it. Now that I know where it is, though, I'll be able to enjoy that battle much more. The ending felt a bit rushed, and I was disappointed at not getting a proper end boss(I guess the Metroid Queen was the closest we got, and it was a pretty good fight.) Ugh, I have a headache from playing this on a 47" LED TV with surround sound cranked up for 9 hours straight. I need to sleep.
  7. AWESOME! Thanks for that pinout! Let's see... I've got three cables coming from the s-video part: A red that leads to pin 8, a white that leads to pin 9, and a yellow that leads to pin 5. The composite Y leads to pin 9 as well. Composite R leads to pin 12. Composite W leads to pin 11. The copper wire (the ground?) comes from all three composite cables, and leads to pin 5 as well. I'm guessing that the S-Video white is the luma, but I'm not sure.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130260984266&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_1993wt_708 It was a pretty good price; 4 for around $20. Even if I can't get the s-video to work, at least I've got some extra AV cables. They don't actually have any branding on them. I did see some (I think) madcatz ones at the Source the other day; it was a Nintendo, Playstation and Xbox combo cable with S-Video for $20. I suppose I could buy that and see how it looks... But even so, my current set up demands 4 of those cables, and I'm not about to spend $80 on that, when a $20 soldering kit (That I could use later) might be able to solve the problem, lol.
  9. I've tried it both ways; with the yellow plugged in, and without it. When it is plugged in, the picture gets darker and colors more intense. When the yellow cable is unplugged, the picture becomes lighter and colors are more washed out. The reverse also happens. I think it's because the Luminance cord is soldered onto the composite video pin (pin 9), so essentially the s-video and composite are feeding off each other, I guess. I don't really understand this sort of thing, like why are there so many unused pin holes? But I guess I need to learn someday
  10. So, after some research, I took the cable apart and found this: From what I've learned, apparently, the "Luma" signal from the S-Video cable is incorrectly going into the Y-AV pin, aka Pin 9, while it should be going to pin 7. I've highlighted the cables: So yeah, it looks like the Luma (Green cable, I guess) is going to Pin 9. Supposedly, it's supposed to go to pin 7, and if I could fix that, then the video problem would be fixed too. That's where I'm stuck, though. Which is Pin 9, and how would I re-wire it? Any tips, guides, or link would greatly help! Thanks!
  11. (I'm not sure where to post this. Please move or let me know where to put this post, if it's in the wrong place.) So I just got the s-video nintendo cable I ordered, and after hooking them up to my LCD TV, I noticed a couple things: First of all, the S-video looks bad. While the pixels and details are much clearer than AV, there are terrible diagonal line going through the picture: AV: S-Video: AV S-Video AV S-Video AV S-Video Now, that's pretty noticeable, even on camera. Unfortunately, what I couldn't get a good shot of was the way the color intensity changed depending on what cables I have plugged in. Right now, my setup is like this: [sNES] -> [switchbox] -> [TV] The switchbox has plugs for AV, S-Video and Component for each input and output. Check this out: [snes] --(AV)--> [av input] gets me a light picture, with slightly washed out colors. Not that noticeable. [snes] --(AV+S-Video)--> [av input] gets me a darker, more intense picture. The reverse is also true: [snes] --(S-video)--> [s input] = light picture [snes --(s-video + AV)--> [s input] = dark picture.
  12. The TGO always has great points, and I think that the bare facts are indisputable: Sony was facing a crumbing sega, stumbling Nintendo, and newbie Microsoft, and thus had no real competition, so they were able to gain control of the market. Once the Wii and 360 came out, they now had real competition, and we were able to see how they would do, without actually changing any strategies. And he has a good point: Would a company that really knew what it was doing allow such horrible marketing campaigns? The early PS3 ads were just creepy, the PSP squirrel ads were just annoying (Incidentally: ) and Marcus is really obnoxious. The only good thing I've seen is Kevin Butler, who still seems like a half-baked attempt from Sony to have their own Reggie Fils-Aime. Actually, I'd love to see how those to would interact and if a full out brawl would go down... Then again, Reggie would just stare Kevin down; no contest
  13. Is this that thing Capcom was hinting at with their claymation megaman video? If so, then what happened to Ryu? Sorry, I've been out of the loop... My computer's hard-drive died.
  14. Well, yeah, I KNOW that, but there's like no chance I'm going to get an arceus, and besides, the game considers the dex to be complete at 492.
  15. I can't wait for this game. You won't even see any of the old pokemon until after you beat the elite 4! I loved that sense of mystery when you had to figure out through trial and error what type a pokemon was. I'm looking forward to having a new pokedex to work on. Oh yeah, which reminds me. I finished my national dex in pearl. I got all 492, all legit, except my mew, deoxys and celebi. It wasn't as satisfying as I hoped.
  16. I know about bootcamp, but the fact remains: someone NEEDS to make a version for mac!
  17. You didn't mention Eternal Darkness That's really the only horror game I've ever played, but it was all about psychology. The graphics also hit that good balance of defined enough to recognize what we're looking at, but also vague enough to be confused and have to fill in the blanks ourselves.
  18. w00t! Way to go, man! You've certainly earned it! I find it interesting that you openly admitted that you based your series on Zero Punctuation, and now you've been hired by his bosses!
  19. Lol, I always loved Totaka's song. Fun little tune. I used to sometimes put that gamecube menu on and just chill out to the ambient tune. Who knew it actually was something? Nintendo really likes their secrets.
  20. 8O8O8O I'm not sure if my mind has ever been blown so badly, or ever will be again. Have you guys found anything super-mind-blowing before?
  21. Lol, I'm not as smart as you, most of what you said went over my head, but I think I got the gist of what you mean. I just ended up making a chord of 4 notes aligned to 1/96-notes within 1/16-note, but it's pretty close to the sound I want. I had to add an echo, though, in order to get the sound you made, which, by the way, is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
  22. This certain sound has haunted me with its awesomeness ever since I started playing video games on the NES. (@ 0:57) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK-IK6U-Mbw (Background Chords) (Uses it in almost every tune) (@0:35) (It was even used in a remix here on OCRemix, @0:33!) http://iterations.org/files/music/remixes/New_Super_Mario_Bros_Mushroom_Maddness_OC_ReMix.mp3 Codemasters really liked to use that sound. And while I'd love to be able to re-create these entire songs (you know, being able to get ALL those sounds into Logic pro 9, the software I'm using BTW), that ONE sound is the one I really want, but don't even know what to call it. I'm sure you smart people can help me out. Once I know the name of that sound, I can start looking into getting a plug-in for Logic. Thanks! P.S. These are all pretty rockin' songs Someone should remix them!
  23. Hooo, crap, this game is hard. I also have to say: I don't think it was designed very well. I've been able to only beat one of the first few missions (Destroy the Train), but I have no lives left. So, what, I only get ONE chance now for every level, and if I fail I HAVE to give up, and never get to try again? C'mon! And no, I'm not going to play on easy mode.
  24. Those look pretty neat. I like the thinner case design. I think it was IGN that joked that every 3DS game should have a lenticular cover. That would be awesome. Anyways, I'ma going out of town for a couple weeks. When I get back, I wanna see 50,000 signatures for Virtual Handheld! lol
  25. whoops. Alright, the links are fixed now.
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