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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Heyheyhey, how'd you do that! It removed my all caps!
  2. Ohcrapportal2 Might I ask why this forum keeps removing my all caps?
  3. They should know by now that presentations never go well, for anyone, lol. Man, I feel sorry for all those M$ and Sony reps. M$ is hanging it's head in shame, and Sony is sucking it's thumb in the corner. Pics of Zelda: http://media.wii.ign.com/media/872/872155/imgs_1.html
  4. With a little re-working, that could be a beautiful sonnet.
  5. I think that what The Prophet mentioned is part of the problem with games these days. I don't really enjoy playing online (My trail of XBL Gold wasn't very enjoyable, besides the one time I was able to play with a friend), and other people won't want to spend the extra money to play online or, as you said, don't have a cable connection (We didn't have hi-speed internet until a couple years ago!). WarHawk for PS3 slides because it doesn't try to be anything other than an online game, but others like CoD4:2 (Which I haven't played, bear in mind) give a shriveled little excuse for a single player mode. There are reasons/excuses for not playing (Or wanting to play) games online, but no excuse for not being able to play the Single player mode. What more games should try to do is follow the example of the Gears of War games (Again, I haven't played them) and allow the entire single player campaign to be played online, rather than offering vestigial single/multi-player modes. C'mon, Cliffy B, where's my Jazz Jackrabbit 3?
  6. QFT. I have to seriously consider why I would EVER pay for XBL Gold just so I can download demos and play games online when I can do both of those for free on my PS3. Seriously: If you have both consoles, which one are you gonna get the online-enabled game for? I haven't had the chance to watch the whole M$ conference yet, but from what I've seen so far, nothing has really gripped me. I had a great idea for the next Zelda: The trailer opens with an animated landscape. The Nintendo Logo flashes on screen, followed by the Studio Ghibly logo. It proceeds to show a beautifully animated Link walk through the forest, castle town and eventually into the castle. He sees Zelda and the King of Hyrule standing there. He takes a deep breath, and for the first time, speaks: "Gee, it sure is boring around here..."
  7. Hm, good point. too bad we still can't really get the Super-Uber pokemon like Celebi, Deoxys and Arceus without a physical event. I was actually pretty surprised when I found out you can get Mew from My Pokemon Ranch; I've almost got it, too. I would love to organize a trip to Japan, lol, except that I'm horrible at organizing and would probably end up on the wrong flight to the wrong place at the wrong time
  8. Update according to PokeBeach: Great. Just great. I never trust Nintendo when it comes to events in Canada. Brushfire...?
  9. 3-on-3? I don't think that would really work. Maybe they mean 1-on-1-on-1 or maybe 2-on-2-on-2. Either of those would be pretty neat, too. Or maybe they'll just go all out: 3-on-3-on-3
  10. made this for a friend's film, but I'm still not even sure what he's going to use it for Tried to make it like sound like a theme song for a space show, like Earth Final Conflict or Star Trek, etc. I think it turned out pretty well. P.S. this is my first post in the Originals, but I don't think I broke any posting rules; please tell me if I did
  11. Do you really think this game will drop to below 20 bucks? It seems like a really good set... I wouldn't imagine it costing less than $35.
  12. Lol, thanks for enlightening me; no, I didn't really have any concept of radiation. Aside from the sun, it's not something I generally deal with on a daily basis working at a supermarket But hey: "He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who doesn't is a fool forever." No clue who that quote is from (Or if I got it right) but you get the idea. What kind of activities does your work entail, TheDamned?
  13. So, the new iPhone looks pretty cool. I haven't looked a whole lot into it, but the biggest thing that stuck out to me was the metal frame doubling as the antenna. This seems like a good idea at first, but wouldn't that just make it more conductive, and transfer the cell phone signal 'radiation' into your body even more? Now, I don't claim to know a lot about this subject, and I was hoping some people on here could enlighten me. How do all those cell phone waves cause cancer(Or is that an old wives' tale), and would a metal frame make it worse? Also, does anyone know how much the cheapest plan in Canada is for the iPhone (Or iPad, I guess)?
  14. 1 hour and 30 lives down and I'm still stuck on "The Perfect Run". GARGH! That level is the most difficult 3D mario level EVER.
  15. I'm glad to see that I wasn't the only one who got discouraged around half-way through. It just got repetitive and depressing, what with all the continual murders. I felt it picked up again though after that, but yeah, the beginning was the best. I felt the end was suitable, although a little confusing. It didn't tie up everything as much as I hoped. What happened to King Steve and Evil Princess Sarah?
  16. You mean the guy he uses for "average joe" or "captain bland's monotonous adventure"? Yeah, I wanna know who that is too.
  17. It was a trap to get people to check out my thread Lol, not really, I am really interested in finding out what people think of the game, and I had just intended to stick on my "proposition" as an after-though. But the way it turns out, it seems to be the other way around, eh? I'd happily rename this thread and start a new RDR thread, if I need to.
  18. Yeah, I think it would be fun as well as helpful to people. I'm not sure what the best medium to do this would be however. I can't afford to run a website, so youtube is appealing. I'd still need to get footage from the game, though, and which would mean finding videos online or filming my TV.
  19. So, anyone got Red Dead Redemption yet? I couldn't find a thread. It looks like a lot of fun, but I'm a little concerned that it might be too much like GTA, so I'm keeping my eye in it. That leads me into my next question, though: Does anyone know about (or produce themselves) reviews of games that explain the rating? For example, what exactly does "Sexual Content" refer to in Bioshock? I checked out Focus on the Family's game reviews, but they are very unfair and biased towards certain games. For example, here are the closing statements for 2 different games. Can you guess which ones? I've taken the liberty of removing the game title and names that would give it away. Now, while the second game is obviously more violent than the first, the first is still treated very unfairly. Take a moment and guess what those games are.--- The second is God Of War 3, the first is Zelda Twilight Princess. Clearly, parents will not get a good idea of what Zelda is like. So I had the idea of starting my own place to explain why games are rated M or T. I would love input from others, or if someone else already is doing a good job of this, I'd love to check it out. What do you think? Incidentally, both reviews can be found here: http://www.pluggedin.com/games.aspx
  20. Just got 120 stars, and *SPOILERS* wondering how to get Green stars! I quickly played the 1st level and didn't see any sign of one... If that's the point then don't tell me how to get them, but am I just stupid and missed it?
  21. It really does. I think Nintendo must have used some gaming magic to make all the sound effect be in time to the music, and in some cases (Like coins) the same chord. You know, people always mock Nintendo for making casual games like wii music, or just making accessories and they go on to sell their Wii. But when Nintendo puts their mind to something, they make some of the most fun, accessible, polished, perfectly executed and beautiful games of all time. Yes, I said beautiful. Call of Duty 5 has better graphics, sure, but it isn't beautiful.
  22. But even the official trailers gave a ton away! Have you seen the official website? http://supermariogalaxy.com/#/gallery I guess those aren't 'trailers', but all the same, they have 15 videos showing off some of the coolest stuff in the game! Notably, transmission 15.
  23. So I finished the main quest at 9 1/2 hours in, 71 stars. I only had the cosmic guide show up once, and that was in the Melty Monster Galaxy level, where you roll around those ramps as rock mario. The final level was awesome, and exactly what a final level should be: a culmination of all the gameplay elements throughout the game, with an epic boss battle at the end. It also showed off the Wii's graphical powers, which are a lot better than most people give it credit for. Let's see a gamecube pull off that last level! I thoroughly enjoyed it, but the experience was somewhat spoiled for me because I watched too many videos online of gameplay, and Nintendo was also very gracious with level spoilers, showing off the Throwback galaxy on their own website. I didn't spoil Mario Galaxy 1, and the experience was so new and fresh, that at this point I'd have to say I like the 1st one better, but without a doubt the 2nd is the better game. I'm going to try to refrain from watching too many videos of Metroid Other M and Zelda 2010, but holy cow is that going to be hard.
  24. You're not allowed to dislike something everyone else likes So far, I'm having a lot of fun. My mind hasn't been blown yet (Cause most of what I've played I've already seen in videos), but that part in the first galaxy where you spin around the inside of the giant bullet bill cannon came pretty close. The music's neat, but not as spacey as I'd like. That's something the first Galaxy really nailed. There's a couple other things too, like how the background will suddenly change when you fly to a different planetoid, or how the clouds in the background can't make up their minds if they're a planet or not, but those are nitpicky issues. Overall, perfectly made game. On an aside(And don't read this next part if you don't want something to bug you too from now on, like the Brawl Lyrics video), has anyone else noticed that kind of 'patchwork' texture on certain objects? Some rocks or trees have it, sometimes, in both games. For some reason, it irks me. It looks like a giant plush toy.
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