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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Well, IGN certainly likes Galaxy 2. Perfect 10 in all categories. Apparently, this game has 240 stars!? Oh, and no DVD pack-in for america. Boo.
  2. True, but on the other hand, in Galaxy you weren't limited to playing the same level 5 times before you could try a new one. Galaxy opens a new level every 2 stars or so, so there's plenty more to try out.
  3. WOW. Not 2 seconds in I IMMEDIATELY thought of it. Scratch that, it was even before the 1 second mark I caught it. Sorry, found some more Mother stuff http://cruiseelroy.net/2009/01/mother-3-musical-allusions/
  4. More info on Earthbound similarities: http://earthboundcentral.com/2009/02/earthbound-legal-issues/
  5. Earthbound/Mother, but I'm sure everyone knows it. http://earthboundcentral.com/2009/02/earthbound-music-similarities/
  6. What I would like to see is a world that's a little larger, or more spread out. Granted, in Switzerland there are towns that are LITERALLY across the street from each other (Seriously, we drove through 8 different towns in 10 minutes), it feels a bit goofy for every region in the pokemon world to have cities so close together. I mean, Saffron and Celadon were about 20 feet apart! Ruby/Sapphire did a pretty good job of making the towns be far enough apart, but with that distance comes the need for pokecenters/friendly people homes. I guess we'll have to see how that pans out. No one's mentioned random battles yet; I'm surprised! If they were to change that, what could they do instead?
  7. Yes. Man, after just thinking about what the final evos of the starters could be the choice becomes so difficult!
  8. Lol, true. Personally, I'm excited to see what my favorite pokemon will look like when animating. I find animating sprites more interesting that 3d polygons, anyways. However, they really had better get different animations for when they attack or take damage. That'll probably come.
  9. Well, now, to be fair, we've only seen a small snippet of what battles will be like. It could end up being much more impressive than what we've seen so far. I think the biggest problem are the overreactions from those weirdos on the pokemon show. Seeing them get so worked up makes me kinda go "SHADDUP IT'S NOT THAT GREAT!".
  10. I think what he's referring to as interesting is the way both raikou an entei have multiple battle poses. Now, they won't be statues for the whole fight!
  11. Even more pics! http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pics.shtml I really like the 3d in this new game! The new angles and the sheer size of the city (It even has back alleys!?) are really cool. The lookout at the bridge is great and exactly the kind of view I wanted to see more of, ever since I explored the lighthouse in HG/SS. Nerd Speak ahead: Now that we have clear battle images, I noticed the the enemy sprites are clear, not distorted in any way as one would expect for a Golden sun style battle. However, the user's Pokemon sprite is double the size (Each pixel is twice as large), similar to the original red and blue. I think that either Nintendo is modifying the battle engine for the moment to always have that angle just to fool us, or they are only taking pics of battles when they are at that traditional angle. The battle scene probably resets to that angle every turn. Since the user's pokemon is double size, unlike every game since S/G, and the 'disks' are very obviously polygons, I'm still certain of the battle style.
  12. New pictures! http://pokebeach.com/ Nintendo is trying VERY hard to hide the fact that B&W will have a dynamic camera: They make sure every battle pic is from the traditional angle. However! Notice that the "disks" are jagged edged: They are clearly polygons, moving in a 3d environment! Also, you can notice that the disks are in SLIGHTLY different positions in each picture. The pokemon are definitely battling in 3D. GOLDEN SUN BATTLE STYLE CONFIRMED
  13. I thought you hated serebii.net. Or was that Brushfire? I like the new starters. I would probably go with the Grass Lizard, since he's got the slickest design and I like reptiles, but I'm VERY interested in the evos of the fire-pig-bunny. EDIT: oh, I'm also liking the new trainers. For once, we don't have to play as 10 year olds! These two actually look to be in their late teens.
  14. The movie was pretty good for fanmade. better than anything I could do. While the CG was glaringly obvious, they interacted well with the environment. When I first saw the robot masters, I thought they were statues. My favourite Zelda movie is by far The Legend of Link (LoL). Pure awesome.
  15. Wario or Waluigi? I'd love to play as either, but more so Waluigi. I don't think I've EVER played as him in any game before.
  16. 3DS is pretty much confirmed. I don't think we'll be hearing anything of a new console for a few more years, though.
  17. Huh. Well, I don't need the DVD to know how to play, but I'm sure someone out there will. Besides, I'm always up for extra Nintendo swag! I've still got that E3 DVD from Nintendo power with the first trailer of Twilight Princess!
  18. Wait, what? They're not actually including a separate DVD, are they?
  19. No no, Crazy Bus is disqualified. It would be an unfair contest.
  20. The game's awesome, but they should have made it that whenever you play an underwater level as Simon, you instantly die
  21. Uploading my new game, "Cliff Hanger" now. I wanted to try out a few techniques for this one. Turn the DS on its side to play!
  22. The new trailer is fake. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31-OXNWwoig @ 0:47 you can see the difference is graphical quality of the city. Plus, in the 'new' trailer, the bridge just ends at 0:21. Although it's clearly fake, I think it's pretty cool and wouldn't hate to see this implemented in the new games. WHOA WHOA WHOA I JUST NOTICED SOMETHING! In the same video I posted, check out 1:05. Look at the smaller dog (Zaoro? I dunno). In all Pokemon games, the enemy sprite is crisp and clear. This enemy's sprite, however, is obviously shrunk as you can see by the jaggedy edges around the tail, ears and eyes. This pretty much confirms my suspicion that battles will be nearly identical in style (Graphically) to Golden Sun, where the sprites exist on a 3d plain, and the camera pans around them.
  23. Looking forward to seeing what you make. I've been really busy + sick the last week, so I haven't had much time to work on games. I'll hopefully get a couple done this week though.
  24. Yeah, the only thing that worries me are the amount of 12 year olds who'll take one look at this and pronounce it "gay" and that GTAIV is the greatest game ever.
  25. Alright, I've added ya. I'll probably upload all my games again, so you can have the chance to get them.
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