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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Ha! This game is great! But it won't be perfect until we get some Friend Codes going and share games! Mine is 3395 5970 5626 and I put my first game, 'Supah Kick' up there! 100% original, lol.
  2. That whole article is a good read, actually. Although, I felt the Metroid Prime games and Darksiders did a good job at removing load times.
  3. First of all, IGN does reviews of downloadable DSi games. Second: System Flaw The DSi is officially identical to the GBC.
  4. Really looking forward to hearing more about this, whether or not it'll be any good. I'll still buy it, anyway. I think enough people have addressed this to make the point clear, but I wanna add my two cents. Like someone said, if backwards compatibility = same hardware, then I guess PS2 = PS1, right? Also, yes, it's technically called a 'DS', but that doesn't mean it's the same hardware. You wouldn't say the GBA is just a GBC, simply because it plays the same games and has 'Game Boy' in the title, would you? I don't think enough people know this, but Nintendo's wanted to have a regular and XL DS releasing at the same time ever since the lite came out (http://nintendods.com/iwata-asks-chapter.jsp?interviewId=4&volumeId=1&chapterId=1) Check it: I don't know why they were unable to release the DSi and the DSi XL at the same time like they wanted to, but getting up in arms over this size difference is like getting upset because American Eagle announced it's making an XL version of your favourite shirt: "What the crap? I have to buy ANOTHER shirt!?" Obviously, the two sizes are choices offered to people who want different features. Being a collector myself, I would buy both shirts anyways, but I don't complain; I enjoy the process and give all my many DSs equal playtime. Really, getting frustrated at all this just shows that you're greedy and never satisfied with what you have, rather, always needing to get the newest thing. No one's forcing you to buy anything video game related, so getting mad because you "HAVE" to is just ridiculous. Sidenote, There were actually 4 iterations of each Nintendo handheld since the GameBoy, which many don't realize. GameBoy Brick -> GameBoy Pocket -> GameBoy Light (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Boy_Light#Game_Boy_Light) -> GameBoy Color, ending the Classic GameBoy line. Compare to the advance series: GameBoyAdvance -> GBA SP -> GBA SP BackLight (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Boy_Advance_SP#Backlit_Model_.28AGS-101.29) -> GB Micro. then, of course: DS -> DS Lite -> DSi -> DSi XL. Each generation had 4 models, and so this generation ends with the DSi XL, continuing the tradition. So yes, expect a 3DS Lite, Micro and Color. TL;DR version:
  5. Heh, listening to this, I can't even imagine how you make those sounds. Hopefully I'll be able to make sounds like that too someday, since I'm using (But still trying to get used to) Logic Studio.
  6. this: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/computer/atari/atari/Hybris.mid'>Hybris It must be remixed. Heavy metal, I guess there isn't really any other way to do this one. It's an old game for the ataricomputer/commodore64. A scrolling shooter with a really neat upgrade system. No one seems to remember this game anymore P.S. Can't we embed youtubes anymore?
  7. IIIIIIIIIII am really late to the party. Can I play? I actually made up a list of ideas for the next Zelda before I read this thread. I found a few other people who had similar ideas as me in here. Check it out: 1) I have a feeling the new game will be voice acted. Charles Martinet asked Miyamoto if he could be the voice of Link. Miyamoto answered "No, Link will remain the way he is." But it seems odd that a voice actor would request that, unless he heard that the game had voice actors, doesn't it? N is also pretty good about voice actors. MP3 had competant voice acting, and the Starfox games have good stuff too. Also, watch the Metroid Other M trailer again. N is getting good at cinematics. 2) Judging from the artwork, Link looks a little older than TP. I'd guess around 20 years old or so. That being the case, I really hope for more exploration into Link's character. We got a little bit of this in TP, where we see Link being tempted by darkness, and his obvious affection for Illia and Midna. However, the game doesn't really go anywhere with these things. The next game should have Link confront his demons head on (Return of Dark Link, maybe?) and explore his romantic life. No sex scenes, please, but maybe have someone who can return the affection to Link, rather than just bopping her on the head and giving her amnesia. What a cop out! 3) As for Zelda, I don't think she needs a huge change. We got a great character exposé in Spirit tracks, and I think it would be too redundant to give her another huge role. I like how she was handled in TP: Kind of mythical. She was rarely seen, and didn't even know Link very much. I'd like to see a bit more of her royal power, though. Why not have an epic battle against an army of goblins (which you're losing), when Zelda comes in to your aid with a full army of her own. Imagine a "Return of the King" scale battle. 4) Ganondorf also needs a bigger role. I liked how he was presented in OoT, as a constant threat; always just ahead of you. Constant run ins, but never being able to stop him. In the next Zelda, I'd like to see a bit more of him in a up-front and personal way. Lets learn a little more about his Gerudo history. What exactly happened once he entered the Sacred Realm? What was it like before he twisted it? There should also be multiple battles against him throughout the game, similar to the Dark Samus battles in MP2. Imagine this: In the middle of a dungeon, he suddenly transports into the room and begins hunting you down. This is way before you're strong enough to fight him, so you run. He could even patrol the dungeon after you lose him, searching for you. Imagine: You head into the main lobby of the dungeon, see Ganondorf patrolling down there, think "Oh crap" and try and sneak back the way you came. 5) The village members and kakariko villagers of TP were great, but again, they didn't do much outside of their 2 cutscenes. I'd like to see a more personal side of Link where, rather than take on a temple for the treasure and to rid the world of the evil boss or to find a medallion, he conquers the dungeon to save a friend. He did this in TP, but it felt like once you left Ordon and Kakariko, you were out for yourself and Midna, no one else. We need more characters to interact with. What they really should do is re-introduce the mechanic in Majora's Mask, where everyone you meet has a story, a routine and some way you can help them. We really need Castle town to have more than plastic models walking around aimlessly. 6) Along with what I said earlier about the characters, I'd really like a story similar to what we got with Link's Awakening, which is my favourite Zelda game of all time. In that game, the characters you meet, especially Maron and Taron have such huge roles that you become emotionally attached to them and the other characters sense of humor. The story in that game was simple, yet personal: Link wasn't working to save the world or to stop an ancient evil. He just wanted to get home. SPOIER The revelation at the end that the entire island was a dream really hit me hard when I was a kid and I first saw the characters I had come to know vanish in the morning sun. /SPOILER we need a more involving story, but not a convoluted one. I feel TP's story was quite hard to follow, and there were points when I played where I had no idea what just happened. 7) finally, I STILL think a futuristic Zelda would be awesome. It doesn't have to be like star trek, but if you look at the star wars concept art they used in the fake trailer( ). Moments like 1:33 and 2:52 are really neat. Now, it doesn't have to have aliens and spaceships, but just more technology. Spirit tracks is a step in the right direction. Outside of that, Hyrule is an awfully stagnated society, with hardly any advancements in centuries. I actually heard that Miyamoto had actually considered putting Link in a WW2 type of situation.
  8. Version 3 is ready. Made some significant additions to the middle of the song(Don't want to spoil it!), and touched up a few other areas. There are still some volume issues, (the pizzicatos are a little loud in one segment) that I noticed AFTER uploading it Also, the ending isn't finished. What I have there now is just a basic idea of what the end could be. Again, the lyrics are not perfected. Think of the current lyrics as placeholders.
  9. Just finishing up a 3rd version, should be ready tonight. I've added new parts, am working on removing others and adding a new ending. I may add or remove some lyrics, but I haven't recorded any new ones yet, so the old ones will have to do as a placeholder for now.
  10. I'm not exactly sure about the mixer... These are just rough lyrics I did. I'm not very good at this style of "singing." I like the lyrics I wrote, though, but I think they could be better: Working through this labyrinth, Locked doors surround me, Desperately trying to avoid these enemies, I've lost my magic shield and My final heart beats heavily. Death is quickly closing in, Ganon's hateful, burning plea. Thieving Like-Likes follow me, Keese will always flutter near, Gibdos chase but cannot see, Evil Wizrobes Disappear, I feel darkness closing in, these dungeons are filled with many sins. Working through this labyrinth, Locked doors surround me, Desperately trying to avoid these enemies, I've lost my magic shield and My final heart beats heavily. Death is quickly closing in, Ganon's hateful, burning plea. Traps spring out from the shadows, Darknuts patrol deadly halls, preparing the bloody gallows. No one will answer my calls. The map and compass are no gain, This mirror maze always looks the same. Working through this labyrinth, Locked doors surround me, Desperately trying to avoid these enemies, I've lost my magic shield and My final heart beats heavily. Death is quickly closing in, Ganon's hateful, burning plea. Secret passages abound, leading me to what I need. Treasures lie deep underground, how can I ignore my greed? This heavy breathing's not your own, Something evil lurks high on the throne. Working through this labyrinth, Locked doors surround me, Desperately trying to avoid these enemies, I've lost my magic shield and My final heart beats heavily. Death is quickly closing in, Ganon's hateful, burning plea. Princess Zelda, wait for me! Don't be worried, don't be scared! With the triforce shards I'll see the entrance to ganon's lair! The master sword is what I need To defeat this evil plague! Like the hero of time, I will rescue Hyrule!
  11. There's version 2. Not much, but an idea of what sounds Logic has.
  12. Alright, I'm just finishing up a basic redux now, should be up later tonight. Nothing major, just replacing a few sounds and retooling the drums, although I did add the fabled lyrics. Again, I'm not convinced that the lyrics are the best, but this is what I originally envisioned. I still plan on adding the 'triforce get' theme at the end, but haven't done that yet.
  13. Actually, I made this a fair while ago in Garageband. I know have a much better computer with Logic, so I guess I could import it into that and update the sounds, such as the pizzicatos. As it stands, I did not expect this to be accepted in its present form. As I said, I had originally intended for there to be vocals, and as such wanted those to be the focus. Since then, I think I'll forgo the vocals, and focus on the tune itself. I actually had the idea of also medlying (Word?) this with the forest song from Link's Awakening, after hearing http://iterations.org/files/music/remixes/Zelda_Link%27s_Awakening_Forest_of_Hysteria_OC_ReMix.mp3 As you probably noticed, the main tune is varied from the source. You mentioned, however, that even more variation would help. Do you mean that every time the main tune plays, it should be a different, live-style variation? I suppose having updated sounds would help help towards the human element, as most of the sounds I used were pretty lo-fi. But I'm not sure how to make the organ at the intro sound more human, outside of improving the sound used. Any suggestions? P.S. Thanks a ton for the input!
  14. This is good stuff, but I want to get a better understanding of what you mean. Which song from SSBB are you referring to? Is it an actual zelda remix, or an original brawl song? I think I've got the soundtrack for that game...
  15. Hmm, the 'triforce get' theme did actually come to mind before... Actually, I wanted to end it with the "link dies" sound, but then I found out someone else already did that The pizzicatos are too overbearing? Are there too many, is it used a lot, or are they too loud?
  16. hey! I'm back, lol! I've been sitting on this one for a while, waiting to find a good way to host it. For now, the song is called "Don't Blink" and is a remix of Zelda 1s dungeon. I'm not completely satisfied with the end, and there is a long repeating stretch early on, but that's because originally, this song had pseudo-rap lyrics, but I couldn't manage to record a decent take. I actually had a funny idea for the end: I noticed that the underworld theme actually sounds a lot like "Rock a bye baby, on the tree top" and thought it would be funny to end with that, sung kinda creepily. Anyways, this is what it sounds like now, but I'm ready to change it to get it accepted. ~Enjoy!
  17. Yo! I'd like to erase EVERYTHING from my macbook's hardrive, but I also have a windows partition and I don't want to lose it. I know how to format my hardrive, but I'm not sure whether or not this will also cause my computer to not recognize my windows partition. I used bootcamp for the installation of windows, and I just hold 'option' as my mac starts up to choose the windows startup. SO I guess my question is, what would be the best way to go about this? Tanks!
  18. ._. Well. That was an interesting story. Personally, I found the co-op great. My sister and I beat the game yesterday and are now just trying to collect all the star coins, which is not easy. The final boss was epic, and the music was awesome, but the final castle was way too short. When playing co-op, my sister and I are very easily able to coordinate our actions and work together. Some parts are easier with two people, some parts are harder. But overall it's a lot of fun. Maybe it's just cause my sister and I have been playing mario since we were 4, but we didn't have many problems at all.
  19. I'm working evenings this week, so morning and early afternoon I'll be on. I also have saturday off.
  20. My sister and I played it all afternoon and just made it to world 6. So much fun! But man, this game is hard! And I've played and beaten all the mario titles (Except the japanese Mario 2 NES, which is significantly harder than Lost Levels on SNES All Stars). Definitely a lot more fun than the DS version, which had fairly unoriginal level designs. I kinda felt like maybe Miyamoto didn't design them. But on Wii, those levels are awesome! Some really creative stuff going on there!
  21. I use ClanOCR to get other people's codes, but it's not easy to set up dates to play. I still try to upload my codes for various games, though.
  22. I'll be on tonight, pretty much anytime. I'll check for online friends 3 times an hour (every 20 mins), and wait in the lobby for about 5 mins (Lol, it sounds like I'm some masterminded ring leader or something.)
  23. So far, I've really been enjoying it. Great fun. IMO, the Wii Controls are better, you get a lot more control over how you land. I didn't notice another thread, though, and there's nothing in clan ocr yet, but I'd love to get some friend codes going. My FC is 0732 4867 8041 EDIT: Whoa, I just unlocked PRO control. Behind viewpoint and full motion controls are very odd.
  24. Yeah, I just really wanted the famicom for its aesthetics, novelty and, I know this sounds weird, but to be able to play bizarre games that I can't understand Anyways, thanks for the advice!
  25. And these are the 2 deals I'm looking at right now: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220493601713&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_4134wt_1095 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260492057430&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_2898wt_870 I don't know a lick of japanese, so the deal with the 3 DQ games would be problematic, gameplay wise. However, the other deal costs more but includes less games, but is in better condition. Just want some opinions on which is the better deal, and which one you would pick. Thanks!
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