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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. So I downloaded FFVII (I'm enjoying it so far), but I'm wondering what I should get with the $9.51 I have left. Crash Bandicoot is awesome, but I have all three games on the PS. I'm thinking of getting that music game Beats. DOes anyone have a recommendation?
  2. Haha, ah well. Thanks anyway.

  3. Yo, dude, I was just wondering if you knew anything about the Arceus event coming up.

  4. I think it's more likely that this time around, Link's hand will can be changed at will. If the game uses Wii motion plus, then Link MUST be using the same hand that the player does, whether the player is right or left handed, or the sword motions won't match. Pretend to block with a sword in your right hand, and you'll see that if the sword was in Link's left, he'd be exposing himself to attack.
  5. Question: If I download, say FFVII from the PS Store onto my PSP, could I also download it at no charge onto my PS3? And vice versa? Similar to how you can re-download things from the Nintendo shop channels.
  6. But are we certain that's the same art from E3? they made no mention of anyone else in that piece.
  7. Wow. I just... Wow. This... Well, obviously this shows that something new is being done. Although, I'm a bit disappointed to see Link in his traditional tunic. Here's hoping that design will change.
  8. Looking forward to seeing that pic of Link. More grown up = link with a Beard!
  9. I Lol'd. Metroid on the PS3/360! Brown is the only color allowed, right? @Bigfoot: Actually, yeah, poor graphics are commonplace on the Wii, except for Nintendo's big guns. But these are like the best graphics on the system yet! Just show this to anyone who ever said the Wii can't do good graphics. Also, yeah, I noticed that message on the monitor too. Cloning definitely seems like a possibility, though Time travel would be MUCH more interesting. Obviously, this is the experience Samus alludes to in Fusion. Adam is her Commander, and she's given a much more organized mission (She mentions she doesn't like taking orders, and this is the SECOND time she's done so), so Other M may actually represent Fusion in terms of objectives. Also, the presence of Mother Brain and the Metroid implies some connection to Super Metroid. Other "M". Other "Metroid"? Alternate timeline/universe? Don't we have enough of that already, Nintendo? (See: Zelda)
  10. So awesome. I'm assuming that's not the game engine. I seriously doubt the Wii could do that. But regardless, those shots look great. Actually, seeing how far the Wii has come, if you combine that graphical finesse of MP3, SMG, and the Conduit, those shots may not be that far from actuality.
  11. Mother brain is back! Ridley also made an appearance, and some black guy Samus should remember. Also, I guess that this is a more narrative driven Metroid = Samus talks. What could this mean for the next Zelda?
  12. YES, I've been waiting so long to know what the deal was with Adam for a long time. Now it looks like we'll finally get to know who he was!
  13. Yeah, I went to a specialist store, and they were selling Dreamcast VGA cables for $20, but I thought that if I could find such a box, I could use it for my ColecoVision as well, and potentially any Atari's/old consoles I may get. But so long as a new TV has Coax input, I should be okay.
  14. Did you go see it in 3D? I'm really looking forward to seeing it.
  15. Hmm, yeah, I guess I'll just need to get a TV with a Coax input. I checked at a few stores and found the thing you mentioned, Prophet, but couldn't find the opposite. One guy I talked to said I might need to go to a specialist store to find it, if it even exists. But, so long as I can get a TV with a Coax input, I should be okay. Thanks!
  16. I had a pair of the Skull Candy earbuds, but they broke (Sound only came out one speaker). The Skull Candy Lowriders I own, however, are excellent. I've had no problems with them, the sound quality is very good, and they only cost $40. However, since I wear glasses, they can start to hurt after a while.
  17. Actually, the TV in my room doesn't have one. But aside from that, I was really hoping for an RCA output so I could have it plugged into an input switcher. (I got one with four inputs, including component and S-Video) Most HDTVs have coax inputs?
  18. Noooooo, they do not. A DS Phat charger will work, though.
  19. Not an RCA to Coax converter; I need one that does it the other way around. Coax to RCA. Essentially, a splitter.
  20. I'm just wondering if there's any way to convert a Coax signal into a three-way RCA output(A two way would be sufficient, but three-way's better). This would be very useful to play older gaming systems like Ataris. Actually, my Dreamcast only came with a Coax cable so at this point I NEED a VCR to play it, which is really annoying. Which raises another question: If there is no such converter box, would it be possible to disassemble a VCR and just use the Coax Input and RCA Outputs? If so, where would be a good source that describes how to do so without bowing it up? Thanks in advance.
  21. Question about my dreamcast: I only got a coax output with it. Are there AV inputs available? Or maybe some kind of converter?
  22. I walked into the theatre fully expecting the movie to be a case of: "Look! It's Kirk! And Spock! Ooh, and they're flying the Enterprise! Isn't that great?" But I was greatly relieved when it turned out the writers were serious and were actually writing a full-on star trek story. MAJOR SPOILERS The timeline split was, in my opinion, perfectly acceptable, and even kind of cool. The fact that we have familiar characters, but they are essentially new people(Considering that their histories and upbringing are different now), makes for very interesting sequel possibilities. I don't know if they should fix the timeline or not; Would it be better just to create this parallel universe and leave it at that? I don't know. I do know that everything in the movie may not have occurred at all in TOS(For example, the love between Spock and Uhura, or Scott being stranded on that ice planet), and that those little (Or big) changes drastically change the characters and environments. Once Vulcan was destroyed, I thought: "Holy crap, Vulcan is gone!! That's horr--Oh wait. That doesn't happen in TOS. They'll fix that by the end of the movie." And I was surprised when they didn't. they had the balls to do something new, and I think that's great. But I guess you can never please everyone. Someone will find something wrong, and you'll never make the perfect movie. I actually find it pretty funny that everyone got jipped in the parallel universe. Kirk lost his father, Spock his mother, Vulcan is gone, many ships were destroyed that didn't need to be, Spock Prime(Why is he called that, BTW?) wound up in the past, etc. The only one who got the good end was Pike; he's crippled, sure but not a vegetable! He got something good out os all that, ROFL!
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