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Everything posted by PhiJayy

  1. Just threw this one together, very much a quickie. Just starting out so. lol thought I would still share. chheers https://soundcloud.com/user750358/trouble-with-saria
  2. this is a mix that I just threw together it's going to feature all the tracks that I personally liked from MM. no where near complete I just wanted to show you guys sketches lol essentially
  3. Hi Everyone, It's been a long time since I've visited this forum. That's too bad. Anyway's I'm producing music again, this track is by no means finish. Feedback will be appreciated. http://soundcloud.com/user750358/the-negotiation
  4. I haven't posted here in awhile! This track is only 4 days old...it's a progressive house tune! Not finished yet of course. I would like to turn this into something special, hopefully. anyway I digress. Enjoy!
  5. you could use this track, I recently made. if it's not what your looking for than please disregard this track.
  6. I just got home from watching this...I left the theater totally confused and mind-fucked. Absolutely loved some parts of the movie, but hated most of it. "Unnecessary" is the goddamn word that just kept popping up in my head. Throughout the duration of it, the action continued to get better, while the plot continued to get worse. Optimus Prime did kick some ass however.
  7. Wow...7 dollars. The cons of living in Los Angeles. Tickets to see a movie are about 14 dollars a pop here...sucks. I'm going to see this tomorrow despite the horrendous reviews, mainly because I'm bored out of my mind right now.
  8. HAHAHA! What the F**K? This reminds of the time, some idiot tried to sell Britney Spears used chewing gum for a million bucks... Which was SOLD! by the way. So someone's probably gonna buy this too. jesus.... anyways seriously Micheal Jackson was definitely one of the better musicians in the world, mostly according to what I've read. Honestly I'm not a huge fan of his music, but the story of his life is definitely interesting to me. like how his dad played a significant role in his career? R.I.P MJ. and yes strange week indeed.
  9. Yep I'm gonna miss him.
  10. Oh wow...thanks man. I'm glad you like it! I already have lyrics to the track already, I'm currently looking for a vocalist, also I really don't have recording equipment. I'll probably have to rent a studio, or something.
  11. Bump! This version sounds more clubbish. So dance ur asses off! Imagine This! New!* *Still not finish!
  12. Wow...same here. I use to think EQ was magical, although I kinda still do.
  13. Yea, no kidding. Most of the minigames are random, I always crack up when .HAHAH!
  14. Tricky stuff, man. I attempted to do that once, I didn't like it. Mainly because I'm way too lazy. DRUM SAMPLES FOR LIFE!!!
  15. Thanks dudes! I'll definitely consider your comments when I'm working on the track again, yea Alice Glass singing to this? That would be cool. I'm already planning for someone to get some vocals down for this track once I'm finish mixing it better. Yea jezon, I think i'll give the drums some more pumping power. Not too much though, just enough. Thanks again, i'll update soon.
  16. This track is totally new in direction as far as my music goes anyway. It sounds very mysterious, dark, ambient, melancholy, or lets just say interesting. The driving beats keeps the track moving, changing with every chance it gets, pads are rich in texture their just sort of carrying the sound. Now that I've told you....Imagine This. Imagine This! New!
  17. This made me laugh...hehe. Geoff...this stuff isn't that bad, it isn't that great either though. Ur recent remix with mephisto = great stuff.
  18. The track has been updated. YAY! Starts off with a piano/string intro buildup, then violin hits come in, tabla, some percussion, continues to buildup, and etc. This is just a teaser, I'll continue to work on this until it's just hands-down, straight-up inspirational! Update No. 1: http://phijayy.com/music/The%20Earth%20Upon%20Us%202.mp3 Thanks! EDIT: By the way I'm only 17 so I'm still learning some things, so bear with me.
  19. No I wasn't friend, no I wasn't "Live long and prosper."
  20. Yep, I would definitely fall asleep, I don't know why, but when I watch the past Star Trek movies, The Borg is always the main enemy, I frankly got tired of it fast. Though I did like it when they used the term "assimilate." hehe. Anyways, I'm going to SEE this Tonight!! Looks like I want be disappointing either, that's always a plus.
  21. Today is May 8th (open in theaters) and Star Trek is suppose to be one of the best movies of '09. Is anyone going to see this? If you did, is it good? I think I'll go to the movies this weekend. So far critics are going crazy!
  22. HAHAHA, I just watched that. Totally awesome!
  23. Man, I think I'm posting to much. Anyway the new track "Headroom" is one of the last tracks to be included the "Miles Away" album. Very energetic (esp towards the end). This track is 97% finish in my opinion, but that's the problem, I'm working on my opinion. I need more. Let me know what you guys think about it. Yay or nay, thanks! title: Headroom album: Miles Away encoded: 320 kbps filesize: 19 MB
  24. You are being very helpful, good sir! Thanks I'll definitely bookmark those links for future reference.
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