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Everything posted by PhiJayy

  1. Well already another all-new PSP is hitting the stores somewhere around October 2008. I guess Sony updates these things consistently every year. "The PSP 3000 will include a built-in microphone for use with Skype and Go Messenger. It will also feature an "enhanced" LCD screen, with more vibrant colors and reduced glare when using it outside." - IGN There isn't much of a difference besides this, even the design looks the same, and I personally could care less about a built-in-mic. It still looks pretty cool though, but so does the "Slim & Lite" I probably won't get this, but who knows. So who's buying?
  2. I know I'm coming in on this late, but I finally picked this EP up and it's definitely awesome I must say. "Lather to the Sky" or "Ladder to the Sky" is really energetic and upbeat. Just like the rest of your music. Awesome stuff Andrew. I'm transferring this to my PSP.
  3. Yeah you can't buy anything with 0.13 cents anymore. At first I definitely didn't like this idea, and I still sorta of don't but oh well. You guys are definitely getting this one for CHEAP!! Ha, after you buy this. Your gonna want to toss the original one into the "Recycle Bin." Cheers, Jerry. "Remember to leave a review guys." If possible, not absolutely necessary.
  4. Hey, Check this out. Don't let this one slip by you. "Feelings of Freedom" was just digitally mastered 2 days ago by this awesome new spectacular mastering company. Link: http://www.soundwave360.com/ I was very skeptical about the mastering company at first, but they looked inviting so I said what the heck. These guys truly know what there doing. There good. If you want to get the mastered version for free. Go to AmieStreet and download it. Link: http://amiestreet.com/artist/phijayy/ However the more downloads there are, the higher the price. Right now its FREE. So go and get it. All we require of you is a review of the dance track. Please recommend us or else the price will stay at "FREE" Which isn't good for our wallets. Trust me guys go and get this. We were even blown away by the high-quality of this mastered track. Plus the mp3 file is DRM-FREE.
  5. Yep, yep, yep. This is what it comes down to. Or what it should come down to anyway. Personally most of the time I really don't care who made the track or why? If I like it: "Woo-hoo." If I don't like it: "Trash." But yeah overall. I agree with Mustin. Don't tell them its VG remixed music since more than likely they'll probably just shove it off to the side and miss out on the track completely..
  6. I hear ya dude. More than half of the music I listen to, I have no idea who made it. Don't even ask me because I couldn't tell ya. unless the band is widely known, and really good. But...back on topic. Same thing happens with me Bob. One time I played some pretty cool game remixes from this site.around a bunch of people and of course they like it. They say this stuff is pretty cool, who made this? I say various game remixers and immediately virtually everyone loses all interest. Personally I think there a bunch of losers. I mean seriously your dancing around to the music. Your obviously loving it, someone tells you a little bit more about the composers or where its originally from, you turn around and say: "This sucks. Who would listen to remixed game music and like it?"
  7. haha. crzy. Actually you know what? That 45 sec audio playback would make a pretty nice ringtone. Yeah the WiP is definitely Megaman 8 stylish. Most of the stage tracks are sorta catchy. There should be more remixes from that particular game. Thats good. We've recently lost some data too. man that isn't a good feeling when that happens.
  8. Sweet! This track sounds like one of the classic megaman stages. Like megaman 8. The bass is kicking, with a cool steady beat. Overall nice mix/arrangement. I would like to go into more detail but the length of the entire mix is pretty short.
  9. Thats crazy but its true. Thats almost like blaming some kind of cellphone service like Verizon, Sprint, or AT&T. Saying..... Father: "I'm going to sue you guys." Verizon Worker: "Why?" Father: "Because my daughters boyfriend threatened to abuse her through his cellphone using your service line." Verizon Worker: ooookkkk." Companies need to cover there butts on everything nowadays. Ha. I guess i'd rather overdo it than lose every penny I have.
  10. Wow. This is some good stuff. I like most of the tracks on here. Yeah keep this up. Your only 17 too. Sweet, very impressive. "Mirroring the Silent Happiness" always manages to keep my head moving.
  11. "...Under no circumstances shall Yuwie.com be responsible for any loss or damage, including personal injury or death, resulting from use of the Yuwie Services..." LOL. How is this even possible? Man, thats definitely overdoing it.
  12. Sweet. I'm especially happy that you liked the shattering glass. lol. Yeah your right about how it seems dark at the beginning than becomes brighter towards the middle, I pretty much tried to make the track appeal to two particular audiences. Those who like hard progressive trance (beginning of track), and those who like the soft trancy type. (middle of track.) Yeah I think I know which synth your talking about. As soon as I heard it, I used it. I hope you guys can still download it, the link was previously having difficulties. It should be fixed now.
  13. Wooooow.....thats a coooool artwork. I've been staring at it for awhile now. Yeah Danny let us know when you put the large print up for sale. I'm definitely buying that. Congrats on the album Audix. I'm purchasing that too.
  14. You're joking right, (I think you are.) I could easily think of other people who deserve even worse than this. But....I wouldn't wish this type of injury on anybody. Left-hand "crushed." Ouch. I hope LeBeouf gets better. Too bad.
  15. Can't wait to finish. Check it out. (Of course in your spare time.) http://phijayy.com/music/Untitled_PhiJayy%20'09.mp3
  16. This is real fun to listen to. Some d*** crazy guitar playing. Middle bit doesn't sound too bad, I only noticed it because you said it. Otherwise I would have never picked it up. Overall nice. Your real good with a guitar.
  17. Hmmmm....the link isn't working anymore. Did you pull it off the domain somehow?
  18. (Man, I feel like I'm spamming.) Download two tracks from the Phi Vs. Jayy album. (Just right-click and hit "Save Target As") New Track Zero Hour - http://phijayy.com/music/Zero%20Hour.mp3 Older Track - but Still cool.... Feelings of Freedom (Jayy) - http://phijayy.com/music/Feelings%20of%20Freedom%20(Jayy).mp3 My brother has been super-busy which means he has little time for music anymore... but my half of the album is nearly finished. I'm thinking about letting at least my half of the album go free. "Free downloads for everyone." We'll see. I'm more then sure the album will be completed in '09 or even sooner. Enjoy! Here's the album designs:
  19. Shoot! Wrong spot. I guess the mods will take care of it. Edit: oookayyy I guess the mods aren't going to move this. thats cool.
  20. Download two tracks from the Phi Vs. Jayy album. (Just right-click and hit "Save Target As") New Track Zero Hour - http://phijayy.com/music/Zero%20Hour.mp3 Older Track - but Still cool.... Feelings of Freedom (Jayy) - http://phijayy.com/music/Feelings%20of%20Freedom%20(Jayy).mp3 My brother has been super-busy which means he has little time for music anymore... but my half of the album is nearly finished. I'm thinking about letting at least my half of the album go free. "Free downloads for everyone." We'll see. I'm more then sure the album will be completed in '09 or even sooner. Enjoy! Here's the album designs:
  21. well to a degree he's suppose to be a little bit funny, but yes no one should be a fan of the morality of the movie. People could get hurt.
  22. The movie was amazing. I think the word "epic" describes it. Ledger, Aaron, and Bale totally rocked in this movie. Maggie played a decent character too. To sum it up the casting was great overall. Someone needs to resurrect Heath. After watching this, I can personally say that his quick death totally sucks. But....his death does help make this movie unforgettable.
  23. Hey I like this. 2nd update is better. The ending gets a little crzy. Not bad by at all means. I guess this is the part were the disaster piece is thrown in. (like you said.) Overall this sounds pretty good. I can't pick up any production issues. Arrangement may need some work, besides that this is cool. Me likes.
  24. In a nutshell - We still think that posting a thread and asking for votes in this huge community is wrong, but that's just are opinion. You guys can do whatever you think is best. If you think this is cool, than continue to do it. As pixie mentioned we can't stop you. We're just trying to make you guys think about others. Thats all. Just to clarify again this is not about us. Not at all. We're just spokesmans. This is our last post in this thread. (Heck probably in OCR.) So don't worry about us anymore. (And no, we don't think we're better than any of you.)
  25. Well just ban us then. If you feel that way.
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