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Everything posted by PhiJayy

  1. Ahh...cool. Thanks for the comment. I tend to compress a alot, I don't why, I just do. Yea your definitely right this track could definitely ease up on compression. There is alot more arrangements & electronic elements that I've already compose that I plan on adding, I'm just trying to put them all together one-by-one. At just the right places. It's like 8 minutes of material. I'm using Stormdrum Kompakt for most of the percussion, really cool VSTi. I'm definitely hearing you though, I'll update this soon.
  2. Hey, As previously stated the entire "The Dark Knight" soundtrack inspired me to compose an awesome cinematic orchestrated track! (Or at least try to.) It's called "The Earth Upon Us" I will definitely update. Feedback is appreciated! "The Earth Upon Us" just another epic track!
  3. Hahaha! that would be messed up too. He could however save it for later, wait for the appropriate time, and then throw it at ganodorf. Then say Link: "Ha! You thought I was gonna finish you off with some enchanted Light Arrows, NO, my friend, NO! Those are way to good for you my friend...so I decided to kill you with a normal, everyday-looking, flying rock!" Well about the rock case and Walmart...I hope the kid didn't throw the rock at his mom or someone else. I dunno if my mom told me she bought a Nintendo DS FOR ME, and I open the box and I see this...rock. That very same rock is about to get HURLED at something or someone, than I'll pick up and take it back to the store of course.
  4. wow...haha..that's messed up.
  5. I've been checking out ur stuff lately in the "Non-Remixes" forum, without saying a word. Forgive me.... This sounds good, I think it would sound better sped up though. Maybe somewhere between 140 -160 bpm. It progresses nicely, but it's too slow for me. I never was a fan of Olive, but I like this remix. So kudos!
  6. Thanks dude. voice samples? Yea, I bought a ton of pre-recorded voice samples or riffs long time ago , it's actually a library. It's pretty old, but I still use it sometimes. Album's almost finished.
  7. I like this, the drums holds my attention the whole way, nice grooves in this mix too. Although I don't like some of the synths used, I believe that's more of a personal preference. Chill-out groove around 2:05 is pretty awesome man, I also like how you brought everything to a climax right after that. Overall, it's not what I normally listen to, but this sounds produced and arranged well, (for emphasis sake the drum pattern's are cool) for me, the track ended right on time. Nice!
  8. ahahaha....ahahaaha. funny...man...funny

  9. I agree, it shouldn't be remixed in Techno. Well unless it's really good. Love that song.
  10. Hey, As previously stated and this very thread, the entire "The Dark Knight" soundtrack inspired me to compose an awesome cinematic orchestrated track! (Or at least try to.) It's called "The Earth Upon Us" I will definitely update. Feedback is great! P.S: I've got two of this same thread, please comment in this one. (How that happen!?) UPDATES! No. 1: http://phijayy.com/music/The%20Earth%20Upon%20Us%202.mp3
  11. I second that.
  12. wow that's saying alot Jewb. =) I'll send the track to you through email. If anyone wants to download the full version. Message me and I'll hook you up with a download. For now, though, listen to
  13. Sup Jewbei...yea it has been awhile. We definitely gotta catch up. This isn't the full version, it is 2 minutes longer though. Truth is, I'm not quite finished with the track yet. I've posted this up on other sites, most are liking it, some aren't. Which is just fine. Anyways listen and enjoy! UPDATE: Miles Away - PULSE! (Club Mix)
  14. ha ha ha ha. i'm bookmarking that. heh heh
  15. This sounds like the best i've heard from you. Very laid-back and groovy. The piano-play somewhere at the 2 min mark sounds atmospheric, slick, and awesome. Great track, man. Sounds good.
  16. WELL....here it is! I've posted a 2 min long preview of a dance remix of the epic orchestrated track "Miles Away." The album is still in-development, but we're almost done. Me thinks it's gonna be sweet!! For now listen to a quick preview of "Miles Away - PULSE! (Club Mix)" EDIT: I am debating whether to post the full mix. I probably will soon. Sit tight.
  17. "Playtekhno" was recently added as a game music track for an iPhone videogame. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph5Y7b2DMkE For any of you who like classic arcade games, check it out the game is called 30 and Dirty. Pretty sweet!
  18. Once again, congrats dude about the track placement in Heroes. Sweet!!

  19. I've gotta say, that's pretty sweet...zircon. maybe one day we'll get a huge placement. Congrats dude!!!!! I'm definitely gonna watch that episode.
  20. Yep, bottomline it isn't cheap which is why for now I'll stick with what I'm doing. Anyway I'm going to post a link to another orchestrated track soon. This time I'm gonna wait till I'm finish with it. I was really inspired by Hans Zimmer "The Dark Knight" score so I decided to put my pathetic skills to the test, and somehow it seems to be turning out pretty good. So I'll post it UP in this thread very soon.
  21. Now I'm confused, didn't he say, "it costs around 400-1000$ per minute of score, since this track is about 5 mins in length. Than shouldn't the price range be around $2000 - 5000? I could save up for that, but if it's $60,000 an hour. Than I don't know, no promises.
  22. damnit, maybe one day I could hire a band, not today, that's way too much money. I expected that kind of pricing though.
  23. Stay tuned for a techno/trance remix of this. I'll post it as soon as I'm finished.
  24. Oh sweet...I'm glad ya still like it. Nah, it hasn't even been in the judges panel yet, and I'm guessing that it may take a while longer too. I can wait though, no biggie.
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