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Everything posted by analoq

  1. Doulifee didn't delete your votes, i assume. that's very concerning. it's worked for both of you guys before... did you notice anything unusual when you voted this time around? errors or...?
  2. whoops. would've liked to, but i was swamped. not even enough time to pull together something of my last ORC entry's quality. blah.
  3. would it do anything for you if i came in drag ?
  4. the was kinda fun, i wouldn't be opposed to joining again.no promises, though. cheers.
  5. a pox upon thee! that's one of the greatest songs in the history of music. well, electronic music at least.
  6. this was nothing to be worried about, nutritious. however! it's impossible to listen to this and not think of this
  7. argh. perhaps i need to put a big message in red saying USE 44.1khz ONLY don't use 48khz. ever. there's already been votes placed, it would be difficult to swap out your entry at this time, so, just remember this advice for next time.
  8. no more begging lazy compo organizers (TO) for RESULTZ!! also, we have an RSS feed now. it's pretty basic, but could be useful. oh and, congrats to nutritious. hopefully we'll get a good source tune from you.
  9. you'll have to contact your ISP about that. figuring out which sites are blocked would differ between ISPs. go go gadget trouble-ticket !
  10. i've had problems with the frontpage not loading now and then, Xerol looked into it and he thinks it was bots causing problems. can you access any other parts of the site? for example, try these: http://forums.thasauce.net http://compo.thasauce.net that's not an indication of anything wrong, many servers turn off ping response to avoid DOS attacks. as well, it's virtual hosting so going by the IP address wouldn't take you to ThaSauce in anyway. cheers.
  11. given there's only two entries, it'd be pointless for either of us to vote no matter how we voted. clarification wouldn't hurt, though. Doulifee doesn't run things the same way i do. i was hoping there'd be more entries, if i had known there'd only be one other i would have just left them to win by default. though i suppose if you've ever wondered what my remixes sound like at their earliest stage, this will give you an idea ! cheers
  12. hah, Nutritious is currently the most active compoist i think the stats page will be much more interesting as time goes on. hey.. "shut up" was funnier
  13. don't forget, you can view all the votes here: http://compo.thasauce.net/votes/index/PRC94 i'm a litle surprised my entry was received well, though looking over the votes i can see that my voice is unanimously hated glad to get some love anyways, cheers.
  14. try voting again and see what happens to spoil the surprise, it will just whine that you've already voted and ignore it. having it show your vote instead of confusing you with another form would probably be better, though.
  15. i know i this happens every time, but... *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* haha! the Cribs thread: Getting remixers to tidy their messy-ass studios since 2005.
  16. well, she might be okay with that, i dunno. but i can say the entrants will certainly appreciate an elaboration. rexy get on MSN and let's iron this out.
  17. yes, a reason is essential; the system won't accept your vote without one. this is a great way for remixers to get feedback, so please leave good comments if you can. interesting batch of entries this time..
  18. i'll have my entry in before the deadline. so either way, this round will be at least 3x as successful than the previous. (: edit: got mine in. best of luck.
  19. looks good, and the source material ain't bad. ain't bad at all...
  20. well fuck those guys. now you and every other VST conspiracy theorist i shook my head at in the AutoTunes-Truth movement have me eating boiled crow. oh well, back to reading Popular Mechanics...
  21. i just noticed the Cribs thread is in your photo -- nice touch !
  22. so who else is working on an entry for this? it is challenging but i am hoping to show PRC some love this time around.
  23. could you guys (OverCoat, Fishy) reduce your pics to 800px wide or so? their current size is a bit excessive. otherwise, nice setups. glad that banker's lamp is still working out for you, soc!
  24. wow, shouldn't that be SuperGreenX's studio? even the foliage outside matches !
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