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Everything posted by analoq

  1. this thread is like one big app request. Speaking of which: http://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/analoq and..
  2. I remember having classmates in elementary school that weren't allowed to watch the Simpsons; I suppose their parents had a problem with Bart saying 'hell'. Of course, my mother never let me watch the A-Team, because it was "too violent". I don't think I could get the Simpsons out of my life if I tried. I stopped watching it several years ago and yet all kinds of random daily things remind me of it -- not complaining though! way off-topic but hey, it's your thread
  3. If you have to ask that question you're probably not going to find a compelling answer. I give away my old computers to family or sell them online. The ones I've kept end up doing nothing in my closet. Of course, I don't own a television or hi-fi so media use wouldn't make sense, and like djp I think using 2 computers for music production merely complicates one's workflow when not necessary. No advice, sorry. cheers.
  4. Yeah see, if you really had a problem you could contact EWQL and their support team would be glad to help out a customer. But your "problem" is you're a kid who thinks you're entitled to have everything for free. Don't expect any more help than this.
  5. I'm signing up because it's what the cool kids are doing. You know, we can disable voting and use compo:ThaSauce to host the entries. It will gently perform fellatio on our well-respected entrants.
  6. all the functionality? So Logic Studio runs on Windows again? Nothing wrong with saving money, but you haven't gained anything if you can't run the software you want. I like your staying-up-late excuse, but you still have no clue what this discussion is about. Hint: It's more about software than it is about hardware. You see, we can only have an intelligent discussion if you present yourself intelligently. And you've already squandered that opportunity. Try harder in the future or we'll have to adopt this protocol: 1.) You babble. 2.) People who know better ignore you or make fun of you. cheers.
  7. That's a fucking brilliant deduction! Who's else's opinion would it be? The OP uses Logic Express on an iMac... maybe he would want to hear the opinion of someone like me who's used Logic Express on an iMac? Maybe he would want to hear the opinion of someone like me who's given a lot of reliable advice to remixers over the years? What weight does your opinion carry? If my Apple "paperweight" has the same cost/value ratio as a regular PC and my "paperweight" cost more, then by your logic it has more value. Do you even understand what you just said? Because I seem to agree with you! Yet you felt embolded enough to participate in this discussion even when it was obvious you hadn't a clue what the OP's decision anchors on. With such thoughtful behaviors like that, it's clear you're going to earn a lot of respect around here!
  8. You're right Zircon, I'm not trying to go fanboy on anyone -- Apple's portables are very nice but I'm not suggesting any Dell you get will be a crapshot. I can say, however, that Apple has been very good to me when things went wrong. I bought a 24" cinema display and after a week it just stopped working. I went to my local Apple store without an appointment and they promptly confirmed it was defective and gave me a new one. If I had bought a brandless display from a random online store I would've been without a display for a while. Of course if you're nowhere near an Apple store then you may not be much better off.
  9. 1. Apple makes very nice portables -- I would rather have a low-end Macbook than a high-end Dell. 2. You're a student. You can get a student discount from Apple. 3. Apple's portables maintain their value longer. You'll make up some of that cost when it comes time to upgrade. 4. If you really want to play games you can install XP on it. 5. Repeating what yoozer/zircon said about Logic, there's not an exact equivilent. I like Ableton Live very very much and it costs about the same as Logic, but it doesn't come with much out of the box; all the cool synths are pricey add-ons. Cubase/Sonar I haven't seen in years, no opinion.
  10. I participated in the very first PRC and honestly I never thought it would make it this far -- a lot of compos come and go on these forums but PRC has managed to outlast them all. This achievement was possible in no small part thanks to you, Rexy. I know it's not time to say goodbye yet, but since others were chiming in with their appreciation for your commitment I thought I'd throw mine in as well. Best of British, Bev cheers.
  11. And don't cheat by using autotune, teach yourself perfect pitch. And don't cheat by using a piano roll, teach yourself to play your parts. And don't cheat by using a cello sample, teach yourself to play cello. And don't cheat by using a DAW, teach yourself an analogue tape machine. And don't cheat by using reverb, get ya ass down to the Taj Mahal. No matter what you do, you're cheating by someone's standards. No one gives a shit. Anyways, generally you find audio quantizing as a daw function because plugins work in realtime -- and fixing timing can't be done that way without a flux capacitor. Melodyne however will do what you want. When I'd record guitar takes I liked but maybe they had a few late notes, I would just edit the waveform manually. I'd chop a small part of the waveform before the note and copy a small part of the note's tail after it. In the context of the mix nothing would appear artificial. cheers.
  12. there was a thread like this, but it was years ago in a different section (wip?). anyway, when it comes to humble beginnings there's an old Kenyan proverb: Where there is no shame, there is no pride. - The Flyin' Beat (1995) Originally an .s3m tracker file, this is my first completed bit of music. Industrial bluesy synthrock? I think this is the only time I thought was cool to have a "drum solo" in a song. - Mario Can't Sleep (2002) First remix: Super Mario Bros. 2 ending. Instant rejection at OCR, but received some positive reviews at Vgmix I. You'd think I would've gotten a lot better at music in 13 years...
  13. But what if I don't have the midi? anyway, if anyone makes use of these techniques, please send your creations here.
  14. Sounds good to me. When I was helping organize the original Doom project I didn't see the need for having every track covered, so long as it was a solid album that channeled the inspiration of the game. That's what I feel this project will be. cheers.
  15. ah, nice to have something to celebrate today!
  16. That is the right attitude, apologies if my earlier post sounded cynical -- I do think you're dealing with this appropriately. cheers.
  17. I am a gay bag full of horny dicks.
  18. it's not unreasonable to ask for footage, but it's not necessary. all you really need are the cue sheets with SMTPE. and if they don't give you that, then they're just going to have you stab in the dark until they get something they like or they'll just drop you and use the aforementioned Moonlight Sonata. welcome to the world of scoring: It sucks. if you're interested in this field, this is the sort of abuse you'll have to expect.
  19. you know, I don't like to think I'm predictable as much as I am consistent I considered mentioning them but Grados are difficult to get outside of the US. American dealers are not allowed to ship them internationally and I don't know if there's an Australian dealer.
  20. two words of advice: give up. if you're looking in that price range you're obviously not looking to record over 8 channels of audio simultaneously; in which case Firewire 400's bandwidth is more than you'll use. as far as latency goes, your biggest culprit will still be your CPU. cheers.
  21. iZotope iDrum is inexpensive and has surprisingly useful kits. as well as "part sequences" like common hat patterns to help you build your own drum parts. that's an option for you. indeed. GarageBand combined with a few 3rd party plugins is more than enough to make OCR quality music, especially if you have the new GB which has full automation among other features common in "real" sequencers. hah, I'd hit that.
  22. the F3 A3 instrument sounds like a softly played rhodes to me. perhaps thru a wah or phaser.. something it biting off the top end. for the drums, maybe zircon would have some advice. I'd try running them thru izotope vinyl to get that grit. or just sample hits off similar funk loops? good effort regardless, this is precisely the sort of thing I do to discipline my technique. cheers.
  23. we're up! go here to get your vote in as well, enjoy the now functioning stats page! cheers.
  24. i haven't done anything, i don't know what's going on. thankfully i'm at home, so i will work with ThaSauce staff to get this resolved asap.
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