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Everything posted by analoq

  1. i dunno, i store equipment under my desk too. i tried to order a Pixietricks for my studio, but the best my Sweetwater rep could offer was Vocaloid. when will people learn? a softsynth just isn't as good as the real thing! :3
  2. you should really contribute to this thread ! it tried to strangle me, so i had to get a patchcord-free synth. or maybe i "finished" my modular (filled up all the blanks) and sold it.i changed my perspective: i want everything in my studio to be within arms-reach. not because i'm lazy but because i want a limiting factor to (hopefully) allow more spontaneity in my environment. i already have some. in my setup they make little difference, so i haven't used them lately.Dhsu fails hard. more cribs, plz.
  3. last week i was thinking the remixing forum has been kinda dull lately. and the original cribs thread was a huge success, so... why not? i'll start: this thread is not about enumerating what kit/software you have. (though i won't stop you) it's about sharing your creative environment thru visual means (photos, screencaps, videos) even if that's just a couch, a laptop, and a pair of headphones... let's see it !
  4. you can't seriously recommend Reason + Audacity for recording; doing multiple takes, overdubbing, cycle-recording.. these things can't be easy having to go back and forth between Reason and Audacity. there's a difference between between limiting creative overhead and using the wrong tool for the job. i think the best advice was already given in the first reply: download the demos and figure it out for yourself. also: welcome back, compyfox. cheers.
  5. the correct submission URL is: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC94 also: is this like the shortest PRC sourcetune evar?
  6. i wouldn't touch Christian rock with a ten foot pole.
  7. results are up! see first post or go here: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/ORC103 view all the votes here: http://compo.thasauce.net/votes/index/ORC103 good job, guys! hopefully i'll see you in 2 weeks.
  8. we're in the red, last call for votes! get 'em in, get 'em in!
  9. hahah, i could just imagine that:You see kids, you listen to the J-POP which gives you the BRAIN DAMAGE. With the bippin' and a boppin'... i may be going to AX again this year, because my sister hates me. cheers.
  10. this topic comes up in the Remixing forum here and there. what i usually say is: if you want to make music in a nice Unix environment, get a Mac! with that out of the way, the music tools on Linux would probably be enough for me. but i am pretty minimalist when it comes to my artistic palette.
  11. taken care of. apologies for not noticing it before the polls opened.
  12. the hotkeys don't interfere for me on FireFox or Safari, but i've disabled them anyways. hope that helps your issue. yup. it's a known-issue beyond my control. you should always use 44.1 anyway; mp3 codecs are optimized for it. you may actually lessen the quality of your music by using 48. send me your mix in 44.1 and i'll remedy this quickly. cheers.
  13. voting period has started. no more entries will be accepted. go here to vote: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/ORC103 see the first post in this thread for more information. great entries, guys ! Remixers: you can vote and you are encouraged to vote for yourself. just don't forget about giving a 2nd and 3rd place (:
  14. if andyjane could do it, i'm sure you could to. Xela were you going to enter yours? we're in the red, time's almost up.
  15. you're not playing with kids here, this is analoq! (: and yeah, a minute & a half is fine. go submit it. sure. if you're logged in, you should be able to delete your own entry and resubmit it with no problems.
  16. nice, nice. as for the rest of you, you've got less than 24 hours to get your entries in. check out my sig for a wicked countdown!
  17. there's a countdown on the site now. looks like it'll be up june 17th or so. this is a good !
  18. bah, if i changed my avatar to something new nobody would recognize me :/
  19. ^^^ that's the right attitude. any of you guys study improvisation before? "The only wrong note is the one you don't play." the only way to lose a compo is not to participate !
  20. no prob, you still have till friday night to enter. plenty of time to finish something, even if you hadn't started yet. entries! entries! entries! entries! show me your love !
  21. you think you can listen to too much Kraftwerk? you are a disgrace to electronic music. get the fuck out. kidding aside, i'm looking forward to it! ORC needs more electro. (:
  22. sweet! also, you guys don't need to put ORC103 in your entry title. the system will take care of that for you. and you can link to your entries from c:TS here if you like. cheers.
  23. i'm like Aunt Flo, i just come around now and then to shake things up. hah! eligible, though. go submit it edit: you know, i've been listening to this on loop for the last 10 minutes. damn gorgeous vocals, what are they from? cheers.
  24. RESULTS: ladies and gentleman, the votes are in: 6. avaris - Space Parade (7) 5. andyjane - Solar (8 ) 5. hbpencil - lunacy (8 ) 4. Rayza - Awesome Song Great Job (10) 3. Nutritious - Cosmic Drifting (14) 2. S|r Nuts - Stellar Blast (17) 1. Cyan - The galaxy is at peace (22) many thanks to all of you, this round of ORC was a huge success ! congratulations to Cyan, please send in your original music to Doulifee within the next couple weeks. i've been in contact with Rexy and we feel it is best for everyone to delay ORC an additional week so that ORC and PRC can run opposite to each other like they used to. go here to view all the votes (link at bottom): http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/ORC103 Source Material: analoq - Star Fighter: MIDI Deadline: 8:00pm PST, 11:00pm EST on May 4th, 2007. Rules: Use as much or as little of the source material as you like. But use it! Be as conservative or interpretive as you like. But voters won't appreciate rips! Have fun. No whining! thanks, cheers, and good luck !
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