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Everything posted by analoq

  1. thanks for getting the resultz out, i am pleased with the comments. also Xela, you can contribute any original piece as long as it's yours. it doesn't have to be new. like Nuts says, keep it simple. you want to get a good turnout right? then remixability is most important; not too long, distinct melody, flexible harmonics, etc..
  2. my technobabblery output is miniscule compared to my musical output. oh. well in that case probably never. my musical output is miniscule compared to my self-deprecational output.
  3. resultz or there will be a violent coup de'tat resulting in myself as ORC ringmaster. i will also kill a puppy. do it for the puppy.
  4. i tend not to make such contributions, but given the amount of discussion in this thread that is not really pertinent or helpful to the OP there is no harm. par for the course around these parts. besides, mixing benefits aren't what i'm talking about. that's a different debate. i think you are like me in that i don't look to internet forums for this sort of knowledge. i'll stick with the trade publications and trade shows, thanks.
  5. he said CD player not CD drive. it's clear he's just using an analog line-level source (external CD player in this case) to do his test. fake edit: nevermind, he clarified while i was writing this. doubtful. dithering only applies to bit-rate, not sample-rate. and resampling algorithms aren't going to do much for you. downsampling from 192 to 48 would be neutral, but going from 192 to 44.1 would give you a marginally worse sound than if you had just recorded at 44.1 in the first place since it's not evenly divisable. downsampling from 176.4 to 44.1 might be better than just recording from 44.1 if you had a crappy ADC. a good ADC would give you the most accurate samples possible at any rate.
  6. once i had a dream i met GrayLightning. he looked remarkably unremarkable. he didn't even have a wheelchair.
  7. that's adorable. more like shotabubula, am i rite?
  8. hah, our entries are opposite in almost every way. good times.
  9. i submitted something in spite of the technical challanges i mentioned previously.
  10. such desperation! would a kinda-crappy remix satisfy you for now? i don't have all of my remixing kit at the moment, but i still like this theme. i could make something... probably. something good.. probably not.
  11. i affectionately welcome the return of ORC workable sourcetune, i'd give it a shot but i have no audio/midi interface right now. :/
  12. ahahha.. "Well that sucked!" i also love his dance when the faders are automating. oh those goofy Mackie guys.. though it looks like they copied the Loop Browser from GarageBand.
  13. you can import MIDI files into Live. just use one of the File Browsers and hunt down the MIDI you're looking for and you can drag it (or individual tracks) into the Session or Arrange view. just wanted to note: don't underestimate the importance of this. i'm glad to discuss tech specs and features, but what it really comes down to is your creative response to these tools.
  14. if you're a fan of the *nix side of things and want to make music, get a Mac. anyone remember DeMuDi? Linux is great but nothing really compares to Mac/Win for music making.
  15. yeah, EXSP rendered my personal collection of individual samples useless, which is why i complemented Logic Express with RMIV. the easiest solution is probably to put the pitchy-parts on a separate track, and user the 'Pitcher' to assign pitch to velocity. then you just modify the velocity of the notes to change the pitch to what you want. that still won't allow you to load in external samples, but if you already have Kontakt, well.. learn to use it!
  16. hey i remember that, back when you were a nobody. i recall thinking "Aw shit, he might win dis." thankfully (sadly) everyone hates jazz.
  17. yeah, that was my doing. that particular PRC didn't get much of a turnout, the main theme for True Love is kinda crappy. i do like the Bible Black theme, though. i considered doing a remix of it for Anime Remix but Carby would have none of that. i don't really have an interest in remixing it anymore, but i did not know it was originally a game... that's very interesting.
  18. don't kid yourself, there's nothing irrational about wanting to chuck Windows. however i did start with Logic4 on PC. i switched from Cubase5, once i got used to Logic's interface and workflow i could work faster with it; getting stuff done in Logic is pretty painless compared to most of the high-end sequencers. Logic Express is what i use these days. Logic Pro has some nice features but for the (ouch) price i'd skip it and spend money on some 3rd party plugins instead. the only thing i really wish the Express version had was the ability to do side-chaining -- but that probably isn't a big deal to you. the Quick Tour on the Logic Express page gives you a decent run-through. beyond that, if there's an Apple Store near where you live then drop by and get someone to demonstrate it for you, or just play with it yourself. also, the MacWorld expo is on Tuesday, so stay tuned for announcements if you plan on buying a Mac in the near future. i'd be happy to go into more detail on this if you want more info.
  19. i'm sorry, it was so funny that it blew my brains right out of my skull. i was just taking a break from wiping my mind-goo off the walls to respond in the first place. but really, i see those exact sort of comments frequently. you do too, obviously. you weren't serious but somebody is thinking that exact thing. so i went for it anyways.
  20. that's like saying reverb is for pussies. i'm not saying it should be allowed for this compo, but pitch correction has been a standard practice in recording studios since the 80s and it was in use even earlier.
  21. hey guys, i caught this over at the R:K:O forums. it's a 2 minute video that makes the loudness war simple enough for anyone to understand. youtube's encoding mechanisms lose a large chunk of the audio fidelity but it's good enough to get the idea. it's rare to see such an elegant primer to an audio engineering topic, so i thought i'd share it.
  22. this compo produced more creative results than i thought it would. kudos to all of you.
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