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Everything posted by analoq

  1. Mics generally don't have favorable return policies, especially if they can be used for vocals. If there's a pro audio retailer (Guitar Center/Sam Ash/Mars) nearby drop in and let them know what you're trying to accomplish. They probably won't drag a piano in just for you, but they can set up some mics for you to play with to get an idea of their sound. Wanting to record your home piano makes you a typical customer, they can probably give you good suggestions. cheers.
  2. ah, FireFox's spellchecker isn't quite an authority on recording jargon. Safari is fine with mic, though. Most of the trades/books use 'mic' as a noun and 'miking' as a verb. I prefer mic'ing, myself.
  3. Official abbreviation for microphone? You've naively adopted spurious pedantry.
  4. Compyfox had no sense of tact but at least he could be helpful. This guy, however, has no redeeming values I can detect.
  5. I use VMware Fusion on a MacBook Pro-- but I only use it for Win development (Visual Studio/SQLServer) Moving files back and forth is easy, your home folder just shows up on the Windows desktop which you can drag files into. The main problem with virtualization is that you'll have the CPU/RAM/Device overhead of OSX while you're using Windows. With dual-booting Windows has full access to resources, which may be better for gaming and music production. It depends on what kind of performance you expect to get. Obvious question is-- are you unwilling to try something other than Fruity Loops? If you have a Mac, making music in OSX would be ideal, and you have some great software to choose from. cheers.
  6. I can't really get into a lot of the original work floating around these forums but I knew this would be up my alley... Malcos you are a talented songwriter; keep up the lovely work! cheers.
  7. I can't find Bluefox's example of music-culture illiteracy as humorous as I would like; I still remember when jared hudson posted an ingenuous thread about not knowing U2.
  8. well, what kind of music do you make? And what are you going to be making it with? I mean, are you recording guitars and vocals or are you doing everything 'in-the-box' ? And why are you limiting yourself to FL and Logic? There's Ableton and others which run on both platforms.
  9. I'd start a new thread but I have no (2008) content to immediately contribute; I do find that a inconsiderate way to start threads I may have failed to communicate, I was talking about your monitor speakers, not your computer display. It seems like they'd be laterally parallel with your head when you're at your computer. cheers.
  10. over 7 months since the last post... I think it's time for a 2008 cribs thread. Interesting set up, but your monitor placement is vacuous. What is the rack-mount device underneath the portable recorder?
  11. Well deserved recognition and a good read indeed. cheers.
  12. I can't argue with this because you haven't explained why you deny it. I reasoned how musical ideas are biased because of habituation... are you saying habituation does not occur? The physical aspects were brought up because piano was brought up. I work out all my musical ideas on piano before I ever touch a sequencer, though I know for some it is the opposite -- in which case you're right: naturally you'd only be left with the mental bias/habits. Unfortunately I've failed to grasp this point. I'm not sure how the creative process of exploring harmony and musical ideas is notably different between ensembles. I may not be taking 'arranging' literally enough in this context. Agreed, this is what I've been getting at. Since we've already established that these are tools at one's disposal, there's a very simple concept we can apply: Using the right tool for the job. There are situations in which Intelligent Arrangers can be beneficial and situations in which they have no practical use. Education and experience will allow one to discriminate between those situations. cheers.
  13. I was talking about intelligent arrangers in general. The only specific example I used was Band-in-a-Box, which zircon brought up early on. I can respond to point #1, though: Hand coordination is only part of the physical limitation. The muscle memory Yoozer brought up is a big part of it. You will be biased towards certain chords and inversions by habit and by physical ease. Software has no bias, therefore it can derive variations that would've otherwise been avoided by one's personal habits. Now, MySong couldn't be recommended as strongly as other software because of its accessibility and simplicity. But I think you already outlined the strengths particular to it well enough a few posts ago. cheers.
  14. Entertaining your "mature" discussion would involve giving you a second chance. Unfortunately your attempt comes too little, too late. Thus far no one else seems interested, perhaps your topics aren't as compelling as you think? We can continue this for as long as you'd like, but here's how it's going to end: zircon will come in and delete our posts and tell us to stop adulterating the topic. Further discourse here will not earn you any credibility.
  15. Notice the kick in the teeth comes only after you squandered every opportunity to be taken seriously (: cheers.
  16. Well you're certainly an inferior participant in this discussion. All you can respond with are disingenuous straw-mans expressed with adolescent sardonicism. Nicholestein, pay attention to dannthr's posts; that's what you're going to be when you grow up.
  17. To add to what Yoozer said, it's like collaborating with another musician: The other person thinks differently than you, so they're going to come up with variations that you habitually avoid. There's nothing old-fashioned about that.
  18. Since this seems more a discussion of the application of this technology rather than the technology itself, let me share something. Skip to 5:30 for the relevant bits, but be sure to go back and watch the jam session afterwards... Intelligent arrangers like Band-In-A-Box and MySong are merely one of many tools at your disposal. Experienced producers can benefit from them, as you can use them to explore a variety of musical ideas. Band-in-a-Box helped me work out ideas that I wasn't sure would work, and it showed me how ideas I thought would work actually didn't. The more software like this, the better. Amateurs may use it to throw crap together, but people who know what they're doing will use it to create even better music.
  19. dammit Larry, I thought I had a lorazepam-induced blackout when I saw this thread, because I didn't recognize it... and yet vB marked that I replied to it? It should be a crime to bump threads older than a year. oh and happy birthday to Mr. Dover cheers.
  20. The main reason we have subforums (and stickies) is to consolidate common topics. We used to frequently get FL threads so now there's a subforum for it. I seldom see threads that are 'hay guys check out dis sound i maed' so I don't think there's a particular need. If you want to share sounds you've made, feel free to indulge us with a boutiquey thread for such.
  21. Bookmarked this shizzle for future use, thanks.
  22. These tests are for speakers. Headphones have no acoustics, they won't have problems with frequency range. Just because your headphones passed these tests does NOT mean they're any good. Near-field monitors shouldn't pass the 30hz test. Only subwoofers can accurately respond to the 20-40hz range. My Mackie's stop at 50hz. cheers.
  23. They got the right man for the job, cheers.
  24. What did you use to encode your mp3? The file likely has a malformed header. edit: I went ahead and re-encoded your entry and uploaded it. Apologies if the quality is not up to your satisfaction...
  25. These are ridiculous..ly good in their own ways. cheers to all of you.
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