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Everything posted by analoq

  1. i could go back to making general midi files with just a sequencer and a midi controller. that would be my minimum music making setup. as for 'secret weapons', any of the analogue effects i've owned: sherman filterbank, metasonix waveshaper, moog delay...
  2. my sincerest apologies to those of you without ADD or other developmental disorders.
  3. http://youtube.com/watch?v=pWJSptgBj6g
  4. sounds like you joined this project for the wrong reasons. my contribution is ineligible for OCR as well, but i didn't join this project to get a remix on OCR, i joined it to contribute to the project. in this case: why should i or anyone care what the judges think? i agree TO shouldn't of asked for remixes of those songs; if he's not gonna include the Wolfenstein songs but include the Pantera songs... it's not a complete project anyways. his stance doesn't make much sense, but it doesn't make much difference either. clearly you'd prefer to throw a tantrum than contribute to this project, so i suppose a "fuck off and have a nice day" would be appropriate but i'll just leave it at: cheers.
  5. Grado RS-2s and Mackie HR624s. i'd probably trade my Mackies for these, though the ADAMs are pretty ugly looking.
  6. remember that Saint guy who asked to be a judge and everyone made fun of him? i felt bad for that guy.
  7. i use anything that's exclusive to the Mac so that people know i'm chic and affluent. and Ableton Live, for no particular reason.
  8. you don't want headphones that look like that. you want headphones that looks like this: of course, those are all open and with 1/4" jacks, but i doubt the OP will find his moved thread anyway. victimless crime.
  9. if there's one thing Anime Remix is good for, it's this Halloween compo. so fuck my tits.
  10. ok, sounds like you mostly have everything you need for now, so just start experimenting. see what works for you. only advice i'd give is get a video camera, and record your performances. review them, ask yourself how they could be better.. even take your act to YouTube, get feedback, find fans.. there's no secret, just practice. have fun!
  11. that all entirely depends on what kind of live performances you want to make.. what are you going to be doing? deejaying? live remixing? triggering loops? playing melodies over backing tracks? loop recording? will it be just you or others? i've been to numerous electronic music performances, and none of them go about it the same way. is one example.
  12. this is a thread edit: happy constitution day
  13. i agree with Yoozer that you shouldn't grab the most top-of-the-line system you can, but consider the following: - Desktops depreciate in value faster than Laptops - PCs depreciate in value faster than Macs you could save some money in the short term getting a PC or a desktop, but when it comes time to upgrade you're not going to be able to sell your old system for very much. in the long run it's economical to buy say, a MacBook (Pro) because you'll be able to get more money for it when the time comes to upgrade. but even if you planned on taking a 100% loss on your new system, Apple's portable products are really excellent. i have an easier time recommending their portables than their desktops. cheers.
  14. but if he chose the laptop, then he wouldn't have the motif... what is the point of this question? this is true, and i didn't mean to antagonize you for offering an alternative suggestion. it merely seemed (to me) that your solution doesn't satisfy the needs of the OP. obviously i'm not the right person to make that call, but i was interested in your reasoning behind it. it's not necessary, but it's actually quite easy... just not always cheap (:
  15. huh.. the FF7 project release killed thasauce? i'll see what's up but i may not have any control over this.
  16. arguably so, but your solution is that he go out and build another bulky PC when the one he already has is having issues? that gives him neither the Motif sound nor the new laptop he's looking for.. what good is that advice?
  17. some folks who are accustomed to making music exclusively with software just can't adjust to the external rack/hardware workflow. i can't blame them; unless you're used to it or you can play all the parts live, the process may seem tedious. of course, if there is a specific hardware effect or synth you like, you're not going to be happy with a software approximation. however if i had to pick between a new laptop or a workstation, i'd go for a laptop. you can ignore the above post's claims about "serious" musicians; unless you need 24-track recording or something on that level, a nice laptop is all you need. cheers.
  18. finally, you don't have to be one of the 3 kings of Europe in order to afford Logic Pro. if i hadn't dumped precisely that much money this summer for Live 6 i would so go for this.
  19. anyone else get the website to work? every time i click i just get an error.
  20. i as a remixer don't do anything more creative than Daft Punk. the music is approached in a different manner, but it is no more or less a creative process. if you think they 'overdo it' in regards to sampling, that may be a reasonable criticism... but to say it's not creative or artistic is merely bigotry. cheers.
  21. i have the old HR624s, and they are very nice. they replaced Event PS6s (precursor to the TR series you're interested in). KRK are good, but i haven't had good experiences with the Rokit series.. others here seem to like them, however. regardless, there's not a huge difference in that range of monitors. any of those will serve you well for remixing. cheers.
  22. i thought the previous arrangement of allowing active compos in GD was a great idea, and a fair compromise. could you elaborate on this point? cheers.
  23. no, don't bother with PCMCIA. i'll give a few reasons: - limited choices. it is unlikely you will find a PCMCIA audio interface that fits your needs ideally. Firewire gives you more options. - there's no "cutting out the middle man". where Firewire may have a problem with a particular Firewire chipset, a PCMCIA device may have a problem with the PCMCIA controller or motherboard chipset. potential compatability problems either way. - your next laptop may not have PCMCIA. it is being phased out in favor of ExpressCard. i've owned more audio interfaces than i can count on one hand, and Firewire has given me the best performance with the fewest headaches. only if your laptop doesn't have firewire would i bother looking into anything else.
  24. just send the song to iTunes. it exports as an AIFF file, which you can convert to MP3 in iTunes. you already have everything you need!
  25. what's wrong with making money off of it? you do realize they have to clear those samples and pay to use them, right? really, Daft Punk doesn't do sampling any more than Moby, Chemical Brothers, Prodigy, or any big player in the electronic music scene. sampling is part of the art. if you weren't expecting what you saw in that video then you do not understand electronic music. you guys make me sad. or maybe i've just been trolled. whatever.
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