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Everything posted by analoq

  1. you say it's not trance this time? it sounds like an attempt at trance but then you changed all the instruments from trance to acoustic soundfonts. this gives it a very mechanical and awkward feel that i can't find much good to say about. back to the drawing board. no
  2. i'll always entertain a drum 'n bass remix. you've got some of the bass right, it's cool at times. you've got little of the drums right though, it's clearly some acoustic kit rather than a chopped up/recycled loop. then it gets weird.. getting weirder.. i dunno, there are some sorta cool ideas but does it all work as a whole? not for me. no
  3. i can see where larry is coming from. some drums fills or acoustic percussion over the beat would make this more interesting. as is, it's enough for this to work. po has taken the original and made it a vehicle for his soloing. he's done this mostly by redefining the harmonies to jazzier approximations. while most of the soloing is good there were times i was waiting for a head. this is mighty laid-back so one can't really expect any climaxes or prolonged harmonic tension, but if one is familiar with po's style, then they won't be expecting such anyways. yes
  4. who are you and why do you sound like me????? "anyways"... the remix itself is weirdly entertaining. cheers.
  5. starts off with a decent pad and fun bass, we get some 909 kicks and claps which are of limited interest. things build with the introduction of the melody and finally we're in the groove at the 1 minute mark. so far so good but then things just build incrementally to a break with piano.. when we build from this section it gets more interesting and continues to do so until an unexpected ending. hmm. nothing particularly bad here, everything is just particularly underwhelming. the arrangement doesn't captivate me, the breaks and builds are pretty tame. the overall sound borders between bland and stylistically permissable. so, make the arrangement more interesting or make the sounds less bland.. or better yet, do both. no
  6. awww.. shucks. i'd really like to pass this. i like the original, i like the saxes. but if you're doing the sax quartet thing, you've gotta vary up the arrangement and the dynamics more to make this less monotonous. this performance has to go places! right now it merely plays in the street. i hate to be a broken-record but yeah, lay off the reverb a bit. no
  7. the sax put a big smile on face. (: given the state of the american public school system, i believe it. no
  8. first, i very much admire that you're taking risks with the overall sound of your artistic vision! even if it's a tad gimmicky, i like to hear something different. however, just because you're pulling these samples from all these sources doesn't mean they're going to work together. you still need to do proper processing and production to make things tight and captivating. you can do this while still maintaining the 'retro modern' sound you're going for. beyond that.. this is my main problem with the arrangement, i'm left going "Where's the rest of it?" when it's over. no
  9. i must say, GarageBand default sounds are quite a nice change of pace from the usual FL default sounds we hear. so this comes off as a fresh but still patently amateur attempt at my least favorite genre of dance music... trance. i do like the way the original is used. the development isn't bad, but could be better. the execution is only half-decent. that overall equates to a remix that is notably below the quality of recently posted trance remixes.. so this just isn't good enough. i could give some specific advice but really you just need to keep at it. it's easy to make mediocre trance, but it's extremely hard to make good trance. no
  10. this has a groove i almost but can't quite get into, and i can get into grooves pretty easy. this is unfortunately thin and lacking, there's some very bright guitar and other melodic components over some low-octave piano and drums.. where's the stuff in the middle? a strong rhythm guitar or string pads could fill this space up. other sections like 1:56+ just sound really cluttered. questionable notes in the guitar give me no other option than.. no
  11. this is a few steps above the kind of instant-rejection fodder and a step above the FL noob stuff we get. unfotunately that doesn't put this anywhere close to the bar. this is the work of a novice or an adequate musician making a token effort at eurodance. let's see some more creativity, or at your preference: better execution. no
  12. the staccato rhythm the violins are playing near the beginning.. that's called the machine-gun effect (: ok but overall this sounds decent. some of the percussion levels are up too high or something because it sounds like clipping or maybe they're just bad samples. some of the panning is a little strong as well, my right ear heard more music than my left ear did. the other problems i have with this are the same as the Zelda 'Prelude' mix that was recently passed.. it's harmonically tame and lacking interesting musical devices between points of interest. slow, evolving stuff is great.. but you can't stop halfway at the slow points. you have to give 100% to your musical development throughout. actually i think this did a better job than 'Prelude' as far as arrangement goes, but this has more balance/mixing issues so my vote evens out to... no could be a pass with limited work.
  13. those drums are as thin as i am. and i weight barely enough to donate blood. i like the tone and playing of the guitars the arrangement itself is pretty decent too, it develops the theme nicely. the overall sound is lacking. everything needs to just be beefed up a bit before i can pass it drums need more oomph, bass needs more presence, chugga chugga guitars are fine the lead needs to be brought out more, boost those highs. not bad, though! no
  14. nice attempt at some flamenco-like acoustic guitar sequencing. i like the vocoding. i also like the original and how it's used. the blending of the different musical elements comes together most of the time, other times my ears are left trying to make sense of what i'm hearing. forget it, just do these 2 things: remix. remaster. this is a mixing/mastering nightmare. no
  15. is this a resubmission or have i just heard this before elsewhere? oh, it was on vgf. gotcha. i like the swingyness, the jazzyness, and everything inbetween. execution ranges from swell to lousy -- and lousy is not acceptable. for starters, vary up the dynamics in the piano, explore other soundfonts you've got a couple good drum fills but most of the percussion is ignored, vary it up. the sax will probably be hit-or-miss no matter what you do. keep the organ, i like it. may i echo TO's complaint about the fire soundeffect? no resub
  16. i like the overall sound, it's far from a real orchestra but the remixer avoided all the common sequencing/processing pitfalls that turns good ideas into noobmixes. so, good job with that. i agree with larry's gripe about the last note, too abrupt. hold that fermata! the arrangement kinda reminds me of my first remix in how lethargic it is. this would work perfect for the dramatic underscoring of a film (or a videogame??), but without something to look at while i'm listening to this i'm left unsatisfied. it just feels empty between points of interest, there's a lot more that could be done with this.. more moving lines, more intricate harmonies, contrapunctal devices, contrary motion, harmonies derived thru linear dissolution, key changes / modulations, accelerandos, ritardandos.. you get the idea. not bad or anything and i have no problem with this passing but i'm feeling greedy; i want more. (: no
  17. pretty cool intro. i like the sax playing. but i absolutely hate the string sounds. the orchestral elements seem forced and don't fit in well with the live sax. the transitions are a bumpy ride as well. right now i don't hear a very good remix. but i do hear the potential for a very good remix. no
  18. in addition to being markedly curt, i do on occasion steal the opinions of others.. but the votes are always mine. no
  19. i never heard the first version, so i can't say whether this is an improvement or not. all the instrument sequencing seems to fit in the extremes.. either overly quantized or over-humanized. or maybe just the latter, i'm not sure but a lot of this feels strangely sloppy. as for the sonic area this remix resides in.. it feels not all the parts have respected boundries. -- which i suppose iss just a longer way of saying it's kinda cluttered. let's see some better balancing/eq/processing work. there's contrast, the arrangement builds and unbuilds, and that's good. i think the execution just needs a bit more work before i can give a yes. no
  20. the arrangement is nice the overall sound is pleasing the vocals are adequate. the intro will probably be hit-or-miss with the listeners, but it works for me. good contrast. yes
  21. the vocal clips get irritating, the arrangement is repetitive and the instruments vary between trite and annoying. no
  22. oh my, linear frequency modulation overload. this sounds entirely like a Yamaha OPL3 chiptune. this could be game music, but not a game remix. i'd say more, but eh. no
  23. reverb'd 808 drum machine! big chemical beat! GM oboe and clarinet! no
  24. i neglected to vote on this last time i was hitting the queue but my mind has still not changed about this one. this mix causes fatigue in a number of ways. robbie must be mixing his stuff on PC/gaming speakers. it always sounds a little off. too much high freqs, and overcompressed. (and i'm not talking about the deliberate overcompression) there's a wall of sound that is lacking dynamics and is tiring on my ears. i like the concept, but the arrangement itself is lethargic and just drones on. everything feels tightly quantized and lacking human dynamics. not bad, but not quite over the bar. no
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