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Everything posted by analoq

  1. 7 minutes is your typical club mix length for the dancefloor. so to clarify for graylightning on why he made the first minute just drums: it's to give the DJ something to crossfade into. normally you have 16/32 bars of groove at the beginning (and often end) of a club mix. ok, so now we know what the prospective remixer was going for, but did he pull it off? i don't think so. this really doesn't sustain momentum -- even for a club mix. there needs to be a lot more going on here. go for a radio edit next time. no
  2. i'm impressed he got the sound as good as he did on that boss BR-8. i've used that particular portable recording unit in the past and while there's nothing inherently wrong with it, it's difficult to pull a good mix out of it. playing all the instruments live is impressive as well, hit up DoD like larry says. they'd like that. sadly this mix fits into the 'metal cover' category of remixes we tend to reject for lacking rearrangementive qualities, and i'm gonna have to no it as well. no
  3. sorry, i'm not recognizing the underground vibe that dan is or feeling the groove that wingless is. it just sounds very generic to me. if it was executed very well, there'd be nothing wrong with that. i will applaud relying on genre cliches if they are executed with skill. but in this case, the execution feels flat and absent of testicular fortitude. -- not that dance music has to be an adrenaline rush or anything, but in the end this one comes off as: lacking. no
  4. yeah, things don't start getting interesting until the 5:00 mark, and by then, there's only a minute left. appreciate the development, but there's a way to do this remix effectively, and this way isn't ideal. no
  5. it appears supertux doesn't have the new mix yet. use the OCR download.
  6. if you want to make music in a nice Unix environment, buy a mac. i use linux but when it comes to making music -- it's the wrong tool for the job. but you can browse thru here though for your best bets: http://linux-sound.org/ cheers.
  7. *shrug* still doesn't sound right to me. but otherwise, this is a fine and dandy mix. i wish the guitar tone was more subtle, it's kinda harsh given the context of the mix. i also wish the fade-out was longer, it seems to come sudden. oh well. yes
  8. ok.. i respect the no votes, but i see this one as passable. yeah SOC should've used more of the source material but what's there is recognizable as the theme and though he goes off in another direction he brings things back to where they started with the theme. so there is a unity of integration with the source material that i find acceptable. the ratio between original material & source material is the same as several of my own mixes on the site, so... yes har har! absynth presets & drumloops
  9. i'm gonna have to side with the no votes here. the intro just jumps right in as if i was listening to the 'preview' for the track on iTunes. the melodic components don't line up, they sound messy. all the parts just come off as weak and unprocessed. i don't really feel the build, it evolves, but there's no climax -- and this mix could've used one. nice use of vocoder sounds though. no
  10. hey, we call starblast fat all the time and you don't see him complaining about it, now do you? of course not, because he's got some thick skin. ... ok. sorry about the 'no fat chicks' comment. p.s. star is awesome.
  11. the cacodemon is totally our mascot. it's even shaped like a moon if someone wanted to try something clever like making a cacodemon/deimos eclipse. but then again i have no art sense so that's probbaly a terrible idea. cheers.
  12. nah, i'm cool with how things turned out -- so the current names are now officially the 'correct' ones. cheers.
  13. i knew something was amiss when i read about the 'organ solo' in the write-up. "But there's no organ solo in Next My Generation..." anyways, long story short: during the course of the project two of my remix names got mixed up. this wasn't the one i wanted on OCR to 'debut' the project. but, it's no biggie -- this one does the job. only thing i'd like to mention is that this is not a recent work: it's well over 2 years old. cheers.
  14. congrats on the 50th show, larry. cheers.
  15. sorry gray, after listening to the original i'm gonna have to 2nd larry's NO OVERRIDE the only good things about this mix are from the original.
  16. largely a trite piano arrangement of the ff7 theme. it timidly follows the structure of the original until things get taken down a notch near the end. my certified opinion on the recording is... Ehh. yet it kept me entertained during the course of the piece. the player knows when to slow down and speed up, when to plunk and when to arpeggiate. yes (borderline)
  17. not much wrong here except that s|rnuts' stuff sometimes reminds me of robert miles, whom i can't stand. but surely i can't fault anyone on that. (: i know i had a discussion with larry with the levels of this mix and while things are on the bright side, there's nothing painful or piercing for me. it's top-heavy, but the mix maintains clarity. it's a coherent piece of work that manages to build and sustain more tension than the typical dance music we get. an acceptable effort. yes
  18. well, it's a little better now. but the velocity/rhythm patterns still seem amateurish. and unfortunately the darker sample exposes more of the less-appealing voicing choices. the piano players in the community will probably scrutinize this like i have, but i'd say it's improved itself into a passable effort. yes (borderline)
  19. i was ready to no this the first time i listened to it, but i hear a lot of effort after a couple listens. it's not great, but it seems passable. really i have a difficult time imagining a better remix of this, given the source material. not to say that the limited source material makes up for everything -- but there are plenty of ideas here that i wouldn't have thought of had i been mixing this. yes
  20. weird panning. instruments sequenced and used in an unnatural, sometimes awkward manner. sounds like GM (probably because it is) spend some time on, and making use of our WIP forums. no
  21. i can identify the original in this without trouble, but i did play doom 'way too much' back in the day. still, this mix suffers from sonic clutter and sounds that are too raw for their own good. nice attempt at a bigbeat/industrial sound, but it's just not coming together in a way that works. no
  22. not much wrong here, i could nitpick if i wanted to but overall this one leaves me fairly satisfied. the arrangement builds, it unbuilds, it approaches the melodic ideas with variety, and the performance is nice. sounds like a pass to me. yes
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