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Everything posted by analoq

  1. the link works, but you have to copy/paste it. in addition, harmony posted an alternate url. try harder next time.
  2. the only creative thing about this mix is that lead. it's wobbly, it's wild, it's got a depth to its timbre that one doesn't notice right away. but it doesn't hold its appeal throughout the whole mix.. things get boring very quickly. it's very easy to write in any style of music but like any style of music, it's very hard to write good trance. sorry i can't be more detailed but: this is not good trance. no
  3. oooh, this is really synthy. percussion sounds like it could be from some electroclash label. other times this sounds like some old rave music. so what's not to like about this? first is the dynamics. it's not so much that there's hardly any to speak of, but the mix is tightly limited and the percussion is overcompressed/distorted. this causes much fatigue on my ears. second is just repetition. this does not have enough material to sustain interest for 6 minutes and 22 seconds. third is the "ok i'm done!" ending. even a fade-out would be better. it's not bad at all, but if those 3 things are addressed i could pass this, or maybe i'd just find 3 other issues. either way, a resubmit couldn't hurt. no
  4. i don't think the oboe ending is the best idea, but it's one that i'm willing to accept. aside from some cheesy orchestration and samples, this one is pretty fun. good contrast, good escalation, good performance, good recapitulation. yes
  5. gray's right on about the synthy jrock sound here. just the kind of synths and acoustic guitar samples that should be here, are here. i'm not gonna piss on the drum work because the guy said he wanted to keep it like the original. in a remix like this, that could work. i'm on the 'clutter' side of the fence, though. things sound unbalanced, the sounds don't seem to respect their boundries. and it's too trebly, i'm hearing a high-end pinch on my monitors that's not very pleasing... no still, very appropriate synths.
  6. hey, it's shii's song right off the bat we've got some strings with inappropriate attacks. but i really like that there's some woodwind action here, rather than the wall-of-strings orchestral arrangements we get. it's kinda fun, but follows the structure of the original identically after the "is this good enough?" intro. the surprise! ending does not feel apt at all, sorry. i think this arrangement could have more depth, right now it provides little interest over the original... no
  7. could use some more layers, but what's there has got a nice, crisp sound to it. what i'd really like from this is a bass line that just doesn't play the root of the chords. oh well, it's a cheesy chill remix that most people will enjoy one or more listens of. yes
  8. funny, a remix called 'astral projection' and it's not hard trance. i think gray's got the right idea of comparing this to some early 90s electronic fusion. this is no where near that level of quality, however. that bass is out of control, needs some eq'ing to ease out the boomyness and give it some clarity. the high-end on the percussion sounds weird, like it was resampled badly. going for a lo-fi sound is ok, so long as it actually sounds like you were going for a lo-fi sound... rather than just not being able to control it. arrangement is fun, but let's go for a resubmit. no
  9. what's so funny about taiko drumming? i like the general way the source material is handled, but this doesn't feel cohesive, i think larry's right about the medleyitis. i like the sections individually, but as a whole it's lacking. if the levels/mixing oddities were subdued, i probably wouldn't mind passing this. also, all the high brass annoys me. no (borderline)
  10. i think goat should take a good long look at dan's vote, there's nothing there i don't agree with. however, i'm going to pass this. the orchestral components are weak and rely on cliches, the fusion with rock lacks creativity, but despite these unsatisfying issues, this still manages to have more tension and buildup then most mixes we get... yes
  11. this is pretty good, and i don't have an issue if it gets passed. but the chromatic motifs going on against material that is by and large consonant... is fairly challenging on one's ears. it's effective in the original because the dissonant melodies work against each other, instead of against consonances. also, the style of the original lends itself to such. with this kind of chill rock sound, it just sounds out of place. i'd like to hear what others have to say, though. no
  12. didn't see this coming. i thought snap was just whining about the project for whatever reason. but seeing him step up to improve things shows he really does want this project to be good. welcome aboard. cheers.
  13. hmm.. the panning on the vox is off center if you can make this remix less black and more slavic, you'll get a yes from me, but until then.. no (resubmit)
  14. are you deliberately trying to not understand this? no one said anything about 'hiding' wips except for you. there's nothing stopping anyone from getting the wips or commenting on them. "low profile" just means he doesn't (or at least didn't) want to advertise them by keeping an updated list on the front page. not really any different from most other projects.
  15. my experience with the management on this project hasn't really been much different from say... my experiences on kong, sonic2, doom, kirby, or even smetroid. i only speak for myself... but i can't say he's been doing anything 'wrong' or 'terrible' from my perspective. though if you're so vehement that you want to try and convince me otherwise, contact me on aim and not pollute this thread. thanks. cheers.
  16. other than the fact it's a pc, my computer is fine. i've just been busy with school, starting a new job, and my free time has been competing with doom3 (me play games? how rare!) so my progress has been very slow. but i should be able to pick up the pace on icecap soon enough. i haven't recorded a single note yet, but i've been playing around with several ideas on my guitar and keyboards. once i've got the ideas in place, the rest should come naturally. cheers.
  17. yeah, hate to be a broken record but like vig & larry say this one starts off good and then loses steam quickly. it feels very static throughout. i know things are changing, but i'm just not feeling it. not that this has to be the kind of short-attention-span pop music with a huge chorus ever 8 measures, but i find myself wanting a greater distance between the high and low points in this remix. no
  18. i like the percussion. i like some of the sounds. i like how things build towards the end. i don't like the emptyness this has at times. i don't like the shrill eq on the cymbal. i don't like the lack of tension. i don't like the lack of a focused melody to bring cohesion. i don't like the ending. not a bad attempt, but it's not quite OCR quality... no
  19. if my icecap treatment turns out well then i'm going to focus on that and you can throw marble zone to the (prc) dogs.
  20. i originally had icecap but gave it to roetaka because i thought i'd be better suited for marble zone. so far it seems i was wrong. after roetaka dropped i spoke with aku and told him i'd try and develop the ideas i originally had for icecap sometime this week. so here's yet another avenue in which an icecap mix may materialize. but it may end up being nothing, so, don't let this stop anyone else from trying. cheers.
  21. yeah, pretty conservative arrangement when compared to the black mages version. mixing seems odd, i agree with zircon that the rhythm guitars should be cut down a bit and the leads should be clearer (i disagree that delay/reverb will help anything, though) nice try on the ending, but it fails to really bring the mix home and just comes off as awkward. however, these complaints i have don't quite put the submission into the 'no' zone. most metal does little for me, and this mix is no exception. yet, i recognize the effort in the execution and feel it's passable as-is despite its faults. yes
  22. i agree there's some oddities with this mix.. it seems right-heavy on the panning and there's some minor clippage. it'd be cool if we could get a version of this mix with less oddities, but there's nothing unforgivable here. i don't have a lot left to say other than: i liked this. i enjoyed it. it's cool. yes
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