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Everything posted by analoq

  1. bleh recording, very distant and with too much room reverb. a performance recorded off his digital piano would be better than this. but still it has the energy of a live performance and blad always has the arrangement in the bag. yes
  2. i played SC waaay too much when that game came out, yet i had a difficult time picking out the terran theme. i hear it now, so nothing wrong with that. a pleasant distance from FL noob trance comes this FL noob rock. layers of agitating slayer guitars (slayers?) over simplistic percussion patterns with some piano fisting. like larry suggests, try the WIP forums. no
  3. Sam & Max is one of my favorite adventure games. i wish lucasarts hadn't cancelled the sequel i'd yearn to see a great remix from that game but unfortunately this isn't it. the execution fails hard here. there are good arrangement ideas, i like the bigband brass in the intro, i like the stylistic handling of the theme and the breakbeat percussion is a nice touch. the ending leaves something to be desired. this lacks sonic clarity, production adequacy and humanized sequencing. no
  4. blake stone! i loved that game for a day.. the day before doom was released. but actually i played through it even when i was still going nuts over doom. this tune brings back memories, but it's just a pleasant sounding midi-rip + new instruments + fadeout. i concur with a no override
  5. bah. i'm submitting only annoying dance remixes from now on.
  6. i sent Red Tailed Fox an email at his hotmail address regarding the 2 issues. we'll see what he says.
  7. if the kids who've never been to a club in their life want to complain about this crappy "techno" music then that's fine with me. admittedly this mix does little for me but i couldn't have possibly done it better, so i'm at a loss as to how this could be considerably improved. it's certainly the best gabber/happyhardcore attempt i've seen yet on the panel. my yes may be marginal, but i'm sticking with it.
  8. i was a bit confused as to why the harpsichord was so loud when it's only playing 8th notes while the piano part is so subdued when it's doing something interesting synthvox sample grates on me, but it's fitting given the original. percusion is super. hard industrial kicks mixed with some blippy electro and stuff you might expect to hear at a construction site. ailsean's riffs are the icing on the cake. not the best i've heard from mazedude but it's certainly a pass in my book yes
  9. i like goa and psychedlic trance. this is only a half-hearted attempt at it, though. not nearly as hard or full or with the energy necessary to be good goa/psytrance. the section where the original is prominent (1:40-2:20ish) sounds completely different from the rest of track and completely unlike the intended genre. 45 seconds of genre-defying original in the middle of a 3:30 piece.. i'm sorry, that just doesn't make much sense to me. no
  10. ah yeah, i reviewed this at R:K:O the arrangement is kinda minimal, not so much stylistically, but only a few motifs from the original are used. however those motifs are the most recognizable so there's no doubt what the remix is of. i like the original a lot, and this take on it is fresh and entertaining. it's the sorta thing i'd like to download off ocr, so i'll give it a ... yes
  11. well, it's so slight i wouldn't even call it clipping. what i said was the signal does go in the red at the points you cite, but they're transients so they shouldn't bother anyone. i think the peaks were lightly soft-clipped during the mastering stage, which is desirable for a punchy and loud sound. of course if you overdo it, then you get crap. this mix might benefit from taking the faders down a decibel but as-is these guys did a fine job and it's not worth addressing imo.
  12. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. thank you for giving me my daily dose of bossanova! wonderful synth leads and synth background parts. feels kinda short but i give it a strong yes
  13. i can't say this is much like the gabber i've heard. the gabber i know is much harder and darker than this, though i do hear the influences.. thick trance leads, annoying high pitched voices, loud kick from drum machines and abuse of amen breaks. though, how does one turn the happy-go-lucky source material into gabber? not simply, i suppose. i'd place this into not-so-hardcore happy hardcore, myself. production-wise it's pretty good. everything is nicely balanced and mixed. arrangement is kind straight-forward but the not-so-gabber genre adaptation is good. the moments like 1:20-1:30 and 2:35-2:45 where things break down are what push this over the edge for me. this mix is so damn goofy i really have to swallow my pride to give this my approval, even if it is only borderline. yes (borderline)
  14. like some tunes from unreal tournament, this one wasn't originally written for the game. but skaven updated it a bit specifically for UT so i suppose it's fair game (pun intended). though even if there were an issue with the source material, it would be the last reason this is rejected. this has too many problems to go on the site. it's short and underdeveloped and the chugachuga guitars get tiring quickly. lemme close this one out, no
  15. well that's certainly the brightest piano i've heard today. i like this, it takes a catchy original and executes some clever ideas with it. the sounds are unwieldy, though. drum beat is tight but everything else sounds amateurish. distinctive, yes, but amateurish. i would like to see more attention to sound processing and sequencing. very nice ep* soloing, though. no *doesn't sound like a rhodes to me. more like a DX7 or other FM-synthesis based electric piano. the more you know...
  16. darkesword mentioned my first thought: medleyitis. all the interpretations vary in quality from ehh to good, averaging out at decent. though the casino night music didn't even seem to have the right notes in it.. anyways, nothing sticks to a theme long enough to really develop it and the transitions vary from abrupt to uninteresting. it's a lot of fun, post in on the WIP boards, people will enjoy it. but for as for site material... no
  17. thunder thunder thunder thunder... nevermind. the drum fills are OK, other than that i can't see anything particularly good about this. slayer sounds grating and inhuman, and i don't mean that in a good way. then it.. ends? ok, i'm just gonna close this out. no
  18. who pressed the play button on the yamaha drum machine? heh? slap bass is kinda cool. ow, the piano just hurts. it's so tightly quantized, too. devoid of all human qualities. sorry to say there's not much salvagable here, hope you get better results next time no
  19. this may be a ways away from form-letter fodder, but this remix lacks anything resembling a tight, cohesive sound. clippage, way too bassy, the instruments sound cluttered and uninspired. the tsh-ch-tschhh tsh-ch-tschhh tsh-ch-tschhh tsh-ch-tschhh of the hi-hat gets old really quick. the break was a nice breather but then we get right back to that old pattern, blah. take this one back to formula. no
  20. GREAT pads. if i had a subwoofer i'd just sit back and joy the sweet vibrations of these fat major chords. so, i love the build. what i don't like is what this builds to. i wasn't expecting this to turn into something huge but what i got was unsatisfying. i do like this, it's interpretive and different. i just think it needs to be tightened up at some points and reworked at others, please consider a resubmit? i don't have detailed advice for you right now, but i'm always available for more info if you like. actually i may consider changing my vote if others yes this. no
  21. sorry dude, maybe a few years ago this could be on OCR. but not these days. we need more intepretation than this. i like the general idea of the sound, i can hear what you guys were going for and it's a good idea (including the ending instrumentation). but that needs to be tightened up a bit, the guitar gets grating at times.. electric guitars have the most astounding array of tones, make use of a variety of them, don't stick to one sound! no ask and ye shall receive!
  22. the G -> A bassline rhythm reminded me of 'terrible lie' so that's cool. but i can file this into the FL NOOB category of submissions without too much difficulty. i do like how attention was paid to the 808 parts, though. they're nicely varied here, whereas we usually just get the same 2 bars over and over again. so as an electro(clash) remix this could work but we need to here some more interesting stuff going on than this. this is much too basic. no
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