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Everything posted by analoq
i was just playing doom2 yesterday. whee. anyways. this offers limited musical ideas to the listener, for the majority of the track, it's the original, sped up with different drums and the melody rhythm is broken apart somewhat. the bell section at 2:15ish is sorta cool though. at 4:15 we get some interesting deviation. but for the length (6 minutes) this needs to have more to it. feels like a broken record at times. also, the game sound effects are annoying. if you're going to use them, use them more effectively, don't just slap them on. no
*NO* Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker 'Cruising the Great Sea'
analoq replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
you know, i like this one. but i agree for it to be on ocr it needs some improvement. like shave a minute or two off the track length. fewer repeitions, more changes (especially to the theme!). the ending is a good idea, just needs some polish. i hope to hear a resubmit. no -
good tribal percussion. the drumkit is ok, that's the NSbigkit ain't it? then we get a synth kit later. that's interesting, we go through 3 very different kinds of percussion. then things get very sparse like vig said.. all the synth sounds are very thin and dry. i like the bandpassed piano that comes in later, that's a cool section, and it even develops fairly well. i also like at 3:00ish when everthing builds up and comes together. the ending is, well,... whatever. maybe it's just my nasty headache, but overall i feel the good does not outweigh the bad. there are a few good ideas here, but the execution sounds and feels amatuerish. this didn't offer me (the listener) much. no edit: i forgot to mention that there's a few points where this clips. please pay closer attention to your levels in the future.
*NO* Donkey Kong Country 'Funky Kong's Breakbeat Adventures' *FT*
analoq replied to Protricity's topic in Judges Decisions
yeah... this has some good ideas. gotta love that 16th note pattern synth that carries the song, i especially like it when it's run through the phaser. ahh.. too bad there just aren't enough good ideas like that, the few good ideas are looped over and over again, this either needs to be a lot shorter or have more sections to it because it's just too much of the same for too long. also lacks clarity in the uppermid range, maybe make that ride softer, everything in that range sounds cluttered. no -
but we'd be misrepresenting OCR if we didn't act so childish! cheese.
you da man, larry. keep up the good work. cheers.
err. uhh. the chaoticness of this is almost reminiscent of the concrete tape-music from the 1950s... only centered around an urban style. well, not really. more like the jet set radio stuff but much inferior. i was thinking "this borrows too heavily from outside sources" but if i am to interpret crono's artistic vision correctly it would be impossible to have made this without lots of borrowing. in crono's previous mix the aim was fairly straightforward so it was easy to see where the weaknesses were. in this mix i'm sort of confused so the weaknesses are more difficult to identify without stepping on a conflict of artistic vision. here's the pros i can say: a. his singing/emceeing is okay this time. b. there is variation on the original theme. c. the beat is nice and the sound edits are pretty good. here's the cons i can say: a. a lot of the quotes are annoying or jarring. b. several of the sounds are just lousy. (ugly dist guitar) c. it feels like it goes on longer than it should. i'm not really a fan of crono's work but he deserves a fair look so i'll get back to this later.
i like the chromatic motifs. but... that's it. the new harmonization is awkward and i don't care for the acid4 loops. this doesn't really come off as eastern-sounding dance either but maybe that's just me. cheers. err.. i mean.. no
this is a unique interpretation from the original (assuming this is a remix of the NES version of the game, the only version i've played) the C64ness is ... okay. the percussion rhythm is uhh, different. but not in an interesting way. i think for the timespan of this track (1:50) it really doesn't offer the listener quite enough. it is only the same 4 bars over and over but with changing accompaniment each time. doesn't really build, no climax, no tension. the author says in the ID3 tag that he did this in one day. yes... he did. "no sorry this won't do"
crono needs to learn some proper vocal recording techniques.. his vocals rarely cut through and always come off sounding weak. more attention to compression and eq (and possibly mic placement) needs to be displayed here. or maybe it's his equipment? i doubt it. $160 could buy you a half-decent mic and pre-amp, which is probably a lot cheaper than the (roland?) synth he's using for the background music. the background music is equally weak, the beats are not phat and everything sounds muddy or cluttered. nice use of overdubbing, however. and the emceeing at 3:30 is pretty good. nice lyrics overall. but this mix really feels unpolished and weak. no
nice work with the sounds, i'd like to see more people taking these sorts of sonic risks (that's not to say i'll ever get bored of detuned saws or acid basslines.. because i probably won't). and the choo-choo train is a nice touch (: i'm keeping this, and i urge you post it on the Finished forum because more people would like it than you think. but it seems the panel is in agreement that this would require more melodic/harmonic/stylistic/whateverdoesnothavetodowiththesamples expansion from the original than what is given thus far. no
yay, more old pc game music, i remember this.... hmm.... 48khz? why! whatever you thought you gained by using a 48khz sampling rate was lost when you converted it to mp3. use 44.1 next time. i agree with malcos that this needs some mastering work. it's really quiet and there's not enough dynamic range to suggest it needs to be this quiet like orchestral or jazz recordings. though for the record i'd like to say that i prefer mixes be on the quiet side than the noticeably-compressed side. secondly i agree with matt about the lack of deviation from the original. the sounds are good, i especially like the drum machine sounds, they're pretty tight as opposed to a lot of the weak stuff i usually hear on the panel. but it seems overall this could use some development. the ending felt like it came too soon even though this is 4 minutes long... because there wasn't enough of a build-up or a climax to make me feel like this track had expressed everything it set out to. i think i'm just reiterating what others have said so i'll just be quiet now. no
*NO* Legend of Kyrandia 'Fairy Tale' *RESUB*
analoq replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
kyrandia was a decent game with a pretty good soundtrack and i remember this forest theme. i listened to a MIDI of it again to refresh my memory and i've come to the conclusion that this is a bit too close to the original. the sounds are great, i especially like the well articulated lead at :57 or so. there are a few changes that are a step in the right direction, but this needs more deviation. the ending just fades out, which usually doesn't bother me at all but it really does give the illusion of "Ok, that's everything the MIDI had in it, goodbye!" this time. i'd really like to see more old PC game music on OCR, so keep at it. no -
OCR01032 - *YES* Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'Bottled Metro'
analoq replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
i've heard much better use of lofi samples than this. compression, eq, and individual reverbs could really help these sounds. it sounds like the whole thing was given the same reverb amount, which isn't ideal; you want more reverb on melodic instruments and less reverb on percussive and bass instruments. (at least in this mix) the fills are quite good but the beats are almost identical to the originals. transitions are great. many parts sound cluttered and incoherent, though. the loud perfect 5ths chord ending works enough, keep it. i think the game sound effects are lame but that's just my personal opinion and has nothing to do with my vote. this needs improvement. no -
the arrangement seems sorta simplistic. harp arpeggios, pizzacato bass, strings or piano playing chords and some wind instrument lead. no percussion other than a triangle and a cymbal crash. it doesn't look like we're going to get a better encoding, this mix has been here for too long. no
using an organ as a bass is a little weird. some parts are thin, and others are cluttered. percussion part is weird, as if it was originally written for an x0x kit then changed to an acoustic one at the last second. but that's probably just me. very short with limited expansion from the original. no
supports some kind of surround... what? oh just forget it. saw bass, 808 kit (oh yeah. massive attack.), some ok strings. vocals don't cut through, they're too muddy. this is quite boring, doesn't really build up or break down much. not a lot of tension here, just keeps going and then fades out. go for something shorter next time? no
i like the fm sounds here, the bass, the pad. we get a cool beat at 4:40ish. the extreme reverb on the piano is sorta displeasing, but perhaps it was intentional. what i don't like here is that this doesn't expand and develop on the original much, which is dissapointing. for this to be nearly 7 minutes long and still work, it has to provide some interesting variations on the theme. no
*NO* One Must Fall 2097 'CyberNetic Cage' *RESUB*
analoq replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
is this a resubmit? and if so, shouldn't it be labeled as such? -
dintendo asked me to fallthru this on the panel a while back, this was my response... he agreed for the most part with my assessment. no
OCR01006 - Sonic the Hedgehog "sonik special"
analoq replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
k, how about a FF trance remix? i'll get started on it right away... cheers. -
OCR01006 - Sonic the Hedgehog "sonik special"
analoq replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
You post my ReMix! I Kiss You! anyways... hey Geoff, you don't need to justify not liking this mix. at least not to me. to each his own, i say. yay. you pointed out the primary flaw with this mix. someone give this guy a cookie. nah, give me that cookie instead. ok, the story goes: KyleJCrb proposed a challenge to me and a few other remixers on IRC one fine night. "take the 'speical stage' music and make it funky/groovy." a not-so-easy challenge indeed, but i was up for it. this meant i would have to do some serious reconstruction of the original. i had to take the original 3/4 melody and translate it into a 4/4 swinged rhythm. i had to give it a completely different chord progression (i decided on a simple I IV) and i had to write a new drum part, bassline and everything else besides the melody, and add anything else needed to try and make it work. the result is odd and uncomfortable at first. but it becomes less odd and less uncomfortable with each listen to the point where it seems natual and fitting. at least this was the effect it had on me. if this doesn't work for you, i advise that you delete the track immediately and send me vehement insults in my email in retribution for wasting your time. i knew the oddness would rub some people the wrong way, but i decided to submit it to OCR anyways. i didn't feel it was a "great" mix due to the flaw but i felt it was an interesting mix at least for what it was attempting to do, and that maybe some people would enjoy it for the good qualities. however like i told djp in my submission email, i won't be submitting any results of weird challenges like this in the (near) future. in conclusion: starblaze, your observation was dead-on! but you don't deserve a cookie for it... (: cheers. -
*NO* Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 'Melancholy Apocalypse'
analoq replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
very full strings, nice dynamics and cool sound effects. but like the others said, this doesn't offer the listener much. you also may want to try cutting around 240hz, because the strings get a bit muddy down there and that may give them some clarity. no -
*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Summon the Storms'
analoq replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
what they said... and i think the leads at 1:24 are jarring. no -
remixer: abandoned real name: eddie mederos game: final fantasy 7 title: remembering aeris it's supposed to be metaphor for how quickly aeris is gone.makes you wanna listen to the song again uh... riiiight. but aside from that and a few minor flubs in the live recording this is some good work. yes