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Everything posted by analoq

  1. some cool fm sounds used poorly. this was only 4 minutes? felt like it lasted... much too long. insufficient escalation, climaxing, and other stuff to make it interesting oh yeah, drum sequencing is pretty bad. no
  2. actually that was supposed to be: but i think i like your reaction to my un-proofread one better. cheers.
  3. larry, i should just have to name all my music from now on (: cheers.
  4. it went to the panel. the deliberations will be posted at a later date.
  5. i think you should play the recent anime remix! cheers.
  6. Title: The Man, The Mafat Arranger: Space Lion Game: Golgo 13: The Mafat Conspiracy (Japanese title is 'Golgo 13: Riddle of Icarus') Source: NSF set at Zophar's Domain (the original BGM should be at the tenth track) Filename: ocrmafat.mp3 I submitted it to OCR (and got the confirmation message) back in December 2003, but I'm sure you didn't get it because the URL where the MP3 was hosted was killed. So, I'm requesting a fallthrough for this arrangement. This is an arrangement of the stage 1 tune in the game. The electric guitar is live, the other instruments (bass, sax, piano, and strings) came from the synth, and the percussion was generated by a drum machine. All of the arranging, playing, recording, sequencing, and mixing duties were handled by myself. There were a few things I didn't like about the original completed arrangement, and I made some minor changes to it. What you're getting here is the remastered version.
  7. alright, i never actually listened to this mix before when it was posted on ocr and i've been avoiding voting on this recall thread.. but this needs a decision. i like the performance and the style. the non-et is a nice touch, i'm no stranger there. i frequently play with natural tunings. i don't like the idea of recalling this mix, however i pretty much agree with gray. we've asked for more 'rearrangement' than this many many times in the past and i think we need to stick to that or our gray-area becomes much much larger. we're not really being too hard on brad, he could've changed things around just a little bit more and this would be a shoe-in. n:(
  8. nice triggering on the drums. some good patches. now how about a little more rearranging? no
  9. some parts sound rolandy. jv series? there is a lack of individual attention paid to the sounds, everything seems to have been put through the same eq/reverb settings, which is not what this arrangement needs. i like some of the percussion sequencing and filtering though, it's house-y. analoq likes house. but think radio-edit and not club-mix and maybe this could work. no
  10. i like the bass patch, that's so 'autobahn'. i'd prefer less reverb on the drums or a longer initial reverb delay because they don't sound as tight as they would be. sometimes the pads seem a bit too pronounced and it's hard to focus on the melodic components. anyways, those are just minor details, this is very passable mix! yes
  11. this was a rejection from the first note. it's not that terrible but it's definitely not near ocr standards for reasons already described. no
  12. baranowsky summed this up pretty well. the production aspects of this mix are noobish. no real attention has been paid to effective sound design or mixing. not up to ocr standards by a large margin. also, this has one of the worst endings i've heard in a while. no general midi midi?
  13. argh, i accidentally deleted this and had to download it again. i'm kinda confused what the artistic vision of the author is here. so i'll just have to call things as i see (hear) them... toms are weak sounding and don't change up much, piano sounds out of tune, arrangement is sparse and repetitious towards the end and the whole thing sounds under-polished overall. the 'atmosphere' of this track is almost there with the vocals, but the whole production still just feels under developed. no
  14. cool intro segue. will i ever tire of a 'phone' eq? probably. you know, if the 2nd 'original' half was very good and managed to segue back into the main theme the verbatim replication of the original's chorus could be forgivable. as it stands, the guy should've listened to darkesword instead of wasting a fallthrough. no
  15. for the first 50 seconds of this track i was totally ready to start bouncing up and down and flailing my arms wildly and forget about the $40 i spent to get into this rave. at about :50 the melody comes in and man am i disappointed. weak. the rest of the track doesn't get any better than the intro so overall this leaves me pretty unsatisfied. offer the listener more. no
  16. thanks for playing my recent sonic2 mix, larry! cheers.
  17. where's the beef? and by beef i mean bass. it starts out cool, nice synth rhythm, then we get one of those cool recycle loops that make anything sound better.. then later we get a big osc sync lead.. then later a saw lead.. those never get old. there's some balancing issues here and there, the sounds are nice but they don't seem to complement each other very well. this fits somewhere in that big 'resubmit' category no
  18. urgh, sounds like a GM file. arrangement is sparse and sequencing is messy on the percussion. the author likes the "sloppy"ness of it, and that's okay, it would work if the velocity mapping was better, so the beats had more noticable accents. i've never used GarageBand so i don't know how capable its sequencer is, but i'm pretty sure this could be done better. not bad for someone just getting started though. no
  19. i have only minor issues with this, otherwise it's pretty solid. acceptably varied from the original, good patch design and nice use of modulation via lfos. yes
  20. yay for generic trance. though this is somewhat interesting take on the original theme, the execution leaves much to be desired. this mix just sounds thin or 'light'... i thought i was listening to it too quietly but i put the volume all the way up and it still sounds weak. if you're going to do trance, do it right. this remix needs some depth to it. ending was cool though. no
  21. it's on the ftp space, ya know. DCTsomthing.mp3 isn't this the guy who just got stabbed or something? i can't bear to make his week worse by giving him a no... but... ds is right about the sparseness of this mix giving it a pretty repetitive feel. it doesn't help that this mix is not short and this tune has been remixed a bajillion times. also, for this style, the bass is weak. it should be tighter. i do like the oldskool shouts though, analoq is pro-oldskool. no
  22. is that reverb on the bass? or just a long release? either way it makes the low end sound cluttered. though the low end isn't the only thing that sounds cluttered here. messy organization, ugly sounds and overlimiting. we are unanimous in this rejection. no
  23. this is the original but softer, slower, and with creepy pads and a chill beat. i don't think it's exactly note-for-note, but it sure sounds like it. edit: i gave the original a listen and while he did add a couple embellishments (different bassline) it still follows the original a little too close. no
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