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Everything posted by analoq

  1. don't sweat the missed request larry, i wasn't even around to tune in anyways. cheers.
  2. always a pleasure to tune in and insult people in the chat. play some demonik elektronik tomorrow (: edit: rawk! i hit over 30,000 views in my sig! go me! cheers.
  3. aaaugh! the sudden loudness of that square lead startled me. i like the way it picks around the 2 minute mark and develops. the bassline sounds odd against the melodic componenets at times, though. nice ambient textures (absynth maybe?) overall though, it comes off as lacking. nice attempt given the source material, but this one just doesn't pull through. no unusual: yes. wrong: no.
  4. thank you for including a link to the original in your submission email. /positive reinforcement anyways... yikes, this is some cluttered, mechanical sequencing. it wouldn't sound so bad if the sounds were used effectively with proper balancing and attention to detail. you can't just drop notes on a piano roll and expect them to come alive by themselves. even the tempo changes sound mechanical. i'm not sure how i feel about the interpretation, it's pretty detached from the original but i like several of the musical ideas presented. no real redeeming qualities here. no
  5. sounds nice.. too bad it's mostly note-for-note with the original until the very end. elaborate. no
  6. nice intro, good segue. however the majority of this mix just seems to be small fragments of the original over various recycle drumloops. some ok triggering and filter automation on the loops. ending is kinda abrupt/effortless. go for more. no
  7. sounds great! problem for me is, aside from the beginning and the end it follows the original pretty closely.. just a notch down tempo-wise, same exact melody, progression, and even stylistically similar. this wouldn't be a problem if it provided additional material in a B section or something of that nature, but then the mix just ends without warning. resubmit? no
  8. this is an attempt to be different that has fails to deliver. cluttered, mechanical sequencing and sound quality far enough down the drain to seek the help of a plumber. the effortless ending wins no points either. maybe you should listen to some orchestral music instead of just using string and woodwind samples? no
  9. hmm... that's the fourth time you've changed your vote. i suggest you stick with undecided (:
  10. you either a) have not listened to this mix and the originals closely or i am mishearing things. option b is quite possible. i mishear things and make mistakes. but as i said before, i am rather familiar with this soundtrack. i have had the OST since around when the game came out and it is my favorite game soundtrack of all time. i am hearing much more than just the vocals and wah guitar used from the originals (like what i described before). this by itself does not warrant a rejection from me. i felt Trenthian's recent mix relied too heavily on those choir samples, but i passed it anyways because i felt the use was creative enough to be passable. i don't feel the same way about this mix. the cutting up and organization of the original material is very basic at best, it would be trivial to replicate. the additional parts like the filtenv saw and bass are just plain weak and show no production skill whatsoever. where this mix excels is the percussion sequencing, we all seem to agree on that. however i don't think that alone makes up for the mediocrity of everything else. binnie summed up my feelings on the creativity of this mix: a step down from the original with no significant change in style or execution. just simplistic, basic embellishments. imo, this mix deserves a resubmit. however if you guys want to pass it, i'll respect that decision (of course) cheers.
  11. yeah.. 'timing' is definately not where this track excels. the riffs are too loud, the lead doesn't cut through as much as one would hope, the drums are weak, the low end is cluttered and ugly. comes off as a bit monotonous. i like how you use the piano-ish instrument to try and break the monotony... use more of that kind of thinking. no
  12. cluttered, messy, lacking clarity. maybe you guys can play your instruments, but you sure can't mix. kinda short also, i like the weird ending though. no
  13. ow, you let some of your sounds have too much resonance. piercing one's ears is cool only on the lobe, not the tympanic membrane. anyways, like vig says, this is pretty dry and uninteresting. there's something appealing about the overall motif, like the really low budget 80s movie background music that appears as the protangonist is walking around during the exposition while the credits are coming in at the corners of the screen. but let's hear some development. no
  14. i'm surprised this has passed so easily, i'm quite familiiar with the JGR soundtrack and it is my opinion that this borrows too heavily from the originals. he sampled not only the vocals, but some of the percussion breaks, guitar riffs, the turntablism and various brass and string-section hits. the new stuff added like the simple filtenv synth and muddy bass are on par with the FL-noob stuff we get. the only thing this has going for it is the nice new percussion section. sure, it's already been passed but i think this deserves a second look. no
  15. yeah, this is another one of those mixes that made me feel like i have ADD... because i was so easily distracted from paying attention to it. i like the phaser bass.. but everything else sounds pretty weak, especially the drums. it repeats and repeats.. not ocr material unless the mix comes with crayons and something to draw on to keep the listener from being rowdy. no
  16. hm, it's almost kinda cool at some points.. but uh, no, no no. this just won't work. and on a completely aesthetic point, this sounds nothing but digital. no
  17. well, since i remixed this into a really slow, boring, melodically simplistic uberfake sounding orchestral track.. i'm intimately familiar with the original. and i can say while this provides some nice embellishments to the original, it's really just that. the original with some embellishments and it repeats over and over again and then fades out. it just 'sounds' kinda unpleasing too, not an example of good mixing here. no
  18. ah, the last level of doom 2. that creepy whole-tone motif really set the mood... this mix starts out with that whole-tone mood, then becomes a blur of ugly, mechanically sequenced sounds with a weak drum beat. and there's even a john romero cameo! i like the slowdown at the end, that's cool. but overall, there's not much here. no
  19. umm, this forum is for reviewing the ReMix, not the game... (: cheers.
  20. *downloads sparkster spc* this track really isn't much of an improvement over the original (that theme is quite catchy though). it is a mess in regards to the mix itself. very ugly sounding at times. not ocr material. no
  21. do i hear some roland sounds here? eh even i'm sick of my little anti-roland rant. anyways, there's some odd mixing decisions here, the balance seems off at times. the mix seems to lack depth also, maybe some pads would help. there are parts that are enjoyable and then there are parts where not much is happening. overall it comes off as amateurish. no
  22. this is pretty lacking in content. i really had to try and listen to this, it's so uninteresting it takes conscious effort to listen to without being distracted. makes me feel like i have ADD... in addition, there are some painful high frequency feedback loops on the glassy sounding instrument. i'm not familiar with the original, but even if there is sufficient variation this mix has problems that prevent it from being ocr material. no
  23. this mix seemed promising for the first.. oh, 4 seconds. what exactly does this offer the listener? it may help them fall asleep but aside from that i can't think of a reason to listen to this. no
  24. this mix kinda reminds me of a black omen mix we received. it has lots of interesting ideas and variations. it's different. it shows effort. but it's lacking the finesse and connective tissue to make the ideas coherent. it's one of the difficult things you deal with as a musician, if you try to be different, you have to put a lot of effort into it to make it work. and this just isn't working for me, overall. no
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