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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. maybe not exactly simultaneously but like definitely in the same year, with the sinnoh games taking place after the johto games
  2. yeah I was gonna say, man red/blue and ruby/sapphire happen around the same time, and then gold/silver and diamond/pearl happen around the same time two years later black/white are sort of nebulous but it's clear they must take place after diamond/pearl because of caitlin's appearance
  3. look at me I'm a privileged north american somehow my media-addled brain cannot understand why buying a box that you later have to buy the key for is capitalist extortion
  4. this thread is now about posting links to awesome music by yoko shimomura http://youtu.be/B2f_bWs5A1s
  5. we all have this conversation every time the topic of a new generation pops up it will always be fire/water/grass this will never, ever change, you guys
  6. yeah this definitely needs to happen one fire/fighting was cool, two was lazy but tolerable, and three is just fucking horseshit
  7. I looked up a picture of Moretsu Space Pirates and I can already tell this show isn't worth anyone's time
  8. I'm fairly certain that this is the best anime
  9. the new evangelion movies are secretly a sequel the 'reimagining' is all just a cover up
  10. actually I'm correcting his grammar because rampant anti-intellectualism socially dictates that it go uncorrected, because it's more important to not be seen as an egghead with "no life" then it is for people to actually be competent with the language that they speak the manner in which I execute the corrections is steeped in the idea that people will not ever try to change themselves if they don't feel bad about whatever needs the changing - to that effect, nobody will ever put forth the effort to actually be able to read and write competently if nobody stops and calls them a worthless illiterate fuck every once and a while also you're posting on an internet forum about whether or not you like evangelion; I could crack a stirring joke about how you have enough free time with your wretched little life to both watch through anime series and complain to random strangers about how you don't like them, but I won't, because I haven't considered "get a life" to be an actual insult or riposte since tenth fucking grade also! saying death note is the only good anime is like saying twilight is the only good book
  11. the past tense of see is saw; the past participle is seen
  12. I support Nintendo's decision if only because Nintendo's policy has always been to support the products they endorse the binding of isaac is a game where a religious nutjob hears voices that tell her to kill her son - it's clearly a negative portrayal of religious people, and I can't really blame Nintendo for wanting to remain neutral on the issue of whether or not religious people are insane
  13. I'm just going to play through with a normal starter that the game gives me because I'm not a fuck
  14. absolutely stunning levels of stupidity
  15. if gen 6 is on the 3ds and doesn't have full 3d models replacing the sprites, I will eat my hat
  16. someone says don't post big images and you respond by posting a bigger one can you see what you did wrong
  17. nightstalker is fun for twelve minutes and then not for twelve
  18. so can I call this guy an idiot yet or would that be "trolling"
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