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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. to be fair, evelynn is pretty anti-fun - regardless of what anyone thinks of balance or metagame, having to consistently waste money on an item that only serves to counter one facet of one specific character so that you don't die to that one specific character is kind of bad character design twitch and evelynn were nerfed pretty shamelessly, yeah, but the thing is that the stealth mechanic is so ridiculously powerful AND easy to use AND costly to counter that it doesn't really make any sense for twitch or evelynn to have the same numbers or utility that other similar characters do
  2. fiora has a really boring kit (all of her moves are just slightly different versions of stuff we've already seen) and I'm pretty sure she'll be overpowered when she's released, if only because burst of speed plus lifesteal sounds pretty fucking terrifying
  3. cut man would cut all sorts of things that people just don't want to be cut
  4. or udyr or lee sin or shaco or trundle or dr mundo or volibear or jax or maokai or nocturne or rammus or shyvana or jarvan or nautilus or malphite or amumu or alistar or cho gath or xin zhao or olaf or tryndamere any of those really this is all true, and he's still a much better jungler than warwick the gold gain from soloing dragon early is negligible compared to the gold gain any other jungler can earn their team by successfully ganking before level six this is true, but if the only issue was mana, one questions why you wouldn't take udyr or lee sin or trundle or cho gath it's because he's no longer super easy mode; champ popularity will always be determined by how powerful a champ is compared to how easy they are to play as ganks are arguably not about getting the kill so much as it is forcing someone out of lane skarner for instance can gank pre-six because his Q and his W still give him good chasing power and damage; even if he or his teammates fail to kill anyone, they'll still probably force them out of lane you have to consider how worth it it is to have that early game hard cc, though - having jax' stun for an early gank is better than an early slow from skarner, but then you're losing out on skarner's ult which is one of the best hard ccs in the game (definitely the best utility wise of the four supressions)
  5. to be fair, none of the previous games established much of a character at all
  6. the biggest, most powerful facepalm I'm baffled as to how so many people not only think that forums are only their for their posts and nobody else's, but also how many people will readily admit to it
  7. so your claim is that a study cannot be a poll, even if this poll provides the exact information that is relevant to the discussion (in this case, how many gamers are women), and your only supporting rationale for this claim is to say that your opponents are a 'brick wall' and to wish us better luck well as long this is degenerating into childish bullshit; how does it feel, having to argue that videogames aren't sexist so that you won't feel bad about dead or alive being the closest you've ever come to actually fondling a pair of tits also excellent post by mono (but those pictures were fucking enormous)
  8. graves was second best until they nerfed vayne, and then yeah
  9. the article links to the source, which is a study conducted the ESA
  10. are you implying that there are genres of games that women are somehow incapable of finding appealing because that would be sexist
  11. alright I'm going to say this one more time before I start calling you an idiot, because it's been said many times before the 'bald gruff space marine' archetype is a male power fantasy; it does not represent the pinnacle of socially defined sex appeal towards women, and as such cannot be construed as an example of "sexism against men" this is called 'false equivalence' and is a dumb argument
  12. bayonetta's body proportions are clearly a joke if you think bayonetta is more sexy than terrifying, I'm fairly certain you may have never seen an actual woman before racism is the belief that differences in race justify discrimination you do not have to actively hate or be intolerant of say, black people, to claim that black people are less intelligent of white people, which is still racist the idea that you're trying to present here is that sexism, like racism, must actively involve the concepts of hatred and/or intolerance, and since you (and others) do not actively hate women/are intolerant of them that you are therefore not sexist (which you are)
  13. bayonetta is supposed to be a parody of overt sexualization, though no it doesn't
  14. and I know plenty of gay dudes who don't personally find Ivy from Soul Calibur to be a sexy that uh doesn't mean that she's not a sex object
  15. so because a guy named his daughter after a video game character, the character must therefore not be a sex object this is a dumb argument
  16. again, there is a difference between attractive in the 'pleasant to look at' sense and attractive in the 'this is your sexual fantasy' sense whether or not a man finds men in videogames aesthetically pleasing is irrelevant to whether or not almost every female character needs to have her tits spilling out of her "armor"
  17. yeah I'm really excited for an MMORPG that I can actually play and not want to shoot myself in the head out of boredom afterwards but that is neither here nor there
  18. you do realize that 'buff' doesn't mean 'huge arms', right
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