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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. sexism is awesome and totally cool am I right guys
  2. this is a pretty solid patch, lot's of good things everywhe- wait a minute RIOT WHERE IS THE SHEN BUFF RIOOOOOOOT
  3. udyr bear stances exhaust udyr udyr bear stances again udyr's strength isn't so much in ganking from the jungle so much as it is his sustain and his invasion/dueling capability - I am fairly certain only skarner and lee sin are the junglers that could take him in a straight fight, maybe trundle if he's lucky and maybe shaco if he's got boxes in good places
  4. udyr single-handedly proves that riot has no idea how to balance their game
  5. silencer looks pretty coolHOLY SHIT SKELETON KING BUFFS
  6. the trick to playing against wukong is to never be near wukong
  7. the trick to drawing comic books is to be a sexist man
  8. yeah I have and that's why I feel that before I play this game I really need to make sure that that's not why I'm playing it
  9. is this a dating sim or some kind of disability-focused porno
  10. my favorite part of the 3ds launch was where everyone complained that it had no good launch titles even though the same thing happened to literally every single video game console ever released in the history of video games
  11. but anyways skeleton king is fucking awesome
  12. Here are my criticisms of Dota 2 after one botgame; - The GUI is really thick and ugly. This, coupled with the relatively small map area represented on screen, makes it sort of hard to play compared to LoL. This is also a problem I had with HoN. - I don't like the old-school style where I have to actively select my hero to control them. I understand that a lot of heroes have minions that need to be controlled individually for greatest effect, but there should be a better control solution than basic RTS execution. - Everything looks really dark on the Dire side. Like, really fucking dark. I can't see anything levels of dark. This might be because of colorblindness for me, but still. - The shop interface is unintuitive, just like HoN and LoL. This might be because of my lack of experience with the items themselves, but it was still pretty difficult to even find what sort of items I wanted to even start looking for. - It feels really slow. I initially chalked this up to lag, but nase mentioned that he thinks it feels pretty sluggish too, so I'd like to hear from others what their opinion on this is.
  13. yeah definitely go with cass or kass - cass is not only very strong and fun but also has the element of surprise because almost nobody plays as her kass is the anti-caster and will basically shut down almost any other caster
  14. bleck code is 3437-3076-7241 beware - I am a swapnote fiend
  15. I almost bought a Brian May Guitar, on sale, from them just yesterday and then I found out they don't ship certain items to Canada and flipped a table in rage
  16. give it to me I play lol ereday
  17. yeah man if I have thirty seconds with which to do something during the day than clearly I have no life or something it's not even like I could have been doing something else on my computer while I waited!
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