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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. yes she is but she's not nearly as good as a lot of people think (ie she's not overpowered)
  2. yeah because people totally don't learn in school or anything
  3. the only people who use the word faux-intellectual are faux-intellectuals if all of the people commenting on the 'jackkieser is a buttery butt' bandwagon actually shut their quivering jowls for a second and then maybe had an epiphany and realized that the thread is actually about sopa then maybe just maybe there might actually be a substantial discussion there
  4. the joke here is that jack kieser is actually right
  5. LeBlanc, I think, is a really good example of how a really strong champ is hurt by mechanics that are objectively more difficult to pull off than others specifically, her only form of cc being not only a skillshot but one that she has to land and then put herself in danger to actually activate seems kind of unfair compared to say annie or ahri or ryze's respective forms of cc
  6. nope I mostly play normal draft and right now I'm in some ranked tourney a friend roped me into also contrary to popular belief actively playing ranked games does not magically make someone a good player
  7. she is squishy early game, which is why you shut her down before she can get roa udyr, trundle and skarner are pretty much not going to care about her charm so why are you complaining about a champ supposedly being op oh I see it's because you're bad maybe if you're playing with bads yes
  8. just like ryze so uh not the best just like every single champ in the game I've done the same with xerath and he's one of the least mobile champs in the game just like 90% of the champs in the game neither does anyone else who isn't jungling except for being relatively squishy and easy to shut down early game and still really easy to focus down in teamfights and still kind of vague role-wise as she's not really a good jungler and not really a primary damage dealer the thing about ahri (as well as every single new champ) is that she stops being overpowered when you stop feeding her OH SHIT A SKILLSHOT TAUNT WHAT CAN I POSSIBLY DO [OTHER THAN MOVE OUT OF THE WAY OR STAY OUT OF RANGE I GUESS???] yeah see the thing about xerath is that he has really bad matchups if you're really bad at playing as him annie vs good xerath is pretty much oh hey look annie is dead because she couldn't even get close enough to do damage
  9. it's funny that nobody cried op for xerath even though he's the best mage in the game also ahri is not op people are just stupid
  10. ten hours is still an extremely long time to wait for a video game to actually start being fun
  11. I suddenly have this enormous erection
  12. knuckles is the greatest video game character of all time so it would follow that his theme would be something as amazing as unknown from me
  13. brushfire I will give you all of the crates I have in exchange for a widowmaker
  14. final fantasies ix and x are both good examples of what I was talking about before I like both of these games I really do but the combat system is pretty much exactly the same as it has been since ffvi despite the subtle (and meaningless) nuances
  15. if anyone gets the new wrench please trade it to me
  16. yeah and my statement was that there aren't
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