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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I think it's funny how a lot of people seem to care more about the fact that this has characters from TWEWY than anything else
  2. link's awakening is one of the secret worst zeldas I mean zeldas are like a fucking cake no matter what but link's awakening is a cake that's like sort of crusty and a little bit too sweet
  3. I like how he's humming his own theme music
  4. that's because everyone with a brain knows majora's mask is the secret best zelda
  5. I don't disagree with your comparison in this case but what I'm saying is that I think Riot has made it clear that what they want (not what they have, obviously) is to have the 'Marvel' of Dotas why would they keep some of the archaic mechanics from Dota, and not others? there's just no reason to move forwards as much as LoL has and then suddenly decide to stop well, no good reason anyways also yeah LoL is the only dota I play with any regularity and I think MOBA is pretty much the dumbest term yeah this is probably true I maintain that last hitting would be best removed, but Riot is kind of trying to stay as steady as possible and not even changing the stuff that definitely needs to be changed so it's pretty unlikely that they'll change this I think how fucking difficult is it to change two goddamn champions I mean seriously it's literally been a year since the last notable changes to Twitch, it's fucking inexcusable that he's still in the state he's in I don't play Evelynn but I assume it's the same level of bullshit
  6. yeah the trick to the swordfighting is to only move the sword to the left when you want to swing left, instead of winding up to the right and then swinging left
  7. it's... boring and un-fun? again, the idea that a mechanic is already a part of the game doesn't justify it being a badly designed mechanic flash is a badly designed thing in itself, but a lot of the champs are balanced around the idea of flash existing removing it entirely would require an extensive rework of at least one third of the champions are you actually implying that nobody plays dominion because there isn't last-hitting that's so dumb on so many levels the argument here I'm pretty sure is whether or not it's feasible for riot games to remove last hitting and replace it with a better system if your response to this argument is to say that people should go play another game, I don't think you understand the point of the conversation
  8. yeah I agree that that proposal isn't in itself all that good, but last hitting definitely needs replaced with somethin' better but yeah if at any point somebody A argues that something should be changed and someone B's response is 'you're just jealous that you're so bad at the game', someone B basically needs to stand the fuck up and go the god damn hell outside
  9. things being done a certain way does not imply that things cannot be done a better way riot games has made it clear that their goal is to take the concept of dota and expand it beyond what they perceive to be un-fun or archaic game elements expecting a player to multitask whereupon the one of the most important tasks is something bizarre, boring and extremely simple is dumb imagine if you sat down to play street fighter, but your character gets more powerful as time goes on, and the only way to stay as powerful as the other player is to also play DDR at the same time that's basically what last hitting is ha ha ha! ha ha ha that's funny you're doing the same thing with these complaints that people do with shaco complaints; assuming they're something that they aren't and then dismissing them unfairly in shaco's case, people think they should change his kit - someone like you might assume it's because they think he's overpowered, but no, it's actually just because playing against shaco is really fucking unfun in this case it's not really that last hitting is difficult, it's that last hitting for the first twenty goddamn minutes of the game is so excruciatingly boring that I have to wonder if anyone who argues in favor of it isn't literally a Hutt who thinks that playing a tune-less rhythm game for twenty minutes isn't the utmost kind of exhilarating yeah man it's so dumb that people think that 'don't attack anything so that your minions get pushed back so that the enemy wave is under your tower so you can farm safely repeat for twenty fucking minutes unless lee sin decides to come stick his dick in your ear in which case you're fucked' is like somehow undesirable in some mysterious way! god forbid people want to actually fucking enjoy playing video games
  10. kim schmitz has not been sentenced yet nor has he even stood trial
  11. the filler of an anime series has no bearing on the quality of the manga its based on
  12. naruto and bleach are actually pretty fucking awesome and I have good reason to believe one piece is as well
  13. the thing about anime is that at this point most anime is actively trying to be anime instead of a show that just happens to be anime, so as to fit into a culture that likes anime regardless of quality or artistic merit because that's what they believe their culture is supposed to do it pretty much started going downhill with the advent of lucky star
  14. anyone who thinks the music in cowboy bebop is jazz doesn't know anything about jazz music that's not to say that cowboy bebop doesn't have great music, because it does
  15. yeah on a sociological scale media piracy is essentially a reaction to having to pay thirty fucking dollars for a single shitty dvd in the era of netflix it's clear that not only can direct view, non-time oriented programming flourish, but it's more profitable than any alternatives and is generally more respected by its customers if music and video games and television and books could all just learn to embrace similar business models, piracy would see a significant downturn
  16. yeah, and this is why you have no taste because you're not entertained by artistic liberty you're a horrible person
  17. actually that's exactly why it's good when a piece of entertainment strives only to please by being the same as everything else, that's when it has no artistic value and is therefore pretty bad I mean that's a super cool opinion you have there and all but uh yeah enjoy having no taste
  18. "- Did not update the localization files" uh cool?
  19. I think Elder Scrolls should be more like Call of Duty
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