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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. see a lot of people tend to say this even though it was almost exactly the same as every single other ff battle system except for the cool little mechanic where you uh get the game to play itself I guess the thing about the final fantasy series is that I don't think people actually have any idea what they're talking about when they say good or bad things about it
  2. ff13 was a really bad game but I also think that a lot of complaints aimed at it can also be applied to every other final fantasy game
  3. okay I will her monologues aren't eerily similar in both content and speech
  4. maybe if you like wow, yeah consider that this might just be the most expensive game ever made and just how easily all that money could have gone towards making this story into a movie or tv series or comic book now instead what they've apparently given us is a story that we get to hear bits and pieces of but then are barred from the next chapter until we've killed twenty banthas and collected their poodoos
  5. so did this game turn out to be 'wow featuring star wars' or what
  7. why sacred stones instead of blazing sword :c oh well wario land is fucking awesome
  8. opinions are subjective and despite popular conception this does not mean that they are infallible when I say you have a bad opinion I'm not saying that your opinion is clearly wrong or something, I'm saying that what your opinion is made of does not really make any sense for example, the part where you said that the music was just rehashed from super mario galaxy, or where you said that you enjoyed mario galaxy, but mario galaxy 2 was "stale" - even though critical examination of those games reveals that super mario galaxy actually reused more music than super mario galaxy 2 (or super mario 3d land, for that matter), and that super mario galaxy actually took less innovative design risks than super mario galaxy 2 did, which would therefore make mario galaxy 2 the one that is the least stale in the list of entries used in this response, which would therefore make your statement that 'galaxy was at least refreshing' sort of invalid which would make your opinion invalid I mean it's your right to be able to have that opinion, but it's kind of stupid to say that "nobody with an ounce of intelligence would say something like" call your opinions bad, because not only does it imply that you don't know what subjectivity is, but you're also being a hypocrite by insulting somebody for disliking or disagreeing with your opinion - even though that's just, like, their opinion, man
  9. yeah, you don't see, and that's why nobody cares about what you think about this zelda game because your opinions are malformed and childish
  10. yeah the thing about skyward sword's controls is that they are pretty flawless in execution the problem with them is the misleading presentation i.e the sword controls are not really 1:1 at all
  12. you realize that the stamina being limited is an integral part of almost a third of the puzzles in the game and by turning it off you're simultaneously ruining that instance of the design and also admitting to being an enormous child
  13. or maybe you just have bad opinions
  14. the voice acting is relatively really good if you've played oblivion
  15. it's not really the end of anything since he's still going to be developing games
  16. if the question is 'why don't mario games have powerups that let you fly over the whole game anymore', one would think the answer is obvious
  17. why even bother asking stupid questions if you already know the answer
  18. hee hee that's a cute little opinion
  19. I've really been wrestling with whether or not I want to get this, since I apparently can't play as Waluigi
  20. I can't wait until nobody buys this
  21. http://youtu.be/KLEW4_TCv6U alternatively http://youtu.be/xVP_E8IkbPM
  22. not only is this clearly the best 3DS game so far, it might actually be the best game released this year
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