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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. $49,000 of which is earned from people who link the fucking songs to everyone they know and tell them how it's totally the worst song and therefore you should listen to it and then everyone is like WHY IS POP MUSIC TERRIBLE YOU GUYS I KEEP LISTENING TO IT AND BUYING IT BUT IT NEVER GETS BETTER
  2. my uncle works for nintendo and he totally says that pikablu is real
  3. I have an arcade stick and the one broken button aside I'm really bad with it compared to pad
  4. I'm all for anything that kills call of duty
  5. I was thinking of obtained in the wild. Events didn't cross my mind.
  6. There is no way to legitimately obtain Arceus in any English-language game as of yet.
  7. catch a volcarona oh I can use this to hatch my egg the egg contains a larvesta
  8. in my experience rules for professional pokemon playing usually involves banning everything that a five year old would find annoying and then watching as a bunch of sneering pedantic asshats try to out-Spikes each other
  9. has anybody mentioned their god awful website design
  10. anti-nuclear people are one of two people a) greenpeace idiots that thing let's just stick windmills everywhere people who have been swindled by Old White Men of America into believing that we should continue using fossil fuels and lining their pockets
  11. to be honest ZP is right about 95% of the time
  12. the best part of sentinel force is how if you do it as fast as possible it sounds like sentinel is singing a tune about sentinel force
  13. My current go-to team is Wesker/Tron/Arthur.
  14. how am I supposed to teleport if I am busy being in hitstun/blockstun also how am I supposed to call in assists if they are just going to also take damage from zero's shippuga also why does advancing guard only push zero far enough away for him to just use shippuga again and hit me immediately because I'm still in blockstun this is not me being sarcastic this is just me asking questions that nobody seems to want to answer
  15. the best part of the fighting game community is when they tell you to counter things but don't bother to tell you how
  16. the best part of the drop system is getting a blutsauger after four days of nothing at all
  17. oh my god oh my god lifesteal knife
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