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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. Good, now I don't have to type how I feel about this. I'd be really happy to see a new studio rise out of the ashes, made up of past Rare team members. Something like Clover Studios -> Platinum Games.
  2. In about 15-20 ranked matches, I've never seen Sentinel. I've fought plenty of Dante's and Ammy's, but no Sentinel. Why does everyone keep complaining about him? I've never fought him, nor have I had to worry about some kind of beam spam. Sure, I meet Deadpool players who just use Trigger Happy over and over. But that's what super jump, and Hulk's armor is for! In fact, I'm feeling much more confident about online. Out of approx. every 3 matches, I'm winning two of them. It turns out Hulk is good for just about anything, as long as he doesn't get 100% combo'd to death. But that goes with every character, no?
  3. That Hulk tip looks like it'll come in handy. I just wish I knew a good way to stop Ammy, and how to close the gap when Dante is backing far away from Hulk. I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna watch these things a lot!
  4. I'm afraid I won't be contributing my gamertag anytime soon. My first venture into Ranked today was...off-putting, to say the very least. I was below mediocre in MvC2, and I'm just as bad here, if not worse. It's crazy. Part of me thought I was doing good when I got thru arcade with no continues, but I guess I was dead wrong. I've won 2 in about 20 matches and it's pretty fricking frustrating. I'm not gonna lie, I'm freezing up and whiffing my combos, and it gets me killed pretty often. Only a few times has some crazy dude come by and 100% combo'd my rear. I was seriously pissed when all was said and done. Maybe The Derrit will be a cool guy and give me some Hulk tips? As in, how to get those Ammy spammers off of my back?
  5. As far as big, bad bosses in fighting games go, Galactus is petty tame. I beat Normal arcade with no continues on my second try. HULK SMASH STUPID PLANET EATER!!! Although, my first meeting with him was hilarious! There he is, all intimidating and what not. I go to face him as Zero. The first thing Galactus does is smash me like a bug, Zero instantly dies. I felt so pwned...
  6. So, that article states that Jill is actually not finished. Good. For once, Capcom isn't trying to rip us off.
  7. Played for about 5 hours today. 2/3rds of that was just spent in training mode. Do you know what I hate most? Learning curve. There's nothing I hate worse that feeling like a clumsy oaf, jumping like a monkey in the stage, hoping and praying that something good will come out of my button mashing. Of course, whiffing most of my hyper combos doesn't help matters. Regardless of my fighting game fail, this game is definitely the best fighting game I've ever seen or played. The graphics are stunning eye candy, the controls and gameplay work exactly as expected, and the characters ooze style and charm. Speaking of characters, I'm definitely going to have to tweak my team. Spiderman might be out all together. I used to rely heavily on his Web Swing in MvC2. It's mind-bogglingly-stupid that the move has changed from quarter-turn back, to that Z movement thingie. I always HATED that Z movement thingie! I just can't pull it off. I have no problems with quarter turns and half turns, but that Z thing completely screws me over. Combined with that, and Spidey feeling much more clunky that before, and I'm probably gonna switch him out for Wesker or maybe Super Skrull. Zero, meanwhile, is hardly the Mega Man replacement some hoped he would be. But I knew that would be the case, so I'm not surprised. I suppose there's nothing wrong with him, per se, but his moveset doesn't click with me, so he's probably out. Maybe for Viewtiful Joe. Joe can go crazy with that aerial rave of his! Then comes Wolverine. He is actually all I hoped he would be. He comes fast, he can bridge the distance gap no problem, and he's easy to combo with. To top it off, he actually got a brand new move that lets him slash opponents right next to him, or even teleport behind them! Genius! X-23 felt way too different from him, so she won't be replacing him, despite what I thought earlier. So yeah...so many characters have way more potential this time, it's just great! Can't wait to play more tomorrow. I'd get back to it right now...but my hands are tired.
  8. Gonna pick up my 360 copy at Best Buy tomorrow. I got a Xmas gift card I've been saving. I can't wait to play! Of course, I'll be staying away from online until I can put up something resembling an effort. My team is gonna be Spiderman/Wolverine/aaaaaannnnnddd...Zero, I guess. Maybe, just maybe it will be Arthur, but he will probably be too different from Mega Man to make a good replacement. Who knows, I might like someone new. I'm gonna try out a bunch of characters before I make any final decisions.
  9. Alright tough guy, how long until the unassociated pros of MvC2 came to an undivided conclusion as to the official list of tiers for the characters? I HIGHLY doubt they made up something concrete BEFORE the friggen game was officially released. Please.
  10. Yeah. Anyways, it took a long time to solidify the tiers for MvC2. Let's give it a while before we claim that such and such character is broken, okay?
  11. If I wanted to see poor-man complaints about dominant hands and tree-models, I'd go back to gamefaqs. You people should know better than that. I am disappoint.
  12. You guys are the best....*glares*
  13. Firefox needs an add-on that automatically recognizes spoilers and hides them. If you click on it, then it reveals itself. If you don't then you don't see the spoilers and have cool and awesome moments in a game spoiled before you've played the game! For pete's sake, I already knew John Marston's fate before I beat the game! That's just not cool. Spoilers, man.
  14. Oh for frick's sake! Thank you for spoiling some of Heavy Rain, Yahtzee! It's not like I haven't played it, and wouldn't have loved to keep that little story nugget about it a surprise, isn't it?! For the love of cream pies, I'd better boycott the entire interwebz before you blabber off about who the Origami Killer is!!! I FRIGGEN HATE SPOILERS!!!!!! :banghead:/rage At least this review was pretty gosh-darn hilarious.
  15. Epic Yarn wasn't a variable. Epic Yarn is a different game with a nice cream puff filling.
  16. I thought you were looking for a Kirby game? While this game is insufferably cute and easy, it is also fun and endearing. I would recommend this over Amazing Mirror, but not over Nightmare in Dreamland. This game is quite good, but I would recommend it the least. Honestly, I barely remember it since my first couple of playthroughs during the earlier half of the millenium. Maybe it's a sign? This game really gets back to the basics with Kirby. It's nice for quick pick-up-and-play sessions. On the other hand, you're not really getting a ton of substance for a game. The abilities are all one-trick ponies. Really fun ponies, but still. What the fudge is wrong with you? KSSU is worth eleventy billion dollars at least. BUY IT NAO!!!!!
  17. That sucks. I mourn for your loss. A loss you can't even appreciate.
  18. For those of you who haven't seen it, this combo video is pretty amazing.
  19. Kirby, by and large, has remained consistently great in my eyes. The only game that really lost an edge, to me, was Squeak Squad. I've enjoyed everything else he's put out in one way or another. I loved him the first time I played Kirby's Adventure. I loved him (the most) in Superstar. And I know I'll love him again when his newest game comes out. Kirby can't fail, as far as I'm concerned.
  20. XD, really? Instead of making better tech, we're adapting to bad tech? Gaming, I am disappoint.
  21. Ssssssshhhhhhhh.... Guys, if Darkesword hears you, he won't be happy. Arguing makes him sad. Just play nice before he comes to take our toys away.
  22. Bleck is talking smack and taking names. Ya'll best check yo self!
  23. Controlling a camera with my middle fingers comes easily and naturally, right? Especially when I can't SEE those fingers. What a joke. >_>
  24. I hope the Mega Man DLC comes soon. I just can't wait to pay for a character that should have already been in the game.
  25. Thank goodness. I would probably hate Metroid if he was the mastermind.
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