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Everything posted by Gario

  1. Nah - I'm a hack remixer who really loves the raising standards of this site (as it prevents me from embarrassing myself with old music that was really crap-tastic). Go OCR!
  2. Clearly not... but you do know who Chuck Norris is, right? Only a god among men...
  3. Orchestrating a midi isn't orchestration. You need to know the limits of the instruments and why they are limited in such a fashion - with midi you don't have any limitations, so you lose some central elements to orchestration (it's funny looking at a score from midi compositions - believe me, most of them show a complete lack of understanding the limitations of instruments). For the sake of the sound, I agree with this. If your in your school band or orchestra, one of the best things you can do is talk with your classmates about how they play their instrument, what's hard for them and what's not, etc., and listen to what every instrument is doing in the music you play (if your not in band or orchestra, then shame on you ). That'll help more than anything. ...and don't forget to listen to other classics thoroughly - that's 'instrumental' to your success (sorry, bad pun ).
  4. Wow, this fulfills two things that I've been waiting for a long time for... 1.) Another Mazedude mix 2.) A remix of MM2 Wily stage 3-4 3.) A remix using clipping as a musical element Wait, that's three things... Anyhow, once again Mazedude is here to show us what the full potential of remixing is. I'm amazed that you could make the fuzz as musical as you did, and you have my thanks for doing it. I salute him, too... but I doubt he could roundhouse Chuck Norris.
  5. Hopefully there will be more people who finish this time around - I'll do what I can to get something finished for this project (as long as I don't have the Donkey Kong 'Hammer Theme' or something ).
  6. Yeah, I've been using the ISO for some time now... but without the keys on the CD case I can't reinstall it... ... and how the HELL did you make your CD explode?!
  7. I can't get on Bnet, at the moment (or for a while, by the looks of it). I'm afraid I've got to forfeit the match. Sorry - I'll enjoy watching what you guys got, though. Thus, Elesarana would be winner by default... Gah! I wish I could find my original CDs to reinstall the damn thing so I could fix this, but I lost them (I wouldn't have this problem if I had them ).
  8. It was in the WIP forums not long ago... you'd probably be able to find it with the search bar, in fact. I agree that I'd like to see the final product, though.
  9. Finding this request has made my day. There's really only one song in Wrecking Crew, though... and whoever remixes it would be my hero .
  10. 2008 contest... Wait, you didn't sign up for it last year? Then how is that... nevermind, not important.EDIT: Oh shit, it was just explained - my bad
  11. Alright, Nekofrog - I've got my match set up for tomorrow afternoon. Sorry about the delay... I'll send our replays to you as soon as the matches are finished (I'm sorry if that screwed you up at all ).
  12. He isn't, trust me Adler is great (that's what I read in college), but the best way to learn is simply listen to how other composers used the instruments together. The real trick with orchestration is learning: a.) What instruments make what sound (Timbre) b.) What combinations sound good to you c.) How to balance the sound of smaller and larger ensembles Listen to what other composers do to achieve the effects they want and experiment on your own - that's the best way to learn (Of course, an orchestration book helps, too ).
  13. I'm trying to help you not get this locked - if you keep arguing about it here you'll lose this thread, like your other one. I'm 100% indifferent on the subject your talking about (DS did give some good advice, though), but I'm annoyed when something other than a request comes up on this forum - don't abuse the forum, please.
  14. Wow, I haven't done this in a while. Fun, as always
  15. Wow, the brass is really strong this time around! Nice job - that's what I wanted to hear! I liked the little variations that you added - it adds quite a bit of flavor to the one-to-one approach you've taken to the theme . It sounds like it's closing up there at the end, but the sudden cut off ending just doesn't sound natural. Instead of keeping all of that motion in the voices until the end I'd recommend sustaining a chord (or have the instruments move simultaneously, if they move at all) - keeping all of the voices moving at the end against each other there really implies that the music is going to move on. Other than the ending I can't find much wrong with it. Great job!
  16. I have no clue how the source sounds, but this is pretty bad ass. I have to second Tepid's comment - I can't wait for this to be on the front page .
  17. Nope - that's a list of an older competition (it says 2008, there). I guess you could complete your source from that competition as well, if you like the source .
  18. The changes you made are certainly an improvement (especially since you dropped out that pulsing bass for a little while then gave it a triumphant return - it works better that way ). As for the 'right' direction, that's entirely up to you - I personally like the eastern sound you've added, but if you feel that it's starting to sway towards the source a bit too closely that's understandable, too. As long as the rest of the song can make up for the source similarity with some impressive arranging later I think it'll work just fine .
  19. Cripes, today was the deadline!? I didn't know it had one - sorry about that! I'll try to get something going with her tomorrow or something (in other words - ASAP ).
  20. Yeah, and besides - this is the remix request forum, not community, anymore. Keep the C&D drama out of here, please; that's not what this is for. Darkesword Locked the other thread for a reason - read it and learn.
  21. Be careful, ! I think he was talking about the source he was submitting, not the challenge he got .
  22. True - although perhaps you should, just in case people don't get their music done on time. It'll give you some room for error .
  23. I think that would make a great ska remix, lol. I love this song, personally - it's one of those gems that really set FFVI apart from the rest of the series .
  24. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=556573#post556573 Nope, basically the same (although I never discourage it - I've just learned never to get my hopes up ).
  25. As mentioned earlier, my brother did it, so yeah, siting experience . He had to reinstall Windows on his computer in order to fix THAT mess (I mean, I don't think the USB ports even worked after he did that, lol).
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