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Everything posted by TheSnowStorm

  1. lol I forgot the prices for those tickets (a friend of mines work at Busch, he gets in free lucky bastard!) and yeah, they could be sold out. lol sorry everyone! Anime Central, huh? That would not be so bad. Is it free? Also on a side note, I wonder, since one day, I wanna perform for an anime or gaming convention, do you have to like, get connections for musical shit? I heard of cases of amuter musicians doing that sort of thing. Or no?
  2. Old. Actually, it came out recently and it's pretty damn well done for a fan work. FMA is like one of the very few anime of this decade that I actually enjoyed watching but I have missed out on a lot of it so whatever. I've been itching to see "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suyzawhatsherface" for a while. Is it really a good series or is it just bullshit hype?
  3. 20 years of innovation...
  4. They're pretty damn good themselves. I heard their arrangement of the Metal Gear Solid 1-3 themes and they got me hook on them.
  5. So while I was trying to find an orchestra doing anime music via YouTube, I came across some Inuyahsa's music. Now, I given up on the series since it's Dragon Ball Z with Fud. Japan myths and crap but see the word "Orchestra" made me think "You know, this may not be so bad seeing I did like the music of the series during my young teen hood." So, I click on the link and look at what I have found: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xLyTO3Qp2M&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX5yM...eature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP3jO...eature=related An orchestra doing music from Inuyasha.. My first action when I heard the music playing was "My god, this shit is amazing!" and the best part: NO ANNOYING J-POP SINGERS! Anyways, what orchestras have done anime music and do you have like a link to the site or anything? EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dfnLdEXoVs If somebody ever did an orchestra arrangement of that song not only would I be shocked but also be "wow, what the hell?"
  6. Even through it's not a remix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi8gJcnxkgk Seems good if you're on a long train ride or road trip.
  7. If St. Louis is pick during the 4th of July Weekend, it's a no-go seeing I'll be out of town during that time. If you're a hardcore baseball fan, a OCR met-up would be nice during the All-Stars '09 games.
  8. Those elevators are pretty cool but the space is so small for a big guy like me. Yep!
  9. Which one? Union Station?
  10. St. Louis is not a bad city since ther are a lot of places you can go for free but it is a bit bland.
  11. Keys: LT - Long Term ST - Short Term My To-Do List: 1. Buy a MIDI-To-USB cable (ST) 2. Do one more final edit of my arrangement of Sailor Saturn's (Sailor Moon S) theme and make it to a MP3 and try to make it so I don't stop in between like I did in my original video. (hope to be ST) 3. Write down the notes for the new original song I'm working on the violin (I know the notes but I need to write them down for record keeping) (ST) 4. Submit at least one remix to OC ReMiX and Anime Remix before I die, the sites shut down, or I move (which ever comes first). (LT) 5. Make a MP3 of this arrangement for Fire Emblem fans: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQmO8e990ec (And make it one step higher in making) (ST) 6. Improve on my violin skills (as in learning how to play in the 4th position and fully learn 3rd position) (S to LT) 7. Apply to Beeklee (ST within six months) 8 Join a local community college orchestra. I can do 1, 2, and 5 in little of 3-5 week since my birthday is coming soon and I am planning on getting a MIDI-To-USB cable.
  12. Shadow had sex with a jailbait human so it's like to him "Whatever". A huge part of my childhood...
  13. Well Moogle, this put it as this: Would you start boxing as a pro at age 35? I mean Rocky did that but it's just a movie, you know. Usually, a lot of composers start out young and I think the guy who did the music for CATS was only 19. Tommy Tallarico was in his late teens or early 20s when he started as well as Jeremly Soule (in fact, Soule was in high school when he started composing for Sqaure USA). So yeah, a lot of composers for video games start out rather young but I think the average age is like 21-24? Also to everyone who is saying I was too nice: The kid's a kid and it's bad enough I'm we're hard enough on the next generation and this one (but then again, sometimes, they deserve it) but also, the kid gotta understand reality. And the fact I have a good warn history on that site.
  14. I know music stores may sell video game music but that is very rare.
  15. Because he wants to be a Brass Player for Video Games or think all money making companies have their own personal orchestras.
  16. That's why I was faceplaming and told him to network like there's no tomorrow. You can't just apply to any job in the video game industry and I did not want the kid to learn that the hard way. Then again, I barely understand the dark humor of OC ReMix so what am I to say anything?
  17. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=15284&pid=490402&st=0entry490402 My statement: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=15284&view=findpost&p=490402 Long story short: Some kid whines about video game music being nothing but MIDI and thinks he's outta job.
  18. I don't have a wife so I don't care!
  19. Those two states are consider more mountain area more than anything else. Damn, all you people living in and around St. Louis! I'm gonna get stalk! (I already know that Moseph lives by Wash U.) That would be awesome but I don't have money or a way to get up to Chicago.
  20. I was just wondering, are there any OC Remix Members and Remixers from the Midwest? I'm not planning a met up or anything but I just wanna know out of curiosity seeing to me, the majority of OC Remix members and remixers are from the West and East coast. I am from Eastern Missouri.
  21. Hyadain's remixes are very, very good and the man is very talented. My favorites are his verison of Terra's theme (FF6) and The Four Lords Theme (FF4)
  22. I'm thinking of waiting until the DS Lite prices drop to $70 and buy one. I don't really care for the new features for the DSi
  23. Like I said, it was recent memory. I haven't play much video games in a while. There was a boss in Fire Emblem 5 (SNES) that I consider to be fuckin' hard because his defense (both magical and physical) was near maxed, he had a powerful spell book which could (and often) OHKO anyone, and he would rest on a fortress, which gives I think +20 to defense and +5 to evade and also, it heals an unit's HP to max every round.
  24. Hmm, the hardest boss in recent memory that comes to mind is fighting against King Bowser in Paper Mario. Honestly, give me a name of a final boss who heals himself to almost max HP in a final boss fight?
  25. I recently went to a mini-arcade a while back ago in a movie theater. I reflected on my younger days of when arcades were dying out, but were still a bit big. I take arcades over online play since you can see the person you are fighting against and any attempt at talking shit could result in an ass beating.
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